I Attained Puberty – The Sweet Stall Story

Hi, I am Senthil (29 years) from Madurai. I am going to share my first e(xxx)perience, which happened 11 years before.

11 years before …… I have completed my +2 Exams and awaiting results.I am good in my studies but due to my family’s financial situation my parents were not in a position to make me study further. I very much worried about my future.

From my eighth Standard onwards during every annual vacation, weekly holidays and whenever I am free I used to work in a sweet stall owned by my dad’s friend. His name is Muthu, aged 35 years at that time. Now my +2 exams were over so I went to see Muthu uncle to join the work permanently. He said after the +2 results he will try to help me to join College. I was very happy hearing this.

Muthu uncle also did some finance business, so he will come to the sweet shop only at night for closing the shop. His wife’s name is Chitra, aged 30 years at that time. They got married 2 years before. She looks after the shop and takes care of everything.

My work is to assist Chitra akka (Sister) in doing the routine works. Twice in a week a Master named Pandian will come to our shop and makes sweets and savories for us and I need to assist him. I learnt a lot from him but he did not give me a chance to do it myself. Chitra akka likes me very much because of my hard work and she is very close to me.

Chitra akka looks like tamil actress Banupriya. Her height, weight and other assets resembles actress Banupriya. Her main attraction is her very big breast. No Men can avoid looking at her breast shapes. I always try to avoid seeing her with bad intention but her structure will make everyone mad, because even from a distance her heavy Breast shapes are visible. I somehow managed to control myself.

Men will come to the shop especially to see Chitra’s beauty. Chitra’s beauty and our Masters taste gave good business. I have seen many men watching her without taking their eyes out of her. They use to touch her hands while getting balance money. I noticed men watching her side boobs through her blouse while she was taking products from upper rack. I thought I am very lucky to be with her throughout the day.

One day Muthu uncle and Chitra akka went to hospital for a medical checkup as they don’t have child. While returning from the hospital they met with an accident. Unfortunately Muthu Uncle died of head injury and Chitra akka escaped with some injuries.

Due to their love marriage Muthu uncle and Chitra akka were separated from their relatives, so my family members did all the funeral activities and my mother was looking after Chitra akka. All of us were very sad and I have to forget my college dreams.

Days passed, Chitra akka recovered and came back to the shop. Now she become normal and began to talk to me as usual.

I took most care to make her comfortable and to forget her worries. There will not me much business in the afternoon hours. So we both sit leisurely and talk about many things. I use to crack jokes for which she will laugh and hit my head. I take it as a compliment from her. Days went like this.

Afternoon Chitra akka will go to her house and while returning she will bring Lunch for me. She cooks well and I use to compliment her for that. I told her that because of her I am eating a good food but my parents don’t have a chance for that. She said ‘don’t worry Senthil, soon all our problems will come to an end’. From next day onwards we both had our lunch together and now we become very close to each other.

One day when I was packing the chips Chitra akka was arranging the biscuit packets in the rack. She was wearing a transparent black blouse with white bra. She stood very close to me that I could see her little breast area uncovered by her bra.

I got tempted and with some time gap I repeatedly watched her blouse. She suddenly turned towards me while I am watching her blouse. She immediately adjusted her sari and said ‘Senthil I thought you are a small boy and I didn’t expect this from you’.

I said ‘sorry akka I try to control myself but to be frank you are having an abnormal size and I get tempted automatically’. She smilingly said ‘dog I’ll kill you’.

From that day I got little courage and moved very closely with her. But now she tried her level best to cover her assets and I was very much disappointed.

It was a Wednesday and weekly holiday for us. My results came on that day and I got 1052 marks. I felt very happy and conveyed it to my parents. Then I went to Chitra Akka’s house and told my marks. She congratulated me and said she is very proud of me. She said she will pay my college fees. I said ‘you are already struggling with debts and I don’t want to trouble you. I am going to get my degree through distance education and I am going to work with you permanently’.

Tears came from her eyes; she came near to me and hugged me. She said ‘I thought no one is with me, thank you very much Senthil, now I have the confidence to lead my life’.

I could feel her heavy breast on my chest but I can’t do anything because she was doing that in emotion. After a minute she moved from me and become normal. She said ‘sorry da, you are in a good mood with your results and I spoiled it, ok tell me what shall I cook for you? I said ‘anything is OK for me’.

