Seduced lover’s sister – Indian Sex Stories

Hey people.. my name is Rahul.. Need a flashback first. I have a girlfriend Shweta. She’s hot.. no doubt. but we had problems now and then. And the person who mediated our fights were her sister Natasha. And she too was hot.. (34-28-36) coz shez the one.. I din notice her sister much bcoz i was deeply in love with Shwetha.. And fights with shweta got worse. And ended up badly. But we didn’t end our relations with each other. Her sis was still in touch. And v bcme bit close too. And nxt is our stry.. this happened when I was in banglore.. I was living alone in a small room giving rent since i was doing my mba. Once wen i was sleeping soo deep..i got a call at 4:30am. It was natasha. I was wondering why shez calin. She told she had a job interview and she had to come banglore. She planned to stay at her friend’s place but she was boozed and prbabli din pik up and she called me. And by gods grace she got out the bus near to my flat. And soo she requested whther she can cme to my place since it was early mrnin and gal alone.. and the one close.. I said yes. And i kept d fone and looked at my bed. My heart was burning.. It was a quiet big bed wher two people can hug each other and sleep wdout space to turn.. And here it goes…

I brought her to my flat. And it was small and i told her to adjust here. And floor was so dirty that one of dem cnt sleep down. and morover for my goodluck it was soo chilling. She went to the toilet.. I took out my tshirt.. and wore just my boxers and i saw she din lock the bathroom (maybe coz she was scared) and i peeped into it.. i saw her bare back.. with her bras on.. She was too hot. My dick startd to stand. But i controlled and went near d bed and waited fr her. And when she came i said v cn share a bed. Well its nt a prblem. She hesitated a bit.. but later on she did come on the bed. and she was wearing nyt shirt and a 3/4 th.. which was exposin her ass and boobs.. and she laid on bed facing her ass.. i lost my control a bit later. when i saw she was sleepin..i put out my dick through the boxer and kept it on her ass and put d arm over her ass.. and i started feeling her rounded sexy ass.. and i swli remved her pants and gt to see she din wear her panties too.. aftr geting her full ass.. i stoped with the 3/4th.. and i kissed her ass.. and felt it.. sudnli as a coincidence she turned and started to hug forgtin she was wd me.. and i remved each button of her shirt.. and saw her boobs. She din wear bra.,. I coudlnt cntrol.. i pulled dwn her pants slowli.. and tuk her leg and kpt it over mine.. in a position wher my dick is touchin her pussy. omg it was heaven…i licked in the middle of her boobs.. den her nipples.. and she was breathing. i knew she was awake.. and to cnfrm i smooched her.. and she did reply back. and from their it went wild… i was smooching her rubbing her vagina.. and i den opend her legs.. and start seducing her my moving my lips thru her thighs and reachin her vagina.. i lickd it soo hard.. yummm… it was.. and her boobs wer so juicy and soft.. the boobs wer lookin so good when none of her dress was over her and with just her shirt on… i inserted and she started to moan “ahhhhh my baby.. fuck mee.. wher wer u all this while..ahh my jaan..aaaaah” .. and my dick was getin in and out soo smooth.. and her pussy so wet… she then gotup and thru away her shirt and remvd my boxers and threw it away too.. and with the chill weather outside and hot girl inside. Nothing can xplain the feeling. i fucked her and i fucked her.. she den gaw me a blowjob… and i cudnt resist..she licked my sac bag.. and my balls.. and then we made a 69 position and started to lick each other.. and then she came over me with her boobs on my face.. i started lickin it.. soo hard.. her boobs was soo awesome.. and her nipples wer like crafted.. I have never seen sch a boob.. oh my gosh..and i was hitter her sexy ass.. and then we went fr the doggy style.. and fucked and fucked… and i was tired aftr 2 hrs of fucking.. but she wasnt.. she tld me to do a bedtime stry.. to lick her pussy slowli.. and i did it. she moaned and slept.. and i als hugged wd my dick on her vagina.. and clothes all over the place..

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