First Sex With My Maid’s Daughter – Part II

Dear friends I am continuing the story how I fucked Raziya (2nd Daughter of my House Maid & Sultana Elder Sister). Saying about Raziya, she was the second daughter of my House maid, she ran away from home and got love marriage, first they were happy as the days passed problem started that she did not have children’s since from two years, and this became very big problem in her family life.

Coming to the story: As the days went, day by day I and sultana sexed in all positions, and there was no boundary for our sex, after returning from the office, I just go to top of my house, I could see sultana house and when I give signal to her, she would come to my home and spend some time with me on bed and went to her home.

They did not had TV in their home, some time when some good cinema had been in TV, both mother & daughter would stay whole night in my home, after finishing cinema, I and sultana will sleep in my Bed room and my maid would sleep in the Hall.

This continued for long and sometimes when sultana Elder sisters come to their home for festivals or of any family problems, that time we were facing some problems, because all sisters will be in their home, and by closing her elder sisters eyes coming to my home was big problem, because if she says that I will go to sabji house, they scolded her that you are young girl, and he is young boy, whenever you go there, go with your mother, never you don’t go single there, because days are bad if he does anything harm to you, who is responsibility for that, she told many times that sabji is very good, they told your small child you don’t anything, just Shut up.

Sultana was very clever, by giving some reasons to their sisters, however she will come to my home and spend some time with me and went with hurry.

As the days passed, Sultana sister Raziya quarreled with her Husband, MIL & FIL came to sultana house. Early morning sultana came crying to me and she said I will not go to home and I will stay here only, I asked why, she said I have quarreled, I asked the reason, she said like that only, she is ordering me to work in the home, and she sitting quite if I tell her to do some work, she will scold me.

I smiled and said its ok, you can stay as long as you can, and went to office, and when I came in evening I was surprised to see her in the home. I asked you didn’t go home, she said I said to you that I will stay here only. I went and fresh up and came she gave hot tea. I drank it and said what next. She said your wish, I said shall we start the match, she said I am ready for the match. We went to bed room and started to sex, I was in full of mood and banging her doggie style, suddenly someone knocked my door, i went and opened the door, I saw women with burkah, I asked what you want, she said call sultana, I asked her, who are you, she removed the mask of burkah and said it’s me Raziya, sister of sultana. I said I know you, I have seen your photos, I said sorry she is not here, she just went to her friend’s house now, she said you are lying she is here I know, I said I am not joking, she went to her friend’s house, if you have doubt you can check the house. She said sorry to me and went away.

I said to sultana that your sister came to call you, she said ya I heard her voice, you won’t worry, come let’s start match from beginning. Again we started fucking. After fucking we went bathroom and fresh up. We sitting on sofa in the hall and watching TV, I hugged Sultana started to press her boobs, and kissing neck, and I said to sultana that Raziya looks more beautiful than I seen in photos, she said ya, and she was queen of college. Sultana said give me money I will bring Maggie, we shall eat it know, I am feeling very hungry as I have not eaten from morning, I said in shirt there is money you take it and bring Maggie, and cook for us. Both will have dinner at night. She took money and brought Maggie and started cooking in kitchen.

All of a sudden Raziya came into home and asked where is sultana, I said ya she is here, she is cooking, at the same time sultana came out of kitchen and asked Raziya what is the matter, Raziya said were you from morning, she said I was here only, just one hour before I came here, you were not here, Sultana said I went to bring magiee, now what. Raziya said come to home, sultana told until you be in the home, I will not stop there. Raziya said sabji you please send her, don’t keep her here. I kept silent; I did not uttered a word. Again Raziya said sabji don’t give key to her hand, if tomorrow something in house is missing, you will blame her, I got angry, and I said I have faith in Sultana, I don’t have faith in you, any time if you come to my home you come without burkha, because I feel doubt on you that you may steel something in my home and hide in burkah and go to your husband’s house.

She looked angrily at me and went away, I and sultana had Maggie and I said to sultana, that I have work in City and I finish the work soon and I will be back within nine. She said shall I cook for night, I said ya, cook only rice, I will bring chicken Masala from hotel, and both of us will have dinner at night, she said okay.

