A Story Of A Male Stripper

Hi everyone reading this i am a male stripper, 25 years old hugely build, broad chest, broad neck, dark in color, average height around 5.8”inch, quite muscular legs and a 7 inch penis, i love going to houses of those who wants me specially milfs (mom i like to fuck), life of a stripper is not that easy or that simple you need to keep on your skills working.

So here is my story about how i was manufactured to a stripper. Shocked?

Yes i was never a stripper i was a college student and still am, who was filled with opium of sex, always wanted to fuck moms all around, masturbation was a daily routine in my time table, i even wanted to fuck my aunt still i fantasize her, the bulge in my penis is big means yes its eye catching, i purposely walk around with skin tight jeans lifting my 7 inch snake upside so that when i get electrified on a site of a hot women walking around in my colony i get my cock erected and a extruding lump out of my pants shows up, i love milf’s, i am a milf craze i love to fancy about older women and yes girls with big boobs, big ass, long nails i love busty girls in short.

So here is my story this is when i was 24, i was coming from college, as usually a women caught my eyes. She was standing near a hotel, she was one of the fine laden as if craving for excruciating sex, she was wearing a high neck sweater exposing her melons and yes she was not wearing bra for sure as her boobs nipples were coming out like two eye pupils, she had approx. 36 inch boobs she was wearing high heels, and glasses with long nails, she was heavily build, was wearing a tight skin jeans, i was coming from college and as i was passing by her; she interrupted me asking me the way to the nearest auto station. I explained the way but she said she was new and need my help and told me to lead the way. So i took her to the auto station and told her she can catch an auto from here and as i was about to say goodbye.

She said she wanted me to go with her as she wanted to treat me for my bit of a help, i asked her name she with her juicy big cock sucking lips told me her name was Mrs. Radhika, yes she was married and had a child then she told me that i have to come for coffee, so as i got the opportunity and my cock was jumping in happiness, so i agreed and went with her then there was a mansion type house, she was rich of course yes the same question struck my mind then why she wanted to go by an auto? Because she wanted to take me home to spend some night! So she gave the keys of the gate to the watchmen and then the watchmen opened the gate and then she took me to her house i was shocked she was so rich, she had those chandeliers and those bar inside the house and yes swimming pool too.

Then we sat and she told me that she will bring up some coffee and then she made some coffee and brought me a hot cup, she was sitting in a couch with lights turned low and the felling i was provoked was just kinky. She was sitting with her legs crossed she opened the gloves in her hand and then she asked about my studies and all and i said whatever she asked after asking all personal questions she asked me weather i would love to dance, i said “with you ” she with a naughty crocked smile “no not with me between 13-14 ladies?”” i was shocked i was in the seventh sky but yes nervous too cause it was a unexpected question i said yes then she told me to dance and move my belly yes i did she said it is okay then i said alright so what’s next? She said you have to strip showing your cock between all of 13-14 ladies.

I was shocked and excited too she said she would play me a good amount (i won’t mention the price here) i said if i get caught she said there will be no cameras and you will be totally safe, i said okay then she asked my cock size and to show my cock, i unzipped my pant and there stood a 7 inch black monster already red she said “ohhhh my goshhhhhh, you got the job honey ” i was shy but ready too she told that it’s her birthday party and the party will be held in her mansion she told me the date and time and i said okay, i have a week for the preparation.

I started practicing the moves alone in the room i started getting sexy then day by day the day came and i was nervous and it is my first time with 13-14 ladies are enjoying me.

The day finally came it was her birthday i got a txt from her saying me to reach there at 11 night i told my parents that i’ll be staying at his house for project work and my parents agreed, then i was ready the clothes i took with me was a magician hat, i oiled my body with olive oil i was wearing a bikini style underwear and a bow across my collor with a magic stick those were all in my bag, it was 10:30pm her car came to the place i mentioned to take me then the car came i went inside the car asked the driver whether the party has started ? He said yes madam and her friends are already drunk.

The car stopped then i reached there, it was good decorated with lights and stuffs my heart was beating like bass speaking playing hip hop songs, she opened the door and introduced to me and my god her friends were super sexy all were in stockings and tight jeans all were glamorous and tops and big cake in the middle.

The age of her friends was all like 29-35 i guessed them of course.

Then they all rubbed my checks and i am a bit chubby faced, they said are you ready for the treat honey i said yeah blushing in a way too.

Then the time came i changed, i looked in the mirror and realized that my sexual desire for elder women was getting closer, then i changed there were lights, there were couches and all those stuffs, i was a magician that day with my hat and magic stick, i was wearing a bikini style underwear, black and white socks, a tie and a collor bow, then my entrance was all the ladies were screaming and chanting my name, i was getting nervous and at the same time excited i started dancing my belling around women, there were mostly Bengali women around 6/10 of them were Bengali women as they were saying “ki mota nunku cheletar ohhh maaaa” which means that “the boy has a fat dick my gosh” then i was made a stripper, they sucked my cock one by one poured cream, 3 Bengali women were all over my cock putting creams and stuffs and licking wildly. Mr.Sradhika was a Bengali herself and rest 2 or 3 of them were Punjabi.

O man! i fucked them, they kissed me, they were pouring beer all over my body, they were wild most of them showing pussy and boobs and i licked pussies and boobs too they gave me condom to fuck i fucked them too wildly Mrs. Radhika was licking my balls so wildly, i was the king of the women there they were playing with me like a boy toy i cummed at times too but again regained they made me drunk i fucked those Bengali’s in the couch lifting there leg up and those Punjab’s too gosh those Bengali’s drives me crazy they were all over me my cock was swelling with lipstick marks and all those stuffs and chains of money all over my neck and panties hung over my neck.

The party was over and the next day Mrs. Radhika dropped me at my home saying that if she wanted me to come i would i said okay and took the money.

Since then i strip regularly in some birthdays or some parties.

About Abhilasha Bakshi

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