My Adventures In Bangalore – Part l

I am woman in her late 20s staying in Bangalore and working as a consultant in a big Indian IT company. My name is Fatima and this is one chapter from my true story.

I joined my company in March 2013 and was relocated to Bangalore. I rented an apartment in Indiranagar as i wanted to stay in the posh locality with lots of action during the weekends and not near the dull it park areas, away from civilization.

I got a great team to work with and straight away got a great challenging project. Let me be very honest with you. I am not a genius who can do anything but i have been smart to take advantage of situations. In my college campus interview rounds, there were much better candidates for the kind of consulting job that was being offered but i had a few things that no one had. Very fair complexion, 36-24-36 and at 5’5’’, quite a package as men would say. And more importantly, i knew how to make men do anything for you. There is fun in the passive-aggressive game and when one knows how to play it, nothing like it.

I wanted the offer, one of the best paying offers and i wanted it bad. I dressed in formals and wore a tight fitting short shirt that accentuated my well rounded dd boobs and just about covered my stomach. A matching low rise black trouser and i was ready for the kill. Push up bra with deep plunge was my most potent accessory.

The moment came and my name was announced. It was now or never and i started walking to the interview room. I was told there are three men from the company and the project manager is a very tough guy. Just as i was about to enter, i unbuttoned the top button from my shirt. I walked in and took my seat on the sofa. As i sat down my breasts slumped and i could quickly catch from the corner of my eye, the wide jawed horny men. I realized that my shirt has climbed up and some of my skin near the navel area was showing. My plan was going fine so far and all i wanted was the prey to take the bait.

As i looked up, i could catch two of the men almost aching to peep down my deep cleavage while the third was looking at my CV. I could figure out that he was the project manager, the tough guy. One of the two other men was now ogling at my navel. Two down and one to go…

The interview began and to my surprise (not really :)), i was asked very simple questions and nothing related to consulting. All they asked is if i can relocate to Bangalore and whether i can handle the demands of the consulting industry. In between, i asked for some water and as i was gulping water, i spilled a few drops in my white shirt. The water made those areas a little bit transparent. I could again feel the two stripping me with their eyes.

The third guy hardly asked me any question and i could never catch him looking at me. He was either really tough or very smart. Anyhow, i was the only one who got the offer. Although, i was curious about the 3rd guy, i didn’t bother and was busy accepting the fake congratulations of my college friends.

So, in March, i finally joined work. I took a 2bhk for rent and would take the bus to work. First day of work was when they assign projects after initiation. I was wearing a blazer and a skirt combination to work. As i entered the office floor, i could see everyone in my floor glancing at my legs. I was having fun already.

I went to meet me team and was not surprised to find all three from the interview panel there. Salim Mustafa was the third tough guy while the two horny fools were Pratim Dasgupta from Kolkata and Anubhav Gupta from Delhi. Anubhav was my rank while Pratim was my immediate senior and we all reported to Salim.

The first day was fun and in the evening Pratim offered me to drop home saying it was my first day and i accepted the offer. As i entered his car, i removed my jacket as it was feeling uncomfortable. The front seat hadn’t been pushed back and as i had half removed my jacket with my hands tangled up, my jacket got stuck and i was embarrassed as Pratim’s eyesight was parallel to my stretched boobs and he was staring at them as if he had seen a ghost. I asked him to help me with it and he came closer to help me remove the jacket. I could feel his warm breath near my neck as he helped remove it. I pushed the seat back and now was comfortable. Pratim was lost and i am sure he couldn’t remove that image from his mind as throughout the way he kept staring at my boobs through the mirror.

I realized his desperation and thought this is someone who can be used to my own advantage.

Now, Pratim offered to drop me from home to office and back every day and who was i to say no. Over a few months, i realized all of them were married. While Anubhav and Pratim never missed a chance to come closer and stare at my chest, Salim never did anything. I decided to use both Anubhav and Pratim and get the Ferrari project that was coming up. I will think about Salim later, i thought.

I got most of my assignments done by Anubhav and Pratim who didn’t know that both of them were working for me. Both being horny middle aged men were thinking of scoring with me and i played along. Pretending to be innocent and made them feel they had a chance of screwing me.

We were working on a digital solution assignment and i needed an office iPad. I raised the request in the system but it was rejected by Salim. Pratim gifted me a personal iPad and said, i can use it to work on it as well. I initially refused but he showed his chivalry and i accepted it.

I finished my first year at work and got a promotion as well as pay hike. I knew Pratim had fought for it with Salim and got it done. He gifted me an iPhone on my promotion. I thanked him and invited him home for dinner.