We both sat on the floor and seeing the TV we both prepared for our lunch. She was cleaning the rice and I was cutting the vegetables. She was watching the TV and I was watching her. Her one leg was bent and another leg was straight. Her sari was raised up to her knee and I could see her nice legs. I was sitting to her left and I could see her side blouse. It looked like a milk filled coconut.

She turned towards me and asked me ‘hey thief what are you looking’. I didn’t talk anything. She pulled my collar and asked ‘rascal what do you want from me, why do you get spoil in this age?’

I said ‘don’t mistake me; I want to see your nude breast and drink milk from it. Please akka kindly allow me to do this.

She began to laugh at me and asked ‘who told you that you can drink milk from it? Women can produce milk only after giving birth to a child’.

I said ‘I don’t know anything about that but I want to suck your boobs’. She asked ‘what Senthil? Are you ordering me?

I said ‘no akka I am begging you please’. She said ‘ok then stop calling me akka and do whatever you want’.

I felt very happy and went near her to remove her sari but she stopped me and told ‘not now Senthil, let’s have our lunch first’. I got disappointed and began to cut the vegetables.

No men will keep quite after getting the green signal. I looked at her hips, it was amazing. With a little fear I pinched her hips. She shouted ah! and threw a potato on me and it fell on my dick. I shouted in pain and she got afraid. She came near to me and said ‘sorry Senthil I did that in pain, I don’t know it will hit you there’. I couldn’t speak and I was holding my dick above my pants.

She removed my hands and began to unzip my pants but I didn’t allow her and held her hands. At last she somehow unzipped my pants. I felt very shy because I was not wearing my underwear. She laughed at me. I got irritated and asked her ‘why are a laughing? I had only two under wears, one I washed it today morning and another one completely torn and even if I wear that, it doesn’t make any difference.

She said ‘sorry da, I didn’t laugh for that, I laughed by seeing your small dick size. I angrily said ‘normally it will look small but sometimes it grows big’. She took my dick in her hand and asked me ‘is it paining now?’ I replied ‘it feels good as you hold my dick but actually the potato hit my balls and now it’s ok’.

She made me to lie down and removed my entire pant. She massaged my balls gently. By the time my dick grown to its full size, it was not much big but had an average size of about 10 cms. She then moved upwards and held my dick and stroked it slowly.

I shouted ah! because whenever I try to remove my foreskin it pains a lot. She asked me ‘what happened’ and I said my problem to her. She asked me whether I will masturbate. I said ‘my friends use to talk about this in my school, as I don’t have a bathroom or Toilet in my home rarely I get a chance to try it while sleeping but nothing came from it’.

She then went inside and came back with some oil. She poured a little oil on my dick and slowly stroked it. It was a great feeling. Slowly and slowly she removed my foreskin. After about 5 minutes she removed my entire foreskin, I lifted my head and saw my dick bud for the first time. She again poured oil on my dick buds and spread it all over my dick.

After some time she slowly increased the speed, I said fast., fast., she also increased the speed and at last I felt like something is going to burst from my dick and it happened. Oh! What a feeling it was. Even then she was stroking my dick slowly and for every stroke drops of cum came out from my dick. I had a deep breath and closed my eyes for some time. She cleaned my dick with her petticoat and went inside the bathroom.

After about 20 minutes I stood up. She had a bath and came to the hall. Again my dick become small and I hide it with my hands. She with a smile gave me a towel and lungi and asked me to take bath. I went inside the bathroom. First time I took bath in a closed environment. It also had a shower, I opened it and took shower bath for a long time, it was almost 1 hour and Chitra knocked the door and asked me ‘how long will you take bath? Then I came out wearing the lungi to hall.

By the time she prepared the lunch and we both sat and had our lunch. After that we both sat on the sofa and watched the TV. She asked me how I feel. I said I feel like being in heaven. She mocked me by saying ‘today only you attained puberty and before that you need a woman! I sadly looked at her without knowing what to say.

She said ‘hey! Senthil just for fun, don’t feel too much for this. Morning you asked me for something, do you need it now? I said ‘I don’t feel like doing it now, I shall do it later’. She pulled my ears and said ‘all men are same, your work is over and that’s why you don’t need it, what about me?