I finished my work very soon and came with chicken masala, snacks & with 2 bottles of beer. Sultana said what sabji, shall I serve for dinner, I said no, let me finish my drink first, later we will have the dinner. Sultana said okay, and I opened the beer and started drinking the beer, and at same time I was seducing Sultana. She took the Beer bottle kissed the bottle and she brought near to the mouth of mine and was feeding to me, by seducing each other we forgot to lock the front door, we were in heaven, I finished the bottle and started to undress sultana and kiss her lips, white milky boobs, neck I removed all her clothes and I to become nude and started to bang her, whenever we were fucking we use to keep the TV volume loud, so that no one will hear our moans, and I was in full of mood and Sultana to co-operated very well and I started to bang harder and harder, she was giving big moons, uhhhh, ahhhhh, o goddddd, I lovee youuuuu, come on, fuck me, harder, harder …. Yes come on, you are real guy, your dick is a rod, tear my pussy, come on, uhhhh, ahhhhh, she was screeming, I was in nasha, her words turned my dick to grow harder and harder, and I gave big big bangs, and I cummed inside her pussy.

Suddenly I heard a voice, I just put my barmuda and went to take the door, I was shocked when I saw Raziya in the hall, my nasha came down, she asked where is Sultana, sultana came out and asked Raziya what you want, Raziya asked what were you both of doing in the Bedroom, she was silent, Raziya asked me sabji what were you both of doing in the Bedroom, I said we were cleaning the computer, Raziya began to slap sultana, I went in middle, she slapped me too, angrily Sultana said how dare you to slap sabji, and they both become to quarrel and argue each other, I pleaded sultana please don’t create any scene here, I said to Raziya that I and Sultana are loving each other and we will marry soon, Raziya asked me, who said this, that Sultana will marry you, I told I know she is loving me. And I have faith in her; Raziya said Sultana is already engaged with our one of the relative boy. I was shocked to hear that word, I asked sultana is this TRUE, she said Yes, I just sat on the ground and my tears came out, I didn’t knew what to tell and what to ask, I just sat silently on the floor, Raziya and sultana went away, without saying a word to me. I was shocked to hear the word what Raziya said, because I loved Sultana deeply from my heart, I took another beer and dranked it, when I opened my eyes it was morning 8, I woke up and started to fresh up as I have to go to office. My maid came as-usual, I didn’t talked anything to her and I was busy with my computer, she came with tea, I asked my maid what Raziya said was true, she said yes, why did not you say to me, I said you very first day, but you didn’t heard well.

At the same time Raziya & Sultana came to the house, she came directly to my bed room and hugged me and said, I going to my relatives house for few days, and I will be back soon, don’t keep the words of Raziya in the mind, I will come back soon. I too kissed and hugged Sultana and said bye, happy journey. And come out with my bag my maid said I am not feeling well, so that Raziya will come & cook for you, i touched her fore head, it was burning like sun. I gave money to her and said don’t neglect your health; I said to sultana you first take your mother to hospital and later you go. Sultana said ok, I gave sultana some amount to sultana and kissed her lips strongly and said Happy Journey, come soon. Raziya was seeing this scene by without blinking her eye.

Few days went, one day Raziya asked me, sabji, wheather I cook nicely or not, I said ok, it’s good. She asked what is plan for tomorrow, as it is Sunday. I said say to your mother to come tomorrow, she asked why, I said my body (back) is itching (kujli) me lot, sultana is out of station, so that she will rub my back with Chanaga Ata (Bajji Flour) while bathing tomorrow. She said my mother didn’t cured well, any way I tell her about this matter.

Next day Raziya came to home and knocked the door, I opened the door, she was looking very beautiful and sexy, she wore yellow sari, and it suited her well. I was looking at her, she said sabji give me the way, I awakened and said sorry, come in.