He came over for dinner with clearly one thing on mind. He reached at 7:30 pm and was shocked to see Anubhav already there. I told him i had invited Anubhav as well. He was clearly disappointed but couldn’t say anything.

One day he announced that a Ferrari project is coming up and he will be travelling to Italy with one more associate. I got his hint and realized what he wants. So, i started being extra nice with him. I will sit close to him in the car.

Once, i asked him to stop the car as i wanted to drink Pepsi. He got me the fountain and cleverly dropped it on his pants while driving.

He wasn’t happy but couldn’t say anything. I immediately said sorry and started to clean his trousers with the tissue papers. As i did that, i could feel his dick growing in the pants. I feigned ignorance and continued for some time and stopped. He was clearly enjoying the rub of my hands on his pants. He said “it’s okay” and dropped me at home.

Finally on the day when the team was about to be announced, we got a shocker. Salim had decided to go to Italy along with another associate. This changed everything. All along, i had planned for Pratim to take me. Salim hardly ever spoke to me and i had two weeks to get this project and trip.

For the entire week i would go to Salim for little things and ask his guidance. Salim will help but will play indifferent. That saturday, i was feeling stupid in the evening over the wasted efforts at Pratim. However, i realized what Salim was up to. He wanted me for sure but he was one liked the chase and i was very obvious in my approach. Next week i decided to play smart.

From that Monday till Friday, i didn’t respond to hi emails. Nor did i go to his cabin. I told Pratim that i am busy with some work and asked him to convey the same to Salim. Friday evening Salim came near my cubicle, took a pause but before he could say anything, walked away. I realized, the plan worked but he was flying on Tuesday and he didn’t even speak. There was no time now and i had given up.

Saturday was depressing as i was thinking about Italy and Ferrari. As i was thinking, i got a message and a dinner invite from Salim. I was pleasantly surprised. He offered to pick me at 8:00 pm and asked me to get ready by then. I was thrilled. I was planning to take a shower and was in my bathrobe when i heard the bell ringing. It was 7:00 and i was not expecting anyone then. I was shocked to see Salim through the eyehole. He was an hour early. He had roses and a wine bottle with him.

I was almost smitten by him and opened the door. Once i opened the door, i saw him first time in over a year looking at my body hungrily. Then it hit me that i was in my bathrobe which hardly hid anything from imagination.

I told him he was early. Without taking his eyes off me he said he had some work nearby which couldn’t happen and hence he came early. I saw through his flat lie. By now, i was feeling stupid for my thin bathrobe. I could almost, make out he was trying to eye the outline of my thighs and the lines of my panties. He tried desperately to concentrate but his eyes were betraying him.

I offered him to sit and started talking with him. Delaying my batch and prolonging his view of my assets. Also, i was curious about the invite. Salim got up and kissed me on my lips and pushed him aside. I wasn’t letting him get it so easily now and told him there is some misunderstanding. I am not that kind of girl.

He said, “Fatima, i haven’t seen such a ripe body in my life. Your tits are perfectly full. They are the best i have seen in years. All you need is a man.. What do you think? That lame Bengali is man enough for you? He is a horny chutiya. You need a real man. Don’t you think i know how your appraisal was so good and how you are able to produce the deliverables on time? I knew this from the day of the interview that Dasgupta has the hot’s for you.

I said, “Salim i don’t know what you have been thinking. There is some gap here. And i won’t take your words politely now. How dare you say such things about me and Pratim.”

Salim was possessed. He kept saying, “Underneath the innocent facade, you are a slut.  He is a real piece of ass, who knows how to get men to do everything for you. You handed it out to Dasgupta for work and promotion. To Anubhav for free. He told me everything. You whore.” i was shocked to hear about Anubhav telling everything to Salim. I forgot they are drinking buddies and once drunk they would have discussed everything. Men!

I was not going to be cowed down and i was genuinely pissed at the way things were now. I started shouting and abusing him now, “how dare you call me a whore. You bastard! Get out. Right now…”

I started shouting at him and asked him to get out. As i shouted, and got up with a jerk, my big boobs started swaying and heaving wildly without any gown to support them and he was hypnotized. I started abusing him and asked him to leave but i could see a smile on his face. He seemed to tremble with excitement at my sluttish language.

I was afraid. He started to leave without saying anything and i went to change and get ready go out to clear up my mind. I could hear the door get slammed as i went into my bedroom. I went to my wardrobe and started picking my dress.

