Trainee – Indian Sex Stories

I’m Eros and this is my first story here. Please provide me with your opinions and criticisms if any. This is my own experience. So please forgive me if it is too long.

I work of an MNC in Chennai for about a year now. I was new to corporate life and being an extrovert I ended up talking when I shouldn’t have. This of course got me into a fair share of trouble but I was still learning so I dint feel too bad about it. I walked into my team’s bay on Wednesday morning and saw I had around 8 different meetings that day that said orientation. I cursed my luck and sat down with my work. Our team had only 9 members and we had a very important role to play. I was responsible for defect reduction (DR) so I had to have a complete knowledge of my team’s workings. This also meant that I was the one who had to go to the new recruit orientation programs and explain to the new guys what they might have to do if they get into my team. This was easily one of the most boring parts of my job. I had 8 sessions of that crap in one day and was virtually going nuts.

I finished 5 sessions before lunch and was walking in for my 6th session of the day. There were 5 people in this group and 4 were girls out of them. I glanced at all of them and not finding anyone interesting I started my session. 10 mins into the session I got interrupted by a knock on the door. In walks a girl and she introduced herself as Reshma and apologized for being late. I noticed she had pretty eyes but dint check her out further and continued with my session.

The following week on Monday my manager calls me for a meeting and told me I would have a new trainee to help me with the coming DR conferences and that I should clear my schedule after lunch for training. When I got back from lunch I saw a girl sitting in my cubicle. I went in and saw it was the same girl who came late during the orientation session. She recognized me immediately and smiled. I got stunned but dint show it. She had a pretty average face but beautiful eyes and a dazzling smile. I sat down and was just going through my mails to compose myself. Then I introduced myself and asked her to tell me about herself. She told me she’s a fresher and had come in through reference. Out of curiosity I asked whose and she smiled shyly and said her boyfriends. I crashed back to earth when I heard that and became more composed with her and was professional. I trained her for close to a month and she was a quick learner but made a lot of mistakes. This caused me to stay back after office hours to correct it. I then made her stay back as well and correct them under my supervision. One day when I returned from the pantry she was sitting and crying in my cubicle. I asked what happened she said it was personal and left early that day. She dint come in for the whole week.

Due to her absence I got into a lot of trouble because of her backlog and wasn’t very happy with her. She came in the next week and apologized to me. I was pissed and busy so I told her mind her own business and rushed off to a meeting. The meeting went on for a long time and by the time I got back it was around 7 30 pm. I was surprised to find her sitting and working in our cubicles. The office of mostly empty as everyone other than the people in the meeting had left.

I asked her what she s doing and she said she’s trying to clear her backlog. I told that enough for the day and told her to leave. We packed up and left. I picked up my bike from the basement and came around to the gate and saw her arguing with the security guys. I stopped and asked what was the problem and she said they won’t be able to provide her with a cab to go back home. I offered to drop her and she got on my bike. Her house was far from my place and I was very hungry. So we stopped at Wang’s and had dinner. When she got back on the bike we started talking. She was staying at her sister’s house alone and had come to this city for her boyfriend and found out that he had been sleeping with another girl from office. I just laughed and said how would you know. She said she saw him being intimate with the other girl. Then we became silent and then we reached her place. When she got off I saw that she had been crying all the way. I tried consoling her and out of cutesy she asked me if I wanted tea. I dint think much of it and went in with her. It was a decent duplex house and she went in to change. So I sat on the couch and switched on the TV. She came down wearing a t shirt and shorts. I couldn’t help but stare. She was fair and her height is around 5’5″. Beautiful long legs a tight shapely ass and tits that were like big rasagulas.

She asked me how I wanted my tea and I started stammering and when I stood up she noticed the tent in my pants and started laughing. I felt embarrassed and I left. A short distance from her place I stopped and had a smoke thinking what a fool I was. I got a call from her saying come back tea is ready. I decided to go back and as soon as she opened the door I kissed her. She just stood there shocked and my immediate thought was I’m screwed. She said come in and sits. She brought me my tea and asked me why I kissed her. I told her I find her incredibly hot and attractive and I couldn’t help myself. I also told her I don’t regret it and I’m prepared to face the consequences. She just looked at me and told me

“My boyfriend told me I’m not attractive enough sexually”.I replied “he doesn’t deserve you”.“Then who does?”“Someone who sees you for what you are!”She sat silent for some time and then asked “do you?”

