Love In San Francisco – Indian Sex Stories

Hello friends, this is Jeet from San Francisco. It’s been a long time that i posted my last story. I had so many incidents but didn’t get enough time to pen them down. I did all of my schooling in India and college here. Last week i met my school teacher here in San Francisco… After almost 10 years…

I had crush on her since 9th grade. That was year 2001. She (Anita) joined our school and she was 22 only. Fresh from college, English teacher…  She was 5’7 32-24-30 very slim and fair in complexion. We had good understanding since day one. I was her favorite student because of my extra interest in studies and other activities. She knew that i like her. I don’t know how but she knew.. I used to watch her teaching us when everyone was busy with books… She used to wear suits and we had so much common in likes and dislikes and other stuff. She taught us till 12th grade. After that in year 2005, i came to U.S.A. for graduation. She met me before i left wished me good luck and kissed me on cheeks…. I left and we weren’t in contact anymore. Later i came to know from friend that she got married. I was a little sad but life moved on…. I did my graduation, got good job. I was working at a web design company and after my shift, i saw Anita in the parking lot with someone. First i thought it was someone else because this girl was a little plump but i went close to her…

Me:- “excuse me if I’m not wrong you are Anita” she was confused, shocked.

Anita: – “yes, who are you?”

Me:- “your favorite student”

She was shocked with happiness.. She hugged me and said you have grown up. She wasn’t 32-24-30 anymore…. She was 36d- 28-38 now. How do i know… Well after so many incidents i know that much. I was wrong about her anyways…After marriage she totally changed.. She had a kid…. Her body changer i guess… I said i was hesitating to come to you actually. The guy with her was her husband. He works in the different company but same building. She came to pick him up as his car was in the garage. We went to coffee shop and talked for almost 25-30 min. Her husband was talking to his friend so me n Anita talked about school, college, jobs… I accidentally touched her legs under the table and she looked at me surprisingly… But she didn’t say anything. She took my number and said she’ll call me.. I didn’t go home but i to Pacifica road 1. It’s a highway goes along with Pacific Ocean.

I wanted to spend some time there after i met her… I got call from an unknown number, it was her. We talked for more than an hour. She was home n her husband left for a game of golf. She was alone at home. I asked her marriage life and she just said its ok. I doubted but i didn’t force her for more info. She asked why i touched her in the coffee shop.. I said sorry it was an accident. She said she knew that i liked her and I had crush. I said i still have. To which she didn’t say anything. She kept quiet. Then she asked me where i was.. I said on the beach. She said she wants to go but her husband is too busy with his own life and doesn’t give her enough time. In the house it was her, her kid, husband and mother in law. She wanted to meet as her mother in law was taking care of the kid. I refused to that. I wanted to talk more, bring more out of her about me. It went for almost 3 weeks

One Friday night she called me.. She dropped her husband at the airport as he was going to New York for a week. She wanted to meet. I asked about her mil n kid. She said they r sleeping. They won’t be worry as she’s going to her friend’s house for b’day party. I gave her my address. I was living alone in a studio apartment, with nice city view. Airport was 25 min drive so i had time to bring some wine, food and make my place look decent. She was there driving new BMW 530…. Her husband was a rich bastard. I invited her in and she hugged me for good 5 min. I felt something was wrong in her life. We sat down n she looked around n checked out my place. She said aren’t you lucky and happy to live in a place you like…. And she had tears in her eyes. This said a lot. Later we both were relaxed, i looked at her and smiled and said, Anita, you never need to cry till you are with me. I can’t see you crying, please, promise me. She caressed my face, caressed my hair, caressed on my head and her eyes were doing replying me.

Her reply reached to me by her caresses. She said, Jeet i am not in any way betraying Raj (her husband) . But you have given me much more in my life in the last few days, than raj could give me during my whole married life. I hugged her

She was caressing my manly chest. She opened two buttons of my shirt while talking like this; she now caressed my hairy chest. I raised my self a little more, she opened all the buttons of my shirt, and i removed my shirt. I again looked at her, caressing me. She was caressing so lovingly, i have never experienced such caress in my life.

I started unhook her top while doing so i started kissing her front neck, kissed lower and lower on her boobs when i reached between her boobs i started licking there.

I can see her beautiful belly, belly button and naval. Her waist so sexy and beautiful, that my cock twitched in my trousers, i was not wearing knickers inside as usual. She pushed my trouser which was on just elastics. As she pushed i helped to pull it down towards my legs, to do so i settled between her legs.

I looked at her beautiful pantie and her soft marvelous thighs and her nice legs. I held her panty she raised her ass a little, and i pulled down it, while i was removing her panty. We both were stark naked, we both sitting before each other and were looking at each other’s body. I was mesmerized by her beautiful features. Her fair skin was glowing, her curves were sculptural. They were like created by the world’s best sculptor. I wanted to sit like this and enjoy seeing this beautiful sculpture, but my male hormones were boiling to kiss and lick those curves. Once i filled my eyes by her beauty i started kissing the nature’s real beauty on the earth. I took her face between my palms and caressed her, looked deep into her eyes, she kept looking in my eyes, but soon slyly she lowered her eyes. I kissed her closed eyes. She brought her arms towards me and put her palms on my shoulder. I kissed her soft beautiful shoulders. I took her arm in my palms and caressed with one palm while holding in another. She looked lovingly at my gesture, i looked at her and smiled, she responded with a smile, i said, Anita every part of your body is artistic. I kissed her palm, reversed it and kissed back of her palm, kissed her fingers. She caressed my hair and my head with another hand. She moaned while saying my name, she pronounced my name little longer than needed, which showed inner effects of my love making. She breathed out hot after speaking my name. She said why didn’t you marry me?