I went to my room and was doing morning exercise, after some time she came with T, I thanked her and asked is mother coming, she said no, she is sick today, I said che, and made my face small. By seeing my face Raziya said sabji don’t feel bad, I will rub your back. I said no, she said its ok. And I went to bath room I removed my underwear and tied a thin towel and said Raziya to bring flour. Raziya closed the front main door and came into bathroom, she lifted her saree above knee and tied to waist, and her pallu rounded her waist. I was seeing her legs, it was so white, it was whiter than Sultana, and I just sawed her waist and it was white reddish, and half milky boobs was visible to me. She looked dam sexy. By seeing her, dick began to rise, she said sabji come on sit down, I sat down, she began to pour water to my head and shampooed head, then she took Changa Ata and applied to my back, and started rubbing to my back, she had soft hands, and it was like feather touch. After some time she said, sabji turn around, I turned around she rubbed my chest, my shoulder, my face, my ears with Ata, and poured water, she said stand up, I stood up she applied ata (flour) to legs, knee and thighs, this time I was getting full view of her boobs. It was jumping to coming out from her blouse. while applying ata to my thighs she touched to my dick, she touched nearly four to five times, and she poured water and cleaned my thighs, and legs, I suddenly removed my towel and hanged to angler, she closed her eyes and said what is this sabji, what are you doing, I said apply ata and clean this place also, she said no, I requested, she looked at my face, I requested and said please, she said turn she applied ata to my bum, and she again said sleep on the flour around, I slept on the flour she took ata and applied to my dick and she moved my dick back and front, and malice well, I closed my eyes, and had a feel of being in heaven, she poured water and said finish, now you can stand up, and she also asked if anything was balance, I said now apply soap to all parts of my body, she again looked at me very angry, and said this is all my fate, again she started to apply soap to all my parts, she took my dick in her hand and applied soap, I said move my dick front and back, she asked why, I requested and said please, she took my dick and started to move front and back, I said to move fast, she started to move fast, suddenly my sperms spited on her face, mouth, nose and on her dress, she said what is this rubbish sabji, you have spoiled my sari, and my face. And she said, you are very lucky sabji, I asked why, because I did not even served my husband one day like this in past nearly 3 years of our marriage life. I said thank you.

She went away, murmuring, after some time I came out of bathroom, and she was waiting outside, she asked me finished bathing I said yes and asked why, she said you have spoiled my face & dress, I have to clean it, I am getting some bad kind of smell so I want to clean myself. I went to my bed room and cleaned myself, then I got a bad idea, and called Raziya she said wait, after few minutes she asked what, I asked to dry my hair, she said you’re not a child, I said please Raziya, she said I cleaned and become wet, so please you come to hall, I went to hall and sat on chair, she took towel and was drying my hair, I put my hands to her navel, it was very smooth, I hugged, and pressed her navel and kissed her milked boobs, she suddenly went back and said sabji are you become mad, I said yes I am mad of thirsty, you please fulfill my thirst, she said this is not nice, if you do once again I will tell to my mother and brothers, I went and hugged and pleaded her that I am thirsty since from I week, please you fulfill my thirsty, no one will come to know about us, saying the words I started kiss her lips, biting her boobs, started to lay down her on the floor, she escaped and scolded bad words to me, I put on TV, and raised the volume, and started to catch her, and she escaped once again from arms, and slapped me, now I was really angry about her went and caught her and was trying to fuck her, she tried escape and I got her pallu in my hand and I pulled it, her whole saree came in to my hand, now she was only in blouse and Langa, she pleaded me not to do anything harm to her, I said mad girl, why I will harm you, come near to me I will not do anything to you, by saying this I went near to her and hugged her and gave long kiss on her lips, she pleaded to leave her, and said she is married.

