My Lovely Maid Vijji – Indian Sex Stories

It was a story of my life some 20yr ago. I was a studying in Engineering college at that time Used to stay in hostel. During summer vacation I came home. On first day I noticed a lovely looking girl doing the chores in our house. She was about my age. My mother told she is Vijaya, niece of our regular servant. Our regular maid is not well so she is coming as replacement. Vijji was her nickname.

Vijji was a thin girl but about 5.5 feet tall. She had lovely eyes. During house work she had habit of lifting her saree to knee height and I could see her beautiful slender legs. Her complexion was dusky. She had thin waist. Only big thing about her was her boobs – and she will not wear bra on most days. As it was holiday for me, I had no work and made a point to oggle at her at any pretext. She caught me looking at her cleavage or legs at times and would promptly cover it up. For first few days I could not tink of any way to start a conversation with her. She will promptly do the work in my room and get away.

Ours was a two storied house. On first floor we had the bed rooms. During day time my mom rarely used to come upstairs. One day, I was downstairs when Vijji came to work. Once she went upstairs for cleaning I tiptoed after 4-5 min. To my surprise, I found she was in front of my mom’s dressing table and brushing her hair. I hid my self in a corner and kept watching her. Next Vijji unbuttoned her blouse had started adjusting her boobs inside her bra. Her large boobs clearly did not fit the bra.

After sometime she started buttoning up her blouse. I thought it was my best time, and came inside as if I did not saw her. She was there half blouse un buttoned, my mothers comb in her hair. Seeing me she quickly covered her bosom with pallu of her sari and tried to hide the comb. I asked her sternly, what are you upto. She got afraid and said please do not tell aunty. I told her, ok I won’t tell if you keep my secret. She asked me — what’s your secret.. I asked her, first you button up your blouse. Vijji was red in embarrassment, she did not imagine that I had seen it all. Under the sari she tried to button the blouse, but was fumbling with it. I came near her took off the pallu and buttoned up the rest and kissed her lips. She said: oh ma go and buried her face in her palm and kind of run away from me. In the afternoon Vijji avoided me carefully.

Next day I lazed around and remained at upstairs. Vijji had no option but to come. I asked her, did you mind if I kiss you Vijji said – no you must not try it again. I pulled her towards me and she threatened: I will call aunty if you try this again. I whispered near her ear: I can also tell what you do in front of dressing table. At this she stopped resisting and I kissed her lips, and pressed her boobs. Oh my my – I had never touched a girl like this earlier Her boobs felt so soft that I kept pressing it After sometime, she said please leave me it hurts. I was very hot, my cock was throbbing and I pressed it in the cleavage of her buttock. and hugged her. It was too much and I ejaculated. She felt my cock throb and smiled. For a while she kept her head on my chest and the all of a sudden pushed me away and went downstairs.

After that day I used to smooch her and hug her. I wanted to do more but could not do it with my mom being downstairs. Chance for that arrived a few days later. We had a wedding invitation from a distant relative. I excused myself out saying that I had lot of study to do. So my family left, leaving me to look after the house. My mom asked Vijji to cook some thing for me. The marriage was in different district so they said they will come only on next day. I knew, I will not get any better chance.

Vijji came that day a bit late. As soon as she came I tried to hug her, but she resisted. She said, I’ll shout if you do any thing bad. I promised to be good but kept pestering her for letting me kiss her. Finally after finishing her work she went upstairs and I followed her. I asked her would she like to use my mothers makeups. She asked:are you trying to bribe me? I said no – I always want to see you nicely dressed up. She said ok, you can dress me up.

I pulled her near me and slowly started to apply cosmetics on her She did not know most of the item and wanted to try it. I helped her. Slowly her resistance started to relax I kissed her near her ear lobe, and she let me do it. Then slowly I kissed her lip and then put my tongue inside her mouth She was surprised but let me do it She also put her tongue on mine. Slowly I removed her pallu, unbuttoned her blouse and started kissing her back. She has never been kissed like that and got into goose-bump. At this point, I removed her bra, petticoat and panty I also removed mine.

Vijji giggled seeing me naked. I pulled her on my lap and again kissed her. First he lips, then neck, then boobs, nipple, naval and finally her pussy. I parted her pussy lips and put my tongue inside it. She tried to push my head saying this is dirty and then run out to toilet. I was surprised and followed her there.

Vijji was pissing there and said I want to clean it before you put your mouth there. I also pissed in front of her and washed my cock As I was washing it Vijji got hold of it, cleaned it herself and took it in her mouth Oh what a feeling it was her velvety tongue around my cock SHe keep sucking it. I could hold no longer and burst out inside Vijji’s mouth. She rolled my cum inside her mouth and then drank it. Then she got up went to my bedroom.

As I followed her, She bent down and the took my balls inside her mouth To be frank, I was scared for a moment. She wet my balls with her saliva then licked inside my thigh. It was beautiful experience. But my cock was limp. I did it with my tongue. She loved it and moaned in pleasure. After some time we were tired and lay there hugging each other for some time. After an hour or so, my cock again started to get hard. Vijji stroked it and kissed my tip. In no time my cock was back in its form.

This time we did it in missionary position. I fucked her and sucked her boobs at the same time. She moaned with pleasure. Later we were totally exhausted. And slept together. Nearly in the afternoon we got up and cooked together some meal. All these while we sere fully naked and kept kissing and licking each other. While eating Vijji sat on my lap She will eat a little, chew it and then feed it in my mouth I also did the same. After eating we slept and then I got hard and wanted to fuck her arse. I asked Vijji, she said it will hurt. I put some Vaseline and then I fucked her in the arse. It was tight and wow. I knew Vijji was not satisfied with anal sex so I gave her a lick job. In the evening Vijji left after romping around for the whole day.

After that day, we hugged and kissed but could not get another chance. After vacation I went to college and Vijji got married. I keep searching for here, when I go to my native place but so far never met her.

About Abhilasha Bakshi

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