I asked ‘what can I do for you?’ She pulled my hands and said ‘that I will teach you in my bedroom’. She pushed me to her bedroom and made me to sit on the bed. She turned my head up and kissed on my forehead. She said ‘I know I am doing a mistake but it’s all because of you and I have no other option’. I could see her wet eyes. She then kissed on my lips and sucked it. She released it and hit her forehead saying ‘I am doing all the things that you must do’

She then removed her sari and stood in front of me. She was not wearing a bra and I could see her nipple shapes through her transparent plain yellow blouse. She said ‘Senthil, now do whatever you want but slowly… very slowly. Then I stood up, licked and sucked her nipples above her blouse. Then I did the same with the other nipple. My saliva made her blouse wet and I could see her dark nipples through that. Then I pressed her both boobs, her first blouse hook removed automatically.

Then I slowly removed the remaining blouse hooks one by one and took off her blouse. What a show it was. It was so big and firm. Her nipples were big and sharp. Then I slowly touched her nipples and pinched it with both my hands. Then I sucked her left nipples for some time pressing her right boobs and then I sucked her right nipples for some time pressing the left boobs. Then I made her to turn back and from behind I took her boobs in my hand pressed it from under. She closed her eyes and enjoyed it.

She then turned towards me and removed my lungi, my dick was standing straight towards her. She hugged me for some time. Then she made me to lie on the bed and she sat on the bed. Near to the bed there was a table and it had a bread packet and jam bottle. She took some jam and applied on my dick. To my surprise she took my dick on her mouth and sucked it for about 5 minutes. She rotated her tongue on my bud and I enjoyed it a lot.

She then lied on the bed and made me to kneel between her. She took some jam and applied on her both nipples. I understood what to do and I sucked it for a long time. Then she asked me to remove her petticoat.

I slowly removed her petticoat and for the first time I am seeing a pussy. It looked a cave. I think she could have shaved there a week before. Small grown hairs looked attractive.

She took some jam and applied throughout her vagina. I understood what she wants but I had some hesitation and simply looked at her. She took my dick and said ‘hey dog! you enjoyed while I am doing it for you but you think a lot to do it for me ah!’

Then I spread her legs and licked her pussy. I licked the jam along with her pussy for some time. She asked me to roll my tongue and insert it inside her pussy and repeat it for some time. I did that and liked it very much. It was so soft to my tongue. She was trembling and enjoying it. I could see my saliva and some liquid form her pussy. Then she asked me to come between her legs.

She asked me to insert my dick where I inserted my tongue. I tried but could not do it properly. Then she herself took my dick and inserted it. It smoothly went inside and I could feel the tightness and heat on my dick. I felt like keeping it in an oven. Then I automatically began to stroke. What a feeling it was. She pressed my buttocks and made me to do it fast. The friction gave me a lot of pleasure.

After about 5 minutes I released my juice inside her and tried to lie on her. But she again pressed my buttocks and whispered ‘Senthil please do it for some time’. I did that but I felt uncomfortable. I could feel my dick getting weak so I just rubbed her pussy deeply and after a minute she hugged me tightly and I could feel some vibration inside her pussy.

She gave me a kiss on my fore head and made me to lie on her. After some time she asked me to get up. I slowly removed my dick from her, cum drops came out from her pussy. Then I lied next to her. She cleaned her pussy and my dick with her petticoat and threw it away. Then by hugging, both of us slept together.

After about 2 hours I woke up and it was 7.00 pm. She was in her deep sleep. I enjoyed seeing her sleeping nude. While she was breathing her heavy boobs goes up and down. My dick raised by seeing her beauty. I kissed her nipples one after the other. She didn’t wake up. Then I took my penis and stroked it and after 3 minutes and reached the climax and my sperms hit her face. She suddenly woke and scolded me ‘dog’. She tried to catch me but I ran to the bathroom.

She came inside the bathroom and slapped me. I opened the shower and hugged her. I cleaned her with soap lather and she did it for me. I played with her boobs by pressing and pinching the nipples. She pulled my foreskin and cleaned it with lather. As I just masturbated my dick doesn’t grow well. Then we had a long shower together.

She gave a new shirt and lungi of Muthu uncle and asked me to wear it. She dressed in front of me. I sat on the sofa. She lied on the sofa and put her head on my lap. She said ‘Senthil I feel like newly married and I think I can’t live without you. I said ‘don’t worry I’ll always be with you’.

We both developed the shop. I replaced Pandian Master. Our fucking session continued on Wednesdays. She gave me a good share from the business. My family got settled. She got pregnant. Me and Chitra went to my parents and told the truth. After a long struggle we got married. She gave birth to a baby girl. I completed my B.B.A. through distance education. Still we are living together happily and there ends the story.

Readers thank you for reading my English, I don’t know whether you liked this story or not but please give your comments to [email protected]

About Abhilasha Bakshi

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