Dr.Sharmili Virginity Taken – Indian Sex Stories

Hi guys and gals.

This is Dr. Manigopal from Guntur aged 27. I am a great fan of iss.net and was eagerly waiting to post my experience. I don’t want to post any false stories and hence was waiting for a real experience to happen and it happened in a great fashion.

Let me describe u myself. I am a good looking male, 5-10 height with weight proportionate to my height. Without wasting time ill directly come to my first exp. This all happened few months back. After reading all the stories and real exp. in iss.net i was very much aroused to have a real exp. of mine too. So i started chatting on net for hours with which i studied my M.B.B.S. And my time came when i met Sharmili on the net. We were already good friends back in college. So initially we had a great chat we used to meet regularly in net and used to chat for hours. When as few days passed we became close friends.

Once i was supposed to go to Hyderabad and told her that i am coming and wanted to meet her. She was reluctant for that i could not understand what the reason was but insisted her to meet me. When i insisted her a lot then she revealed that she is afraid as she is a Muslim from a conservative family. She thought of telling me the same much earlier but was afraid that she might lose me. I was disappointed initially but was happy to know that she is finally agreed. So we planned to meet one Saturday.

On the prescribed day i went to the place 30 min before. I was very much thrilled as i was going to meet her for the first time after a long time. I was in blue jeans and a shirt waiting for her. We both planned that we will come in the same color dress. I saw a girl standing quite a bit distance from me looking for someone and she too was in blue jeans and a t shirt. I instantly recognized her as she has not changed much. I took the initiative and approached her.

Me: hi Sharmili! Long time! How are you?

She: i am fine. How about you?

Me: gr8… Nice meeting u dear. Come let’s sit and talk.

We both sat and for a while there was utter silence. Though we know each other well in college and chatting but i don’t know why we could not speak a word then.

Finally i broke the silence with a compliment on her figure and she responded positively for my complement. We had a quite chat admiring each other and most of the time staring each other. That day we spend like that and promised to meet again soon.

I could not sleep properly that night as her sharp looks and pounding boobs were continuously disturbing me. Let me describe u about her. She was fair looking around 5-7 height 34-28-36 stunning figure. The next day i left an offline message to her saying that i want to meet her immediately as i have to tell her important news. I did not get a reply for 2 days from her and was wondering what might have happened and finally on the third day i got a reply that she can meet me at her house and gave me the address. I was worried why she was calling me to her house. But i thought that i must go there as i was mad after her beauty.

On the same weekend i rang the bell of her house and was happy to see her opening the door. We exchanged formalities and i went inside and sat on the sofa and was watching television. When asked her she told me that her parents were out of station and will come 2 days later. And when i asked why she did not go…Her reply made me mad about her. She told me that she too wanted to meet me so she skipped the tour saying that she has some extra classes in her college which are very important. I was very much excited on hearing this from her. With a relaxed mind i was watching television when she came from the kitchen holding some snacks and sat beside me. She was in nighty and i was in jeans and shirt.

She was very close to me. Her legs touching mine and i was feeling uncomfortable. But i decided to take my own time. And controlled myself and was busy in watching a movie when suddenly she broke the silent and asked me “why did u want to meet me so eagerly”? I could not reply for that but posed the same question to her as why she was much eager to meet me. She too did not reply and whole room filled with silence. I was changing TV channels continuously and while doing it i saw a hot romantic song in a movie in Telugu film.

I looked at her with passionate eyes and she too looked at me. I took her face in my hands and kissed her cheeks and looking in to her eyes i told” i love u Shalu” she all of a sudden hugged me and responded positively. I too hugged her and started kissing all over her face. Licked all over her face and finally locked her lips with mine and started kissing her. She closed her eyes and responded positively to me. I kissed her lips to full extent and finally she opened her mouth and we explored each other to the max extent. After kissing for 15-20 min i broke the kiss. We both sat again as if nothing has happened but i was getting out of control and again hugged her and placed my mouth on her melons. and started sucking them from outside. She was moaning aaaaaaaa

Ohhhhhhhhhhh ………….Aaaaaaaaa maniiiiiiiiii iam lovinnnnnnnnnnnn it…

Do it…

I took her in my lap and headed for the bed room. The bedroom was well decorated with scent smell all over. I slid her on the bed and lay beside her and kissed her again and opened the nighty buttons and inserted my hand inside the nighty and cupped her boobs and pressed them gently. Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh was her reaction. I looked in her eyes and opened her nighty and my jeans an t shirt. She was in her bra and panty and i was in my undies. I fell on her and start licking all over her boob. Pressing them and biting them gently. Her nipples were becoming erotic and she was enjoying a lot producing all types of sounds aaaaaaaaaaaa maniiiiii slowlyy plzzzzzzzzzzz mmmmmmmmmmm aaaaaaaa.I removed her bra and set her erected melons free from the jail and took both in my hands and started pressing. They were stunning. I took one in my mouth and other in my hand. Licking one and pressing other, pinching her nipples. She held my head tightly against her boobs and was shouting to bite them and suck them to full extent.

She was pinching me with her nails all over my body which was making me more erotic. Sucking her boobs i bend down to her navel and start licking it rolling my tongue on her navel was making her more erotic. And finally i placed my palm on her pussy and pressed it and kissed over the panty. And with one stroke i removed it and was in seventh heaven looking at the neatly shaven valley inviting me to explore it. Without any other thinking she parted her legs and i placed a kiss on her vertical lips and inserted my tongue in it and start licking it. She was jumping like anything as i was rolling my tongue in her valley. Oohohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm ………………aaaaaaaaaaaaaa ohhhhhhhhhhhh myyyyyyyyyyygodddddddddddddddddddd

I bit her clitoris which passed current in her and she came which i drank. Now it was her turn and she got up and pushed me on the bed and bit my nipples and pressed my dick which was hot and removed my undies and took it in her mouth. I was finding myself at the extremes of happiness. And was morning to her rhythm. She was an expert cock sucker. Finally i came in her mouth which she drank and cleaned my cock.

We both lay in each other arms for a while when my dick started rising again. This time i kissed all over her body; i landed on her pussy and spreading her legs wide apart i placed my dick at the tip and rubbed on her pussy teasing her a lot. She was begging me to insert it in her and tear it but i was teasing her a lot. She started using offence language “fuck me u bastard” insert your dick in my pussy and tear it apart. I beg u ” then she took my dick in her hand and guided it in her pussy. It was bit difficult for me as her pussy was very tight. But i took chance and with one stroke i inserted all in her pussy and she shouted in pain oeeeeeeeeeeeemmmmmmaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa…

I rested on her for a while and started moving to and fro slowly. Tears in her eyes for the pain but slowly she too started enjoying. I increased my speed and was moving a bit faster and she was moving in rhythm with me. Her boobs were moving in rhythm. I was holding them and making jerks and increasing my speed. I was about to cum after 30 min when i told her the same. She asked me to cum in her pussy and assured me that nothing is going to happen. I came in her pussy and she too reached her orgasm at the same time.

Finally i lost my virginity to a virgin girl. We lay in each other’s arms kissing each other for a long time and finally went to sleep.

Waiting for your replies…

Yours loving Dr. Gopal.

About Abhilasha Bakshi

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