Friend’s Girlfriend – Indian Sex Stories

Hey guys back with another story, this happened when I went to Nellore to meet my friend. The weather over there was quite nice until I met a gal who changed my day. She was coming towards me, and my eyes were glued to her bouncing boobs. She passed by and I was frozen in time. I met my friend Benny but in my mind that gal was making turmoil of all chemicals. I went to his house and changed my cloths. Then in the evening we all went to have dinner and to my surprise I saw the same gal coming in the restaurant. I was quite excited but at the end I found out that she was my friend’s gal. I almost got a heart attack. Her name was Jessie (name changed). She came and sat at the table. I was numb and as not able to utter a word. What a boob she got. Then I heard her sweet voice. We all chatted and had our dinner but during the dinner she was giving me slutty looks and was smiling.

After the dinner we all were quite open and were talking all kind of stuff. I was quite jealous of my friend as he had such a hot babe. Later before parting I asked her to give me the number so without any hesitation she gave me. My friend was quite comfortable with that. Later in the night we all went to sleep as usual I was searching porn sites and I got Bing on my mobile. I thought it would my ex- girlfriend, but to my surprise it was Jessie. I just said hey and we started to chat. She said I was looking good and in returned to her compliment I gave her a positive feedback. So we talked about the dinner and she said that she liked the way I speak. I said that “you have got a good sense of dressing”. She send me blushing smiley. My work was progressing, and I was thinking to put her in my bed. So I planned a day out with my friend and insisted him to call his gal.

So we all went out for outing. I was carrying a bag which contained my D-SLR. We reached our spot and we unpacked our stuff. And as usual I took out my camera went for shooting at different spots. I left them alone so that they can have a good time. So I was taking a picture of an insect when suddenly I felt someone’s breathe from behind, I suddenly turned and found Jessie. I fell on my back she helped me to get up; I asked her the reason for being here. She said that “I’m also interested in photography, but never had an opportunity to shoot with someone”. I said its fine to join me, I moved on the rough path she was slowly following me. I was moving little faster because it was almost sun set so I couldn’t have missed the beauty of the nature.

I setup my tripod and started to shoot, after a while she came and said “Why did you left me behind?” I was so busy shooting that I overheard her voice. She was sitting on a rock, when I panned my camera on her face it gave a perfect picture to click. Without her permission I took her snap, she was annoyed and wanted to delete the picture so I handed my camera to her. After seeing the picture she was so amazed that she hugged me and said thanks. Now we both were on the same rock viewing the sun going down the horizon. She shared a lot of things with me about her personal life, her relationship etc.

I was pretty much annoyed when I heard that she was not having a stable relationship. So slowly and steadily I turned my conversation on her sex life which apparently was not there at all. It was becoming dark so we returned to the camp site where Benny prepared a spit fire and was making a setup of dinner. We all setup our camps and where sitting around the fire when suddenly my friend took out the booze which was completely shocking me. We had few drinks but Jessie didn’t want me to have more so she got up and took my glass and kept it back. It was quite a surprising behavior which I never expected. I took out my portable stereo and played some romantic songs. Benny got up and started to do a close contact dance with Jessie but she was continuously making eye contact to me over his shoulder. After few hours she insisted Benny to finish the rest of the booze. So after all this bullshit we all went to our tents and dosed off to sleep. As I was reading my book under a lamp which I carried, I heard footsteps near my tent.

I slowly turned my head at the entrance and found her standing in my tent. We both were silent, she sat down and broke the wall of silence and said was not able to sleep so wanted to chat with me. I readily agreed and was talking on random topics when I shifted my conversation on her relationship and asked her about the eye contact from that dance session. She said nothing but I insisted so after a while she said that when she first saw me she was attracted to me but was not able to tell me because I was best friend of Benny. I was little surprised and asked her why didn’t she said this directly to me before, she didn’t reply. So I shifted a little and asked her to sit beside, she didn’t hesitated and sat beside me. We fell on our back and started to read my book aloud so that she also can hear clearly. So was pretty interested in the book.

I reached a romantic plot in the story, when I was reading it she asked whether I have ever slept so close to a girl I was completely numb. She asked again then I return to my senses and said “none”. She asked me have to kiss anyone before and my reply was the same; there was complete silence in my tent. The she asked” would you like to know how it feels to kiss?” I was quite when she got up and took the book away from me and looked directly in my eyes; her was glowing under the lamp light when she came down on my face and kept her lips few centimeters away from mine and asked would you like to take a trip to heaven and I was able to feel her hot breath on my lips and face. Then slowly she touched her lips on mine and closed her eyes I was glued to that moment and slowly started to respond to her moves and open my mouth and allowed her tongue to enter into mine hmmmm such a sweet taste she had the I flipped her over back and came on top of her and started to do a passionate kiss.