I just leaned forward and kissed her softly. Then held her face in my hands and kissed with a little more intensity. I felt her reciprocating a little. Then suddenly she went wild and started kissing me hard and wrestling with my tongue and pushed me back and got on top of me. I grabbed her ass and started kneading it and pressing her hard against me. I rolled her over and got on top and ripped of her T shirt and saw her beautiful tits in a black sports bra and unhooked it. Now I understood why I dint notice her boobs at work. They were at least 34-36 C with long brownish pink nipples. I bent her legs up and started to grind my hard on against her crotch. She grabbed my head and pressed it to her boobs. Started licking and sucking her nipples and squeezing her other boob while at it.

She groaned and said “HARDER!!” I lost control and started biting her nipple and her tits and dry humping her hard. She suddenly went very stiff and moaned/screamed long and hard “MMMMMMMMHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA YYYESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS OOOOOOHHHHHHHH……” she had an orgasm but I was just getting started.

I took off my shirt and pulled down her shorts and panties in one shot. I saw her wettest and most gorgeous pussy with a little hair on top. It was dripping and had a very strong smell of her arousal. This was making me mad. I started removing my pants when she stopped me. She pushed me off and kept looking into my eyes. Slowly she un-buckled me and took off my pants and started squeezing my cock in my boxers.

I just saw a hungry sex starved look in her eyes as she removed my boxers and my cock sprang back hit her below the chin. My cock is around 7 inches and reasonably thick and precum was flowing from the tip. She grabbed my cock and slowly rubbed it along her face leaving a trail of precum while looking into my eyes. She pulled back the foreskin and licked the base of my dickhead. Another bead of precum came off the tip. She licked it off and smiled and asked me “are you ready??” before I could answer she swallowed half my cook deep into her mouth and I felt the back of her throat she was savage and fast and incredible and I caught her head and started fucking her mouth. She just kept taking me in all the way making gagging noises and moaning and squeezing my balls and playing with my asshole. I couldn’t hold it any longer and I buried my cock deep in her mouth and shot jet after jet of cum down her throat. She kept swallowing and sucking and milking my cock. When I was done I looked down to see her smiling up at me with a very slutty look on her face and just grinned back.

We just lay back on the floor and she just laughed and told me “your tea is getting cold”.I said “why don’t you heat it up for me?”

She came closer to me and pressed her tits to my face and started playing with my cock. I was so horny I was hard in an instant. As I was sucking her tits she climbed onto me and slipped my cock into her pussy slowly. The head went in and then I rammed in and pulled her down at the same time. She gasped for breath and froze while I buried my cock deep within her. Her pussy was so tight and wet and it was burning hot. She started riding me slowly and hard with her back bent back in pleasure. She was moaning loudly saying “ffffffuuuccccccccccccckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk yeeeeeeeeeeesssssssssssssssssssssss fill meeeeeeeeeeeee”.

I rolled her onto her back and started stroking long and hard into her pussy. Pull out rub the tip on her pussy lips and ram back in. She was in her own world having one orgasm after the other. She suddenly held on to my neck and told me “fuck me like a dirty little whore you bastard”. I carried her with my cock in her and put her on the couch and started ramming her pussy fast and hard. The room was filled with her moans and the squelching sounds from her pussy. She started screaming “baby cum. Cum with me aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!” I shot my load into her pussy making her come yet again that night. It was such an intense moment. Both of us fell exhausted and we fell asleep like that with my cock buried deep in her.

I woke up hearing my phone ring and realised my cock is still in her. I pulled and both our cum came flowing out of her. I saw the time and it was 1 am. I answered the cal and it was my friend asking when I’ll be back I told him I’m staying in office today and will be back the next day. Reshma woke up while I was on the phone and hugged me from behind. I could feel her tits pressing against my back and felt myself hardening. She reached forward and started caressing my cock making it really hard. After I hung up I turned around and kissed her. As I am around 5’9″ there was no problem in height while kissing. We kept kissing for a long time and she kept playing with my cock. I pushed her back against the wall and lifted one of her legs and started rubbing my cock on her pussy. Then looking deep into her eyes I pushed all the way into her. We started fucking with my holding her one leg up pushed against the wall standing. It was a slow sensual fuck that went for a while and then I came again deep in her.

We were hungry after that and had some biscuits to eat. Then I told her no one in office should know about us and she agreed. Both of us just wanted a purely sexual relationship without any emotional baggage. Then she asked me “sooo… are we gonna sleep tonight?” I answered by lifting her and carrying her to her bed room and fucking her brains out. Totally we had sex around five times that night and both of us called in sick next day. We were extremely sore from the previous nights fucking but had never felt better before.

This is my first story on this site and I hoped you liked it. Reshma and I have had many more encounters like this but I’ll put them up after I see the response to this one. Please feel free to post your comments and contact at [email protected].Happy humping

About Abhilasha Bakshi

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