Life’s First: With Cousin – Indian Sex Stories

Dear all ISS reader I am a new visitor to the site. Recently only few months ago I came across this site while searching for sex movies as my wife has been away from me, due to her pregnancy. I like the stories I read on the site and now it has inspired me to share some of my own experiences in the past as well as in recent times. I will try my best to share all the experiences one by one looking to your response to this one.

Now about me, I am Abhinav with an average built up body with fair skin, 5’7’’ tall with a 6” dick with 2.5” thick, aged 33 year. My wife likes my dick so much that she says that she doesn’t need to think any better fucker than me. We have been enjoying our life. I will share here about my first sex encounter in my life, which I had with my cousin Ruby (daughter of my father’s sister) who is about 4 years younger to me. Though she is not so fair but have a pair of expressive eyes with a sex appeal and a sexy figure.

Now coming to the story. This happened in the year 2004 when I was 23 yr old and she was 19. At that time I had a slim figure and she must be 32,26,32, which, I believe is a dream figure for most of all, at that age. At that time I had already completed my MBA degree after my BSc., struggling for a job and she was in her final year B.A. All this happened at the marriage ceremony of my elder sister in our town.

Generally we have a tradition that close relatives will come to our home before 4-5 days of the date of marriage. We have a three bed room bunglow, however at the time of this type of occasions we have to sleep in the ground as we are a big family (my fathers are 4 brothers and 3 sisters and my mother has 3 sisters and 2 brothers) and everybody gathers at such occasions. I had an active role in the marriage as I had a good friend circle and I can manage everything with my contacts.

1st day: My Mom woke me up in the morning said badi aunty is coming and you have to go to the bus stop to receive them. I got ready quickly and went to the bus stop. After 15 min the bus came, it was fully packed which took them a bit more time to come out. To my surprise a beauty came out of bus scolding someone, with a nice tight fit pink salwar suit with a sexy figure and tight boobs I was just looking at her constantly, I got a instant hard on. But I realised this is my cousin, I was meeting her after 5 years and she has grown up to a stunning beauty. Then my aunty came out I convey my regards and became normal immediately. My aunty enquired how to go to home. I told we will go on my bike. To my surprise aunty told Ruby to sit after me. I was experiencing the soft and spongy touches of her boobs on my back on our way to home and this has impacted my thoughts towards Ruby. On the way we shared everything happened in our life in the past years.

Now without wasting much time in how we looked at each other during the day I will come directly to night. In the night as I have already told you we had to sleep in the ground. As there was no space available in the room where ladies were sleeping Ruby came to our room to sleep where all male members were sleeping. She requested to sleep there. She slept at the end of the row to my left. I don’t know why she preferred this side. This made me uncomfortable but again I remembered the soft touches of her boobs during the day time and I wanted to squeeze those two oranges with my hand. I pretended that I am uncomfortable and slept with my back towards her. But I think this somehow made her comfortable and secured with me.

After some time when everybody slept into deep sleep ruby told me in slow voice Dada talk to me as I am not feeling sleepy yet. I also obeyed her instruction and turned towards her as I had some other intentions in my mind. Now she was facing the roof and I was facing her. We talked on many topics like cricket, movies, college day’s boyfriends / girl friends etc. And while talking ruby slept but I was awake.

The devil inside me has now ruled over me and guided me what to do. Now I slowly put my right leg over her both legs. Initially there was no reaction but I think this broke her sleep and slowly she removed my leg. Then after some time I again put my leg over her and she removed it. I pretended to be in sleep but was observing her. This situation happened for 5-6 times with a gap of 2 -3 min each time. I had a hard on and a big tent was formed in my shorts. I kept my patience and repeated the event. At last she gave up and allowed me to keep my legs over her. More to this, now she had kept his left hand over my legs. I was feeling the warmth in her palm. This further elevated the temptation in me. My dick was touching her right thigh softly. I did not pressed it as it may led to think her that I am awake. Now after about 15 minutes I took my next step By keeping my Right hand over her body just below the boos and over the navel. This time Ruby immediately removed my hands, looked at me. She doubts whether I am awake. Even in slow voice asked “Dada”, but there was no reply from me. She thought I am in deep sleep. After 2-3 min again I repeated the same activity but this time my hand was kissing her breast just above the navel. This time also she removed my hand but with a bit delay. I never given up and again repeated the same placing my hand a bit towards up. She reacted in same way but again gave up at last after 7-8 times, thinking I am doing all these in sleep. And now my palm was rightly on her left boob. Oh my god what a feeling, how soft it was just like a rose flower, just like a feather, I have no words to describe. Now she was a bit uncomfortable and tried to move towards her left but could not due to my legs over her. So she fully gave up. I was surprised, why she was behaving opposite to that of day time when she gazed me from different places gave naughty smiles etc, which had made me to do all this to satisfy my desire created by her only. As my hand was on her boobs, she must be feeling my warmness as it raised some temptation inside her and the boobs became harder now. Her tits were raised and pinching my palms. Now I thought she is inviting me to do something to her. I slowly gave a soft press to her left boob, wow what a feeling it was! This was the first time I pressed a boob. Her boobs were slightly harder than what I felt in morning. Again I pressed slowly. There was no reaction from her. I continued in the same manner and decreased the gap between two presses. Again there was no reaction but I observed a small movement in her body coming closure towards me. My dick was pressed a bit on her thighs, but I did not move. Now I started to feel the softness of her boobs by continuing pressing.

