a playful fight with my aunt

Hi pls do mail me your comments at [email protected]This is a story that happened when I was 22 i just had graduated from one of the most reputed colleges in Bangalore started working in an MNC. This incident happened when I was staying alone after all my college roommates had vacated after college. My neighbours were a tamilian family they consisted of 3 members and the heroine in this story is that aunty. She was a typical tamil aunty brown texture and she was not on the fat side an average tamil housewife she was around 33-35 years old.It was a sunday evening after having a cup of tea I was sitting in my flat. Since it was a boring Sunday nothing to kill time, I thot of spending some time with the small kids of our apartment who were playing in the parking lot. When I reached there I saw my neighbour uncle there with his daughter, chinnu (that’s what they call her) she was around 14 or 15 years old. Chinnu was a mentally disabled girl from her birth, so when I saw uncle and chinnu I went straight to them for a chit chat. We spoke for a sometime, regarding job, family, social issues and many other things and in between the talks i came to know he had passed out from my same college. After a couple hours talk he liked my behaviour and innocence and even chinnu liked me and was playing around with me, since we were staying on the same floor he even invited me over for a tea. As it was a boring sunday and nothing much to do i went with him to his flat which was on the same floor of mine opposite to my room. Even though he had been staying opposite to my flat for quite some time we never used to speak much other than just a hi or bye. So this was the first time we spoke for so long. Hi pls do mail me your comments at [email protected]As I entered his house for the first time, I never knew that he was opening the doors to my heaven. There I met his wife (nitya) he introduced me to her. First time when I saw aunty(nitya) she was wearing a black churidhar without a shawl and the color of her dress was making her golden brown skin glow and she was one of the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, she even doesn’t wear much jewelleries just a chain with mangalsutra and earings. She had the perfect shape of hardworking indian housewife nice round boobs and a perfectly shaped ass and the dress she was wearing showed out the sexiness of her body. I could say she was not fat nor so lean, but had a very plump body “the perfect Indian aunty”. I never had any bad thots or intention of trying out her I was innocent as much as uncle had believed. The first day went on fine and we all became friends. And as days passed by the family got really attached to me specially chinnu their daughter she started hanging around in my house more often, even I liked to play around with her. Hi pls do mail me your comments at [email protected]Uncle since he was working for an mnc in a senior post he used to be busy and wouldn’t be at home most of the time. He used to be on business trips most of the time and so I used to help aunty whenever she needed to go for shopping’s or any household things when uncle is not around. And the family treated me as their younger brother who was ready to help his sister when brother in law was not there. When I say like a brother you can understand the freedom they have given me. I could go to their house anytime, even they used to come into my flat without a knock. Aunty used to call me regularly to her house for eating it doesn’t matter what time of the day it is. If aunty has prepared something special then I would be a sure guest. In this six months of time and in the many visits to their house I had seen aunties private parts many a times like her half boobs, legs her navel. She was very careless about her dress even if I was there. She used to wear all kind of dress at home like nightie, saree, churidars without shawl and all these dress used to give me different view. Which even I used to see accidently and enjoy those few seconds but never had any thots of having sex with her. Hi pls do mail me your comments at [email protected]Even ones I had massaged her leg, i still remember, uncle was out of station and it was around 7.00 in the evening aunty had called me saying that she had slipped from the apartments stairs and hit her knees on the wall. Standing on my doorsteps she pulled up her nightie till her knees and showed me, it was soaring a bit and there was a small bruise on her knees. Seeing this i told her lets go to a doctor, for which she denied and said it would be fine by morning. And if I could apply some oil and massage her legs. Without a second thot I agreed to her and I walked her to the sofa and told her to keep her leg on the table. She had raised her nightie till her lower part of her thighs and kept her leg on the table. I took the oil from her shelve and sat on the floor close to her legs. I poured it on her knees and then applied a little pressure on her knees and started massaging her leg downwards. She had a very small amount of hair on her leg which was silky smooth to massage. And the shape of her legs shows that she was an active sports woman in her college. Her legs were a bit heavy but I couldn’t feel much of any stiffness anywhere in her leg just the plumpness and smoothness of a woman’s leg with a bit of small hair. I did the massaging for almost an hour, it was a wonderful scene to see my hands rubbing all over her leg with oil I even massaged under her feet and she laid back on to the sofa