I decided on a sleeveless black blouse and black sari and finished wearing it. I went to my perfume rack and as i was dabbing perfume on my neck, a pair of hands grabbed me from behind. Shocked, i dropped my perfume bottle. The hands went straight for my boobs and were squeezing them from outside the sari. To my horror, i realized, it was Salim as he whispered, “oh Fatima. I want you.”

Before i could react, i had removed my pallu with a jerk and was groping my breasts, with his left hand while he held me tight with his right hand. He was acting crazy and started licking my neck and my armpits in turns. I screamed, “Salim, what the fuck you are doing here?”

Salim said “sorry Fatima”. I really wanted to leave. I was leaving but then as i was leaving i saw the mirror near the door. What i saw mesmerized me. I opened the door but slammed the door shut, while i remained inside the living room. I saw you in the bedroom, pulling off your thin robe and throw it aside. Between you lace half bra and her string transparent panties, your body was shining like silk. As you turned to survey yourself in the mirror, i had a full front view of your body, and even from the distance, i could make out the long dark triangle of pubic hair through your sheer panties. My heart started pounding. Lately i have been looking for some real titillation. Whom i saw in the bedroom was a sexy slut. You are the most desirable female i have ever seen. I could not leave. In a daze, i moved towards you.”

With this, he lifted me with his powerful arms and in one motion took me to the table near the shelf.

As he caught me by the wrists, bringing my hands down to my sides, i finally understood what i had been plotting for long. This is what it takes to get to the tough guy. He wanted me badly but he wanted me to act hard. Since i started to ignore and give him less importance, he couldn’t resist me. I decided to play along.

Salim was talking like a mad man as he fumbled to open my blouse, “you are a little whore, and you know that? You blew everyone in the team. I can prove it. I can prove you fucked someone every day. Now I’m going to give you a real fuck from a real man who knows how to treat a whore.”

He released my wrists, and before i could fake to fight him off, he had me by the shoulders. He drove me up against the side of the table throwing down all my plates and flower vase. He had me pinned on my back. At the same time he removed his suit, pulled his trousers, and his boxers. His erection, which i could eye from an angle, sprang straight out and was throbbing.

His fingers fumbled for my blouse hooks as he was losing patience. He ripped them and then my bra, tearing them off my body. His big hands went down to the knot of my sari near my navel. He pinched my stomach with strength and pulled the knot of my petticoat. Finally reaching the band of my bikini briefs…

By now, i was in heat and totally wanted to get fucked by him. “Don’t . . .” i faked my innocence and shouted. “Don’t! Don’t . . .”

Now, i was completely naked with half my body on table and legs apart. I tried to press my thighs together, but it was no use. He had each leg in a powerful grip. He’d managed to get my legs wide apart, and for an instant, he seemed to savor magnificent body he had under his firm grip.

He poured the champagne from the bottle on my back and started licking me everywhere. I was getting wet and was desperate for his massive rod.

He took his pole out with an erection in one hand and was stroking it as i could see it getting thicker and longer and was waiting to take it in my mouth. In a flash, his dick entered my wet pussy and he knew i also wanted him badly now. I almost shrieked with pleasure at this monster of a cock pounding me with precise moves.

“oh, dear lord”, i screamed as he kept pounding me. After almost 5 minutes of pounding, he pulled out and turned me around and pushed me on to the table. He kept staring at my writhing naked body for a minute and then went down licking my wet juices which was gushing out now. He lifted me up and took me to the bed and threw me on it. His organ was now at its largest and was almost terrorizing.

Now, i couldn’t resist it and with a swift motion, i turned around and grabbed it with my hands. In a flash, he seemed weak. He didn’t expect this from me. He seemed vulnerable. This was the moment i had been waiting for.

I grabbed his thick cock in a firm grip and went near its bulbous head. I teased it for a few seconds and would nibble at times. He was getting restless. Suddenly the tables had turned and i was in control. He was at my mercy and he shouted, “Suck it bitch”.

This was my turn. I started sucking it slowly and then vigorously. He was at my mercy and then i stopped and pulled out and looked at him. He was desperate to shoot his load. I looked straight at him and then started gnawing on his balls. He was almost about to shoot when i stopped and looked at him again.

I asked him, “wasn’t this you wanted all along?” and winked. He couldn’t stop smiling and said, “yes, Fatima. I kept waiting for this day to come. Please don’t stop now.”

I replied, “i won’t. And i hope you know what i wanted all along as well” and started circling my tongue around his dick and making it wet with saliva and sucking it in slow motion.

As he was about to reply, he shot his load and screamed, “yesssssssssssssss….” as i sucked every drop of his load and sucked him dry. He crashed on the bed and i knew, i was going to Italy with him.

About Abhilasha Bakshi

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