Now I was out of control. I thought to press it directly as I was pressing it over her clothes. I searched the way to go inside her night gown. Moved my hand near to her cleavage over the nighty but could not find the way to insert my hand inside her. As I moved my hand over her two boobs she hold my hand tightly. I could not understand what she wants whether to stop or to do something more. She hold my hand so tightly that I was unable to free it. I did not move my hand and was feeling the up and down movement of her boobs as he was taking heavy breath now. In this way I don’t know when I slept. In the morning when I woke up she was not there. I was not able to erase the memories of last night from my brain.2nd day: During the whole day She was not coming near to me I thought she is worried about the last night. In the night I was waiting when she will come for sleep near me and I will explore something new and try to adventure more of her body, thinking about last night I got a instant hard on. But to my sorrow she did not came for sleep that night. I was not able to sleep thinking about her. The whole night passed by waiting for her.

3rd day: I was very much busy during the whole day at the party plot where the marriage was organised on next day. So I could not meet her. In the night we all went to sleep early as tomorrow there is a lot of work to do. Suddenly I felt a worm touch over my chest at the mid night, which made me woke up. I did not wake up completely and pretended to be in sleep. I guessed it must be Ruby. Then she came bit closer and hold me tightly from my back. Her boobs were crushed to my back. Some sensation / current passed through my body. This made me so horny that I wanted to fuck her immediately but it was not possible in the crowd. As I was unable to control myself I turned to my left but pretended to be in sleep. Ruby immediately removed her hand and turned to her left slept with her back to me. Now I could not think what to do. I waited for about 15min now she turned to her right and slept facing the roof. I was facing her. I proceeded in the same manner as that day, put my leg over her. There was no resistance, instead she hold it immediately. Without wasting much time I kept my hand over her left boobs. Today she was wearing a two piece and the top was with button. I realised she is ready now. What happened to her I don’t know as I kept my hand over her boobs she removed my hand and turned towards me in a rush pulled my head towards her and locked lips with me. We were smooching vigorously. It continued for about 3-4 minutes and she moved her hand towards my penis hold it over the shorts and whispered wow it is so strong like a rod, while smooching me. I got more courage and started moving my hands towards her pussy. But she hold my hand and guided it towards her boobs under the top. I was touching her smooth skin, her navel was so sexy, my god so smooth skin. She guided me to her boobs and again hold my penis, whispered my god it is rock hard. I whispered “and your boobs are soft I want to feel it directly without any cloth”. She replied don’t worry time will come. I knew she is enjoying the play now. Slowly I moved my hands towards her back and unhooked the Bra. Again came to front and hold her naked boobs under the top. She also opened the zip of my short and took my penis out. The warm touch of her hand over my penis, I am not able to describe how I was feeling, like in the heaven, so satisfied. We continued holding each other in that manner for about three hour. She was Squeezing my penis and I was squeezing her boobs, in between Smooching vigorously, talking love etc. Now I was about to cum I told her she said then how you will hide your spot on the shorts. I said I don’t know. Immediately she moved her skirt upward and told me to cum over her panty. I obeyed her instruction and came over her panty. Now we had to relaxed it must be about 4 O’clock. We separated from each other as it was time for others to wake up as today is the marriage day.