Our lips where shining with each other’s saliva. I slowly took my lips away and saw her beautiful face, when I realized that, what my friend has missed. She asked how it was. To which I gave a positive reply. Then I slowly moved her long and silky hairs back and was hugging her slowly and sat beside her. He put her head on my thighs and was talking to me, but I was to emphasized by the moment that I was not able to think what she was saying so slowly while she was speaking I planted another kiss on her lips. She pushed her tongue inside my mouth and we played with each other’s mouth. Slowly I moved my lips to her cheeks then to her neck, all my saliva was over her. The slowly I put my hand on her shoulder and slipped her t-shirt and took it of gently. She was shivering because the weather was cold. So I came near her and hugged her tightly, and slowly opened her bra hook. She gave a gentle wave to her body. Slowly I took of her bra and there she was sitting with just the pant.

I slowly went near her brown nipple and took it in between my lips, I was able to feel and see her goose bumps. I started sucking her nipple and pressed her boobs slowly; she was totally hairless and was enjoying each and every moment. Then very gently bit her nips to which she moaned and continued it for few more moments and tasted both her boobs ahhhhhhahahahhh.

She opened my t-shirt and kissed over my body then slowly I asked her to lie down on the ground, I slowly started to kiss her again from lips to her navel where I put my tongue in her navel. Then I opened her pant slowly and saw her black panty. I smelled it and a good pungent smell was totally gone mad, then I put my finger on the pussy on top of her panty and gave her few pinches. She was going mad and wanted me to do some more but I left. She got up and opened my pant and removed everything. To be honest I’m 5.9” down there. So she started to touch it and put her lips on it, she was just awesome. I was fully erect and was resting on my back and she was sucking my dick like a young girl licking her lollipop. The saliva was making my dick shine in the lamp. She started to press my balls and sucked too hard, within few minutes I was at the verge of cumming but she continued so I pushed her head down very hard and shot my cum deep down her throat she coughed but gulped down every single bit of my cum then she came up to me and kissed me with that same mouth. Then I asked her to lie down and pulled her panty down and saw her shaved pussy. A sharp and a distinctive smell was coming which drove me crazy.

So slowly I touched my tongue to her drenched pussy, she gave a light moan. I parted her pussy lips and kissed her inner walls. I sucked her whole pussy from the bottom to the clit. Then slowly she kept her legs on my shoulder and I saw her butt hole which was dark brown and was dry. I slowly went near her hole and planted a small kiss. She was shivering; slowly I took out my tongue and licked her hole. She going crazy and was now breathing heavily. I was able to taste something weird in my mouth so I removed my mouth and saw little yellow dot on her hole, so I got up and asked her to suck my dick again. She did for few minute; we both were sweating very much so it added the intensity of the pleasure. She rolled on her back and asked me to do something interesting. So I took her legs and started to kiss them, then slowly put then on my shoulder and started to rub my dick head on her pussy.

She was going crazy and was asking me to put in; then slowly I pushed my dick little bit, she was so tired that I was not able to push in too far. So I took out and gave a second push and it went in. she jumped and kissed my lips. I was not able to control anything so slowly I gave thrust to which she pushed her lips harder on mine and was moaning. I asked her lie down and gave rhythmic thrust. She was moaning loudly and within few minutes she screamed and let out a lot of warm juice. I immediately took out my dick and started to suck her pussy lips; the taste was making me crazy. I got up and put back my dick in and started thrusting heavily. She was now crying in pleasure. I knew that I was going to cum soon. So without letting her notice I took out my dick and placed on the entrance of her butt hole. She was surprised and asked me not to push in. I didn’t listen and pushed in, and then I realized that I was able to feel something warm inside. She said not to take out or else she would poop out. I didn’t have any attention and started to fuck her asshole.

After a few minute she cried and shouted that “it’s coming” and pushed out her poop while I was thrusting her. The feeling was mind blowing. She was too exhausted but I was ramming her butt hole. Then slowly I felt that I was building my tension near my dick and with few more strokes I unloaded cum in her ass. I slowly took out my dick and ask her to suck it clean. She obeyed and sucked my dick and cleans her shit from my dick. We slept together for the rest of the night. Next morning while returning home I and her were seating on the back seat, where I fingered her all the way home making her cum more than thrice and sucked my finger to taste her cum.

If you liked my story and would want to experience the same, just drop me a mail at [email protected], will be looking forward for your reply.

About Abhilasha Bakshi

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