First Lust With Monica – Indian Sex Stories

Hello friends, this is my first story. as i am a regular reader of iss and i really enjoy the stories available on it in which some of stories are true but some may be imaginary. i dont want to take much time of you, but before writing my FIRST TIME SEX STORY i want to explain myself. i am a person who is good in looking neither very handsome nor very bad, i am physically fit and can give pleasure to any girl. my email id is [email protected] n you can search me on FB by same email id.

This is the story when i was 20 years old and i was used to teach to some students as a home tutor, i used to teach not only for earning well but it is my hobby also. there were so many students to whom i taught at their homes and sometime my own home. among those students there were three specials students viz. Monica, Yamini & Christina. these all were very good friends and studied in 11th class.these all are very good looking and there physical build was like beautiful models and i was very surprise that how very young women can have this type of figure. but i never looked them in wrong manner or any bad wish.

I used to teach them mathematics and science from their 10th class. they all were very intelligent students and i enjoyed to teach them as there was very good conversation in each class about any topics from maths, science and sometime out of topics and books. they all lived nearby to each other so i taught at any one of their homes and there were separate studies rooms in each of their homes. i used to go their home at 2pm to 4pm. their parents were also very good & like me as their son as i was in the same age as their children. Normally i used to go at the Monica’s room because her parent were businessman n carry good business in the city & she was the only child in her family & there were very peace in her home.

one day when i went to teach them then only Monica was present their and both of her friends were not came from school as their were some assignment work pending for both of them. so i started to teach Monica. this was unusual to me that Monica was in different mood & she was wearing a loose tshirt & skirt and sat near to me. as i was teaching her i observe that she was not interesting in study then i ask her that is there any problem then she said that she has no mood of study today. then i told her that so what do you want to do. she said i want to chat with you sir. i said ok. then she went to kitchen & make some tea for us & serve me. when she was serving tea her huge tits (with no bra) were facing my face & i was can see them clearly. as she was serving tea she was shaking her tits. then she sat again near to me and starting normal chatting that what do u like sir, which place u want to hang out, what is your favourite actress etc. after some time we were very frank and now we were enjoying the chat. in between we both touching other hands on jokes and laughing. now after some time she put her hands on my thighs & chatting me now my rod started to erect which was easily visible. she had noticed it then she ask about my girlfriend then i said that i have no gf.

Then i ask about her bf she denied about it & said that she is single till now. after that she put her hands very near to my hot spot & rubbing my thighs i understand day she want something different from me. now i also put my hands on her thighs and started rubbing it with chatting to her. now when i was rubbing her thigh her small skirt move up and her thigh was in direct contact to my hand now she was enjoying when i was sliding my hands up & down on her thigh. after it i saw in her eyes & holds her hands in my hands & put a kiss on her forehead, then i slightly went on her ears & kiss them, after it her cheeks, then her necks.

I was kissing all over her face she closed her eyes & enjoying the moments. now i started kiss on her lips & we were sucking each other’s lips very badly & our tongues were in other’s mouth. now i lift her in my arms & put her on my lap & now we started kissing other softly without saying anything. we kiss about 20 minutes & after it i slide my hands on her belly & then i lift up her tshirt & then started to kiss her on her belly. now i lift her & put her body on the sofa & started kissing from her belly to lower side of her tits. now i slightly lift her tshirt & kissing slowly on her lower part of boobs then slowly slowly i undress her tshirt & started sucking those huge melons. these were very tasty & we were enjoying very much as it was first time sex for both of us. now my hand was pressing her boob & i was sucking other boob. in between she was moaning that yes sir uuuuuummmmmm, uumnnnhhhh, and holding my head by hair & pressing me. now again i kiss her & put her on me as her tits were pressing my chest.

Now we both went to her bedroom on her bed & she started to remove my tshirt by kissing me in the same way as i kissed her then we both were half naked now i put her lay down and went near to the lower part of her thigh & started kissing from here to very near of her lower lips i.e. her pussy, which were wet by that time. now i put slides her skirt & now she was only in her panty. now i started rub her pussy from outside of panty she was moaning uuuuummmm, aaaa, uuuhhhh, i was enjoying her moaning now i was kissing her vagina from panty.

After it i slide down her panty & put my two fingers in her lovely pink color pussy as it was also first time to her she was vibrating her body now i started to kiss on her pussy then i started to suck it. now she was moaning very loudly & telling please sir suck it more suck it more. now i was sucking it very hard after some time the juicy water ejected from it which i drank with great pleasure after it i went to her face & kiss her again on lips now after 5 minutes she put me on bed & started to open my pant by unzipping it she removed my pant & touching my rod from outside of my underwear. now she made me naked & started kissing it without holding from hands. i was feeling like heaven. now she kiss on the top of my penis then on middle & then at the end of penis. now she took it in her mouth with gentle sucking. now she used her hands also & trying to put whole my penis in her mouth as it was also my first time i was ejected after some time in her mouth & she drank each drop of my sperms.

Now we again started kissing each other badly & wildly and after some time we were in the position of 69. now the real time of fucking has come when i told her that i am going to break your as well as my own virginity. and i laid down her body on bed & started to put my penis at the entrance of her lower door along with kissing her now i was kissing her with slightly inserting my rod in the well. i was doing it slowly because i know that initially it will hurt her so i was kissing her regularly now some of my penis’s part was inside her but now its time to jerk so i started with slow motion of to & fro and finally i took a heavy jerk after which she was feeling great pain & there was bleeding from her vagina but at that time i put my mouth in hers now there were tears in her eyes & she was feeling very pain now i hold her that dont worry & start to & fro , and after some time she also started enjoying it. now i started to go fast & at that time she was moaning & telling that yes sir, plz sir tear my whole pussy tear it tear it badly, now we were both enjoying it more & more, i was spanking her buts & she was enjoying it. now after about 15 min we both were ejected. now she slept over me for about one hour. we were chatting along with playing with others body. after it we both went to her bathroom & there we started the other trip we ended in 20 minutes because it was time to left me from her home.

After 15 minute we were wearing our clothes, then i kiss her & say bye to meet her again for immense pleasure & i come to my home. at that night i did not sleep by imagine my pleasure moments of life & i masturbated 3 times in that night. after that day we generally met at time when nobody was there at her home.

Dear friends it was just my first story after that i fuck Yamini & Christine also, i will tell about it in my next stories. how was my first story. if you like it then kindly post comments on it. for the new ones if they want to play with me then they can contact me on my email id which is [email protected]. at present i am in dehradun.

About Abhilasha Bakshi

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