4th day: Now it comes the day. I will directly jump to the night. Everybody was busy, enjoying and having fun at the party. Suddenly a relative nephew came to call me that my mother was calling urgently. I went with him. I saw my mother, aunty and Ruby were standing near the entrance of the party plot. My mother gave me the keys of our house and told go and drop Ruby and aunty at Home as Ruby is not feeling well. Ruby told her mother to stay back and assure to manage herself alone. My mother and aunty agreed after some discussions. Now Ruby told me chalo dada we will go. I went to take my Bike. During that time I doubted this is planned by Ruby. Today Ruby was looking gorgeous in a bottle green colour saree with a low cut blouse. If saree will drop a little her cleavage will be clearly visible. I came with my Bike and she sat behind me. When we crossed some distance from the party plot, she came closer and put her hand around my chest over my shoulder. Her boobs get pressed. She put her head on my shoulder as if she is really feeling unwell. A current pass through my body and my penis started to rise up. I asked her if she is all right. She replied that she is fine and I am going to get what I was not able get during the last 3 days. Now my doubt got clear. She told let utilise the time as everybody will be busy till late night. I said ok. I got so excited that I wanted to stop the bike there and to fuck her, but controlled myself.

We reached at home. She ran to the house. I locked the bike and rushed to the house. Door was opened. When I entered to the drawing room. She was behind the door she closed the door and immediately locked it from inside and jumped over me. Pushed me to the sofa and started kissing me blindly from head to toes repeatedly breathlessly. I could not do anything I had nothing to do. She has already ridden over me. Now she came up stopped and locked her lips with my lips. We smooched for about 5 minutes I inserted my tongue rolled over her tongue rapidly. After some time I pushed her away took her with my arms and took her to the bed room threw her on the bed, ride over her and started kissing all over her body. She was moving on the bed like a snake, moaning slowly, hhmm, ahh, hmm, ahh. I pulled her saree away. Now she was in blouse and petticoat. Wow what a sexy figure she had. Whitish colour body was looking gorgeous in the bottle green colour. She got up and pulled me towards her pulled up my sherwani. I unhooked the blouse and pulled down the petticoat, she pulled down my pant. She was in bra and panty and I was in my under garments only.She cathched the tent on my underwear and could not controlled and pulled down it. I was totally nude. Now its my turn I also unhooked her bra and pulled down her panty without wasting much time. My god what a beauty, sizable round Boobs, just like orange but bigger than an orange, pink areola with tits like a rose bud. I jumped to suck the left boob. While I was sucking the left boob on the other hand I was quizzing the right boob. Sucking and squeezing, sucking and squeezing and it continued I was experiencing all these for the first time. She was holding my penis and caressing it with her warm hands. We were fully lost within each other. She has started moaning. Hmmmm, ahhhhh, hmmmm, ahhh, luu babby, hhhmm.

After some time she told me lets proceed further. I want the rock inside my pussy. Just dig it hard. She guided My cock towards her pussy whole. I tried to insert my penis into her pussy. It was so tight I gave some jerk and just half of penis head entered she shouted ohhhhhhh maaaaaaa, I put my lips over her mouth to control the noise. It was hurting me also. She was holding my cock and was trying to pull it out but I was trying to push it inside. Now I gave another jerk and my penis head entered fully. She again shouted ohhhhhhh maaaaaaa, I will die, please take it out. But I had made my mind to insert my penis fully and fuck her hard to enjoy my first experience. Again I gave a forcefully jerk and the entire cock was inside her pussy. She again shouted more loudly ohhhhhhh maaaaaaa, I will die, please take it out. Saying that she pushed me away forcefully. My cock got out of her pussy. I was lying beside her on the bed. She was taking heavy breath. Said I can’t tolerate this oh my god. I put my hand around her over the breast and kissed her over forehead and said its ok we will try same other day. But I have to release my sperm to get ease of the situation. She read my mind and told lets go to the bath room. We went to the bath room. She hold my cock and started jerking it to and fro. After about ten minutes I came. She made me clean with cloth. Gave smooch again and told lets go to the party. We dressed up and went to the party. Next day some sudden news came and my uncle had to join the office immediately so they all went back to their town and my wishes remain unfulfilled.

Any married / unmarried women / girls in the state of Gujarat to have fun can contact me through [email protected]. I will be waiting for your response. Keep a watch on next story a full fucking time with Ruby.

About Abhilasha Bakshi

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