I said think now that I your husband, and sleep with me, she did not agree, I was pressing her boobs hardly and kissing and biting her lips lightly, and was trying to undress her blouse, at last i tore into two, now she was without top less, by seeing her white milky breast, I grabbed her and put on the sofa in hall and filled on her and tried to lift her langa, she was pushing me away, but I did not give up, and at last i tore her Langa it came easily and pulled her langa and throw on floor, now she was completely nude, and she was covering her boobs and pussy with pillows, and pleaded me to leave, and she wants to go to home. I just sat beside her and relaxed I kept my hand and her pussy, and started to play with it, she said sabji, i am feeling thirsty, I bought one bottle of water from kitchen and gave a big kiss to her lips, she said sabji please give me some water, I gave water to her, she drank and said thank you, I just grabbed her massaging her whole body, she was shivering with fear and giggled to talk, I asked why, she said please leave me, I said without fucking you, I am not letting you out. And lifted her up and took her to bed room, she was saying no, no, please don’t do me any thing, I put on bed and started to kiss and bite, she was moaning ah, oh god, I slowly came down and licked her boobs and pressed her navel and squeezed boobs she screamed mummy, mummy ……. My dick become like rod, and it was ready to fire her pussy. I separated her legs, and lifted them up and touched her pussy with my fingers, I sawed her face she was saying no, don’t fuck me. I was not in a mood of leaving her, I took my dick and placed the tip of dick in her pussy and pressed it hardly, she screamed mummy, o god, and I hugged her tightly and gave very big bangs, for each bang, she was sounding ah, ah, uuuu, she said stop, stop for a while please, I asked why, please I want to breath, please, she pleaded. I went to hall and brought water and gave to Raziya, she drank water and said put the fan on. I put the fan, I too drank some water and now Raziya was feeling some relax and I went near to Raziya, she said please don’t tear my pussy, I said co-operate me I will fuck slowly, she replied nothing, I pulled her in the middle of the bed and started kissing lips, boobs, her navel and went down and separated her legs, she prayed not to tear her pussy, I said cooperate me I will fuck smoothly, and I put my pennies and pushed into her pussy and started moving to-and-fro, this time she was moaning ah, ahhhh, uhhh, and I was moving my dick in and out slowly, I hoped she was enjoying it. While fucking I was seeing her face, she have closed her eyes and she was enjoying my dick. Suddenly I went still slow, she suddenly opened her eyes, and was looked at me, I said I love you, she slapped me, I got angry and I lifted her legs and widened on my shoulder and caught her lips with my lips and began fuck fast harder and harder, I gave really a big bangs, at the same time I chewed her juicy lips, she was giving big big moans, and at last I finally reached climax and departure my sperms in her pussy, and slept on her.

After half-an-hour I awaked and saw Raziya was sitting on the floor with teared clothes, and she was crying. I got up and said Raziya sorry, she said I complaint to my brothers, they see your end, I said sorry, please, sorry. She said no, I won’t leave you, look bastard what have you done to my body, you have not left one part of my body, you squeezed them like tennis balls, look to my boobs, bastard you have eaten half-half them, look how you have bitten my boobs, I won’t leave you, today is your end of the day, and stated crying, I started to afraid, I went near and hugged her and said please, don’t say to anybody. You be calm here I will go and call you mother. And fresh up and went to her home.

By seeing me my maid asked what sabji, I said that Raziya is crying. She said why, I said she made bath to me and I got tempted and asked her to sleep with she refused to sleep with me, then I forcibly fucked her, now she is crying and saying that she complaint to her brothers. My Maid said what sabji, what have you done, if you said one word to me means, I would have arranged any women or girl nearby houses, why you troubled Raziya, What you have done is wrong sabji, I said, I am sorry, come first we got home and cool Raziya.

I and my maid went to home and both went to bed room, by looking her mother Raziya started to cry and said to my maid, look Mummy what your sabji have done to me, he spoiled and ruined my life. I have lost everything, he have robbed everything from me. My maid said stop crying Raziya, you have lost nothing, but you have gained some thing. For that word she become salient, and asked how, if you continue this you will gain baby. Take this has advantage, happened is happened, think like a wise girl, and continue this. Okay.

Raziya said mummy, I don’t want to betrayal my husband, my maid said otherwise you make another marriage to you husband, Raziya said my heart is not willing to do this work, she said what happens to us, is for our good will. So you please continue. Don’t think what is good and what is bad. Think about you, and your future life. That’s all. Her mother said I will go out and bring some nimbu’s, and make some fresh juice. So that heat from the body will be removed. And she went to bring some nimbu’s.

