Fun With A Tall Lady

First of all, my hearty thanks to ISS, for this wonderful website, this has made majority of them to share their sexual experiences. It’s been a while since I have written my experiences on ISS. I had shared my experience before and now sharing yet another one. Thanks for all those who replied and encouraged me to share more of my experiences. This happened a month back.

I had been for a movie in a multiplex. All alone. My friends didn’t join because of the last moment plans with their respective girl-friends. I’m happily single. Since I was almost nearing the multiples & we had pre-booked the tickets, I thought I’ll go & give the tickets to somebody if they would require. I informed the person who was in the ticket issuing counter about my situation and asked him if he could help me out in selling these tickets. I was standing nearby to the ticket counter & hoping that somebody would buy the tickets.

Few minutes later I was approached by a tall lady, whom the ticket issuer had told about the tickets which I have. I gave 2 tickets which I had & she was happy. We were speaking casually for few minutes before the movie started. I’m a movie buff, so was she. We started talking more casually as if we had met long time back.

Movie started. It was kind of scary movie, which I felt it was not scary not. She was getting scared and was holding my arms now & then. Later on, I felt the movie was boring, so did she. I thought, I’ll leave the movie hall & head home. I told her the same & she was feeling bored & she would leave the movie hall too. She invited for a cup of coffee. Without thinking much (I needed 1 desperately too).

In CCD, we were chit-chatting for some-time. Got to know a bit about each other. I stay bit far from the mall & I thought I will leave. I told the same to her. She asked me to join to her house which was also near-by to my house. After much persistence from her, I joined her to her house. Unfortunately on that day, I had given my vehicle for service. Since she had got a car, we went together to her home.

About her. She is Naina, from Bangalore, working in a software company. Married, but hubby stays abroad. A very pretty lady. She is around 5.6″ with absolute perfect structure. Each & every parts of her body were of the right shape & size. Seeing her anybody can go crazy. Her long silky hairs, her brown beautiful eyes, her soft lips, her chubby cheeks are just WOW.

About me. I’m Nikhil, from Bangalore, working in a software company. Happily single & ready to mingle. I’m just 5.4″ with an average body structure. Good looking.

She stays in a very posh apartment. My house is 15 mins walk from her house. Once in the apartment, I made myself comfortable, while she went to get refreshed. I used the other washroom to get refreshed and I was surprised to see her in saree. (I love women when they are in saree & leave their hairs open).

Nish : If you would have told me you are wearing a saree, I would have spent some more time in the washroom.Naina : LOL’ed.Naina : Accha Nish. I thought you were seedha sadha & bhola bhala. I never knew you would flirt with me.Nish : For everything there is always that moment, where one needs to wait and see. Hope you are not feeling that you made a mistake inviting me to your home?Naina : No re!! After a long time, somebody is flirting with me. So was joyed to hear your words.Nish : Haan!! I thought your hubby would flirt with you even while he is overseas.Naina : No 🙁 !! I wish he would have done that. I enjoy when somebody flirts with me.Nish : Now I know you. Don’t worry Naina, I’ll take the initiative of flirting with you :-P.Naina : I would love that Nish.

We both were LOL’ing.

It was around 8 PM, I got a call from my house asking when I would reach home. I said I’ll call them back in another 10 mins.

Naina : You’re leaving Nish ?Nish : (I remembered the dialogue from Vicky Donor) When did I hold you dear ?Naina : What if I allow you to hold me ?Nish : Can I take a trial ?Naina : Aaaawww!! I’m really enjoying your flirts. I would be bored if you leave me & go.Nish : (To tease her more) Aree, What would happen if flirt turns out to be more than a flirt ?Naina : Oh Yeah… What will happen ?Nish : You say. I have been hearing Aaaawww’s Oye’s only from you so far.Naina : I’m ok with that adventure too.Nish : For everything, there is always a first time. Hai na ji ?Naina : HanjiNish : So, I’ll call up home & inform them, I’m on an adventure ?Naina : LOL. Yeah. Adventures will be lovely. Those ups & downs. The peaks. The breeze. The thrill. I’m getting adventurous thinking about this adventure. It’ll be WOW of an experience.Nish : I love adventures. Few months back, I had one of my adventure trip. Every adventure is special. Right Naina ?Naina : Haan Nish. Without a peak, it has become very difficult for me. Tired of artificial. :PNish : Okies. Artificial. Today you’ll get to a real one.

I called my home & informed I would stay at my friend’s place. And would return the next day.

Nish : How about our dinner?Naina : Lets order some pizza. You need anything else ?Nish : I’m getting a pizza, I’ll be up for an adventure. What else would I require sweety ?Naina : Nish. I’m really really enjoying your flirts. Why didn’t you meet me earlier ?Nish : Maybe, You didn’t come and ask for a ticket. Hai na ?Naina : Thanks to the ticketwala. He was kind enough to help u, which is helping me too. :PNish : Thanks to him. This requires some celebrations. Do you booze ?Naina : (went to the fridge) Champaign & Pepsi available.Nish : Lets open Champaign.Naina : How about pizza?Nish : They would need at least 30-45 to deliver it.Naina : What if in the mean-time, we start our adventure?Nish : We can start from base now. After our dinner, we can be on the peak.Naina : Sounds good Nish darling.