relaxing. In between I asked her “how are you feeling now” she said much better in a very dozy voice. And after almost an hour of massage her nightie had gone far more up but I couldn’t see her panty coz it was properly cover by the nightie. Then after 10 more minutes of massage she said “thank you john, I guess it should be better by tomorrow” and went off to sleep. So this was how close I became to their family. Hi pls do mail me your comments at [email protected] But things changed on a Saturday afternoon it was almost 8 months since I met them, it was my off day around 2.00 in the noon. I had finished my lunch and was browsing thru the net to kill time. I was wearing a sleeveless inner baniyan and mundu (dhoti that’s worn in Kerala) i usually don’t wear underwear’s when I am at home. Sitting in my room I heard someone banging on my door it was chinnu who was banging. She wanted me to play with her and she pulled me to her house. On reaching their house I called out for nitya aunty for which she replied me back from the bathroom. Chinnu then pulled me to their bedroom and was showing me her toys and deliberately pulling me into her small world of toys. And later when aunty came out I understood she was having a bath her hair was still wet with a few water droplets on her face which she was wiping out walking towards us. And I did notice that her bra and panty was laying on the dressing table along with her pavadai (something that woman wear inside the nightie). She was wearing a yellow nightie I guess she came into change her inner wears since I was there she couldn’t put on the inner wear and her pavadai.. The room was now filled with the freshness of her soap. As she walked towards us I could make out that she wasn’t wearing anything inside other than the nightie. She seeing me casually asked whether i had lunch for which I replied yes. After clearing the water from her hair for some time, she sat on the corner of the bed resting her head on the wall with a pillow and started reading some magazine. After almost half an hour we had stopped playing her toys and chinnu started playing with the other pillow and she was hitting me with that. For some time I kept on laying on the bed ignoring her and then she increased the speed of hitting for which I reacted by taking the pillow from aunties back in which aunties head slightly hit on the wall but she ignored us and continued reading the magazine and then i started hitting chinnu back. When I hit her back out of nowhere chinnu jumped on to me for which I lost my balance and fell on aunty. I fell into a position where my head was laying on aunties leg just above her knees and I could feel the softness of her thighs on my head. Chinnu took this as a victory and continued hitting. At this time nitya just took the pillow from my hand and she also started hitting me in a playful way saying how dare you take the pillow from me. And now I was struggling to get up and take the pillow back from nithya aunty. Then I somehow got up on my knees and jumped on to nitya to get my pillow in that move she turned around was lying on her stomach keeping the pillow under her. When I got close to her in the fight for getting back the pillow she raised her ass little bit to push me away and keep the pillow tightly under her. But what happened here was she got into a doggy position with me and my dick was exactly positioned at her ass crack. Since we both weren’t wearing any inner wear, I cud literally feel the roundness and softness of her ass on my dick. The rubbing on her instantly made my dick hard and she cud feel the erection too I guess coz the nightie she was wearing was made from some real soft satin material. But she still hung on to the pillow and now my hand was touching the sides ofher braless boobs which was squeezed in between the pillow and my dick was so hard that I could feel my dick going in between her legs and I could feel the heat of her pussy when I pushed my dick a bit more. And her daughter was busy hitting me with her pillow. Now she was starting to lose her grip on the pillow. And my 7 inch cock has got its full power and was rubbing on her pussy lips over the nightie, now even I had lost full control and I hugged her tightly in such a way that her boobs were crushed into my hands, that’s when I felt how erect her nipples are. My lips were on her neck and we both were starting to sweat in no time and I could smell the aroma of her body. Now she was losing the grip and she put the pillow under her stomach and lied down. And by this time her nightie was really loose from down and when she spread her leg a bit I could feel my dick go into her wet pussy even thru that nightie. I continued rubbing her pussy lips with the tip of my dick for a few more minutes, and the rubbing had its effects I could feel some warmth in my dick which I guess we both had a cummed. I had cummed in my mundu and she in her nightie which was now wet in that part. I layed in that position for some more time holding her plump boobs, I could hear her breathing and she had sweated a lot. And when I looked at her eyes it was closed and her face was half buried into the bed. I couldn’t believe what happened when I came back into my senses I got up from her body and went to my flat without saying a word.This was just the beginning of my relation with my aunt. More stories to come would be highly appreciated if you could take the time to mail me your comments.Pls do mail me your comments at [email protected]

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