I kissed her neck, while kissing her neck i held her both boobs in my palm from below, as if i want to feel their girth. She looked there; i try to feel their shape now. They were so perfect, i could feel that they are both so identical, not a millimeter’s difference between two. I went near them to greet them with small kisses around and over them. I first kissed her left boob from left side, just bruised the kiss. She shudders a little and became little erect from her spine. She let her palms rest on my hairy thighs, both palms on each thigh. I kissed on each sides of her left boob. I kissed between her boobs, than started kissing her right side boobs same like i did with the left one. She breathed heavy once and tries to get composer.

She brought her palm on my neck and started caressing my neck and my back. She was caressing so lovingly, i forgot what i was doing for a while. My palms start caressing her curves at her waist, and feel the softness of her skin, i started kissing her nipples, i started kissing her belly and belly button, and she wanted me to make her more love over there, so soon she started to lay flat on her back.

Slowly she laid herself on her back. I kept kissing her belly. Again i was between her legs and she widened her legs. I lower myself little more for easy access and started kissing her belly button. She was so soft, so pliable and over all very receptive yet sensitive to my kissing. Her palm was now resting on my head and her finger tips caressing my scalp. I loved it. I went lower and started kissing her thighs, i looked at her pussy, and her pussy was so beautiful. Her pussy lips tightly closed, i can see a wet patch going towards her ass, and it was a continuous flow of her womanly juices.

I started kissing around her triangle. I kissed her slit, and soon started taking her whole pussy in mouth and sucked it. She held my hair and pulled me and kissed me very passionately.

Again i was before her face, my front weight on my arms around her shoulders, my torso pressed on her torso. My cock was hard, i held my cock in my palm and started caressing my cock head on her pussy with one hand. I was looking at her face lovingly.

She was all smiling heartily, she said, Jeet you are excellent lover. I don’t know since when my love juice is flowing, it’s flowing continuously. All these never happened to me. You are making me feel like a sex goddess. I don’t know i am worth this much love.

“Anita you don’t know what you are. You have never let your beauty flow; you are not wearing clothes which make your beauty blossom. To me it seems that either you want to keep your beauty hidden or you don’t know your own treasure” i said.

I have not seen such beauty even in pictures, in monuments or even imagined. That is why i am mesmerized with your beauty. And so i am trying to enjoy your curves, your soft supple flowing skin. I want to enjoy every bit of your beauty and so i am doing everything without any haste. Take your own time. Jeet i like everything you do, she said

Her pussy lips parted due to my caressing cock head on her slit. My cock head now touched her clitoris, she shudder; she held my both upper arms with her palms, and stand still for a while. She had her first short climax. I pushed my cock a little and take away my hand from there, and start caressing her face and then shoulder i let my palm glide on her boob, while i pushed my cock further in to her. I pulled little and pushed again. My cock is thicker than normal, so i was sure to give her some pain.

I again lowered myself, and started licking the center of both boobs, i started licking her left boob first, i licked the slopes of her curvy left boob my saliva was dropping on her boob, i keep continuous licking now i start licking her right boob i licked the whole of it just the same way as i did to left one.

Now i gather both the boobs with my palms holding them from sides, i started caressing them with my cheeks i said, Anita, you are so soft, she didn’t respond, she just moaned, i pushed my cock and pulled it back, pulled and pushed, my face still caressing her boobs.

Suddenly i pulled out my full cock and with a forceful jerk pushed my whole cock in her, she shouts a loud oh, and stopped, she lay unmoved. I pulled back and pushed in; i increased my speed force and strength of fucking my sweet lover. I pulled and pushed, pulled and pushed and pulled and pushed, she was now in ecstasy and moaning uh and aha. I keep building tempo for her and she was now holding the bed sheet and moving her head from side to side. I now started playing with her boobs again, this time i took one of her boob in my mouth and suck it, then leave it and make it wet by licking my tongue all over it including nipple, soon she started moaning and sending her butt upper side to meet my each thrust, we were doing it in unison.

We continued doing this for a long ten to fifteen minutes, during which i switched over from one boob to another boob. In between i stopped to make love to her beautiful face, and say loving words like, i kept admiring her continuously while fucking, about her beauty, her skin, her curves and her heart too.

The pressure built in her was enormous, i was also under pressure in my balls, they were boiling to release their load, but she wanted to last this longer, but now this was too much for her, and she suddenly released herself from pressure and soon she started convulsing, she started becoming stiffer and stiffer, she held me tight, and locked her legs around me, i was also on the verge of cumming, i gave few last strokes.

I sent my first load of hot semen in her, soon she climaxed, and she shouts loud my name and became limp. Her vaginal muscles were contracting on my cock, which milked my cock to core. My cock was sending spurt after spurt of hot semen in her. I laid myself on her soft body, caring not to give more weight on her. She had embraced me tight with her arms around me. I was enjoying her softness, and my palms slowly started caressing her, this time i was caressing to feel her softness.

After a while she came to her senses. She started caressing my back. I soon rose to look at her face to see her expressions. She was smiling, she said, this was awesome, you gave me the experience, which i have never experienced. I caressed her face lovingly and kissed her face, kissed her cheeks, kissed her lips a little and said Anita darling, don’t worry, you will have better experiences than this day after day.

She caressed my face and said i sure wish to enjoy it; i slipped to her side, and we were face to face kissing and caressing each other. We slept in tight embrace of each other till 8 am in the morning. It was Saturday…

About Abhilasha Bakshi

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