She ordered for pizza. I opened champagne. Poured into the glasses. Cheers. Tangled our hands. Cheers. I drank champagne from her glass & she from mine.

This started the base of our adventure.

We came closer. Our lips opened. Tongues started playing. The intense went on for 15mins, with few sips of champagne in between. All this happened while we were sitting. We went on the sofa, she slept on top of me. Her silky hairs falling on my face, her ear bites, playing with tongues continued for another 10 mins.

Just then, the pizza delivery guy called and confirmed the address. We adjusted ourselves, as he could be here at any moment, but still were lying on the sofa. I really love it when the girl’s/woman’s long hairs, silky, falls on my face, while kissing or even while she is giving a blowjob.

Naina : Nish. Great start from the base. Would love to enjoy the peak too.Nish : Yups Naina. Base was/is and always will be excellent. Peak would definitely be unforgettable. The views, The breeze, The erupts will make it more exciting.Naina : Such a cute flirter you’re Nish.Nish : Flirt will be equally enjoyed when the other person is as lovely as you Naina. Must say. Your silky soft hairs are driving me crazy.

Just then, doorbell rang. I collected Pizza, paid him cash, and locked the door. Came to the dining table. We fed each other. Sometimes by hand, sometimes by mouth and then kissing and grabbing from each other’s mouth. Sipping champagne. We finished our pizza and started our main adventure.

We moved to the bedroom. Undressed each other. Started to reach the peak. Her body was very very soft & tender. I started sucking her breasts, while squeezing the other. Then I moved on to the other breast. Her nipples had become so hard. I bit those and her moans which were soft n melodious, started to increase. I went down and circled my tongue in her belly. The taste was amazing. Yummm…!!!

While my tongue was playing in her belly, my hand went down to her pussy, my fingers started going inside the pussy. My tongue played with her belly for few minutes & went down to pussy. I started finger fucking her while sucking & biting her pussy & clits. Her pussy taste was so yummy, I wouldn’t mind to keep sucking it the whole day. I took out my fingers, got off the bed and went to the fridge to get champagne. She was wondering why I left her in that position & go.

I returned back with champagne & ice-cream. I took her legs and kept on my shoulders & poured champagne into her pussy. Due to the chillness, for a moment she shivered. I started sucking her pussy with champagne in it. It was yummier than anything else. This gave more value to the champagne. I sucked hard & hard. I used ice-cream also in her pussy and licked it. She was about to cum, and told me “Nish, I can’t hold much now. I’m gonna cum”. Saying that immediately she cummed. I kept my mouth open and sucked every bit of her cum. Awesome taste. If you guys haven’t tried it out, do try it with your partners, it would be helluva experience.

She pushed me & made me lie down on the bed. She bit my ears, kissed my chest, sucked my nipples, circled my belly with her tongue, and went down towards my tool. Without second thought, she took it inside her mouth. Wow!!! What a feeling!! It had been a while since I have had my tool sucked. It was a tremendous pleasure. She used my cock (tool) as a spoon to eat ice-cream. She dipped my cock in the ice-cream and started licking it. She went to the kitchen, got a wafer cone, ate some part of it, put the cone on my cock, poured ice-cream in it. Wooaaahhhh…!!! That was great. She started licking it. Due to chillness, I started moaning a lot. She completed the cone ice-cream. I tried my best to hold, but couldn’t control much and ejaculated on her face without any warning. She was surprised and took my cum on her fingers from her face & licked it.

Naina : Your cum is yummy too Nish.Nish : You’re the manufacturer for the day darling!!Naina : I don’t mind manufacturing it whenever I get an opportunity.Nish : Opportunity always comes, but sometimes, we need to have patience. Only then the opportunity can be enjoyed. Hai na Nainu?Naina : Haan Nishu.. 😛

Saying this she again took my cock in her mouth & made it hard. She positioned her pussy in line of my cock and starting sit-ups. The plush plush plush sounds, her moans, my moans had created the bedroom a moaning centre. Thank goodness, the neighbors couldn’t hear those. I made her stand in doggy position, inserted my cock in her pussy from behind, started slapping her ass and sucked fucking her. I kept on increasing the speed consistently. This increased her volume of moans. This went on for another few minutes and I pushed her on bed, started fucking her again.

The sounds were making us go crazy, even with the AC, we were sweating. By the time we both cummed it was almost around 2 AM. We never realised how soon time went by. We went and cleaned each other in the bathroom & had a small session there as well. Since we were tired, we dozed off in each other’s arms. Morning I woke her up with a kiss on her forehead and kisses on her eyes & kisses on her lips.

The entire day we enjoyed to the core in different corners of the house, in different positions, with champagne, Pepsi, Chocolate sauce as our mixtures. It was one helluva experience. I bid her goodbye in the evening. We both shared our numbers & are in constant touch. Now her hubby is back, we are hardly getting time to continue our adventure sessions.

Hope my dear readers enjoyed reading my true experience. Feel free to mail me on b’[email protected] . Any females in and around Bangalore/Bengaluru, looking for adventures, do feel free to contact me. I don’t believe in giving or receiving money to have sex. Privacy will be assured & expected.

I have not tasted mother’s milk since I have grown up. If there are any ladies who have delivered a child and ready to feed me with their milk, please contact me.

Take care. Enjoy your day or night. Thank you ISS.

About Abhilasha Bakshi

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