Raziya looked at me I gave one nighty of Sultana, and said to wear her. She started crying, I went and hugged her and gave a kiss to her lips and said I love you. She hugged me tightly and cried, and said you have to take care of my respect; you should not let it go down before public or in my family. Mainly sultana should not now about our affair. Give promise to me. I Said promise, even sultana will not know about our affair Okay. She smiled to my words.

I pressed her boobs and kissed her lips and laid her on the bed and started to kiss her. She hugged and laid me down and started to lick, kiss and biting my lips. Oh god, her way of kissing was different, and I was feeling like that I am in heaven. My dick raised and I laid down her and lifted her legs and I said Raziya shall I fuck you; she said yes this pussy belongs to you, you are the owner of Pussy, you fuck as you desire. I parted her legs and placed my dick and pushed my dick inner into the pussy, she screamed ohhhh.. god…, I asked Raziya that you have been married very long, and your pussy hole too tight, whether you both have sex or not. She said yes we have sex regularly, but my husband’s is thin and narrow, but comparing my husband pennies your pennies is thick, big, long and harder like donkey.. I took her legs in my arms and kept my lips on her lips and started to fuck, she was moaning uuuhhh, aahhh, and hugged me tightly, I began to raise my speed and she started to scream, and she said that I want big-bangs from you, by hearing her words I starting to bang hardly, she was screaming loudly, after give big-big bangs I gave up and slept on her. After some my maid waked up and said go and fresh up and I will bring Cool Nimbu Juice.

After fresh up, we three had cool nimbu juice, and we continued for one week, after week Raziya went to her husband home. And after more than one month she phoned to my office and congratulated me, I asked why? Raziya replied you have become a Father, and in my Husband’s house all are happy about my pregnancy, I asked what about your husband, She said he is most happiest man, and he have become mad of mine, and he is caring me very much. I said thank-u and be happy and be careful.

Raziya said I am missing you, I want you, I coming very soon there, I want to spend lot of time with you; I said okay come I also want to see you. After 15 days she came here, I took Raziya for shopping, temple, cinema, etc., and she was here for 15 days in 15 days we both enjoyed a lot.

Again she came in month of seventh and I cared her much, by bring fruits, taking to hospital, bringing medicines etc. sometimes sultana doubted me, why I care Raziya so much, I said she is pregnant lady, Raziya used to say please kiss, seduce and fuck sultana in front of me. So that she will not have any doubt on us. Whenever I got chance I use to kiss, seduce and sometimes I fucked in front of Raziya. She felt very happy for that. And she should say what a cinema you have shown to me.

At Last Raziya had a male baby, after few days Sultna doubt was cleared, Sultana said that the Baby resembles like sabji, Raziya said what rubbish you talk, Sultana Said I bet you that the boy nose is like sabji. All of them laughed.

After few months passed, One day Sultana went to write Exams, I and Raziya were having first the sex after pregnancy, I inserted my pennies into her pussy and she was screaming like a thirsty woman, her moans made me mad and started to give big bangs, and she was moaning loudly, and saying that come on, fuck me, fuck me and tear my pussy, have me, eat me, bang me, come on ahhhhh, uhhhhh, ohhhh, ………. i making a big moan ahhhh.. and released my sperms and hugged her tightly and after some time i got up and went to fresh up, I found Sultana sitting on Hall and I was scared, behind me Raziya came out, I said to Raziya, Look who is there? She said who? i said sultana, She said So what, Sultana came seriously near to me and went near to Raziya and began to scold her, She said sorry, I also said sorry to Sultana. She was angry for few days, Later she adjusted.

Sultana and Raziya said you are MARD, you may have both of us sister together and bang any time. Sometimes I sleep with both of them and fuck both of them one after the other.

Okay friends this is the story how I fucked Raziya and Pregnant her.

About Abhilasha Bakshi

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