Seduced My Student – Indian Sex Stories

Hi every one. This is Karan Oberio from Delhi. I am 28 now and this story is from the time when i finished my bachelors and preparing for my master entrance. We recently shifted to Dwarka and there was this amazing looking girl staying opposite to my flat. Her name was Shreya and she was in class 12. She was the only child in her family and very shy and soft spoken. Her fair skin and flawless features with sharp jaw line complimented with her slim figure. She used to wear shorts and small size t- shirt at home.

As time passed our families and specially I and she became familiar. She used to call me by my name. She was a good student and was a curious mind. One day we were sitting in her house and she asked me her study related doubts which i explained her in simple and detailed manner. Seeing this her mother asked me if i can take her tuitions. I said ok but denied any money for it. I had no bad intentions about her and gave tuitions only bcoz i liked her company. She had a sexy face with innocent looking big eyes and eye lashes. Fair skin with slight pinkish. It was difficult to say which was her best feature – her deer like eyes of swimsuit model type hourglass figure , her spotless skin , her tight well-toned long legs , her straight shiny mid length hairs or her sweet voice.

Any ways it was more than a month I’ve been teaching this girl and every day we were opening up more and more. I came to know she never had any bf and felt shy talking to guys. I also told she wanted to dress modern outside but felt scared. I promised her that one day I’ll take her outside under my protection with the way she wanted to dress like. Usually i used to teach her alone and her parents used to come late from work. Our study sessions started in Oct and by Nov it was getting cold but she always wore shorts and t shirt. I could only admire her figure.

One day when i reached her place i saw no one was in drawing room so i silently sat. When no one came out i went towards her room. Her room was not locked but was loosely shut. I opened the door very slightly n saw my angel sleeping. Her room was warm as blower was on. She was wearing a single piece pink silky night dress which was so short that it ended at her mid-thigh. She was sleeping on her stomach so her bare back were fully visible with only night dress strings. Her ass was round and moderate size. It looked tight just like her thighs which were shining as if she just applied baby lotion on them. Beautiful fully waxed long legs with no fat.

I wished to just pound on her. I was getting mad seeing this view but i knew my limitations. Still i was enjoying. My one hand opened the door slightly more and other went inside my trouser. I went close to her. Her 32 size round boobs were pressed on her bed. She was a sound sleeper that i knew so i was not scared. She folded her right leg and her dress went further up. Now i noticed her ass properly. She was wearing matching pink panty. I slowly went very close to her. I saw her panty was stuck in her ass crack and was showing almost all of it. What a beauty she was. This was when i noticed that her hand was in between her legs. I went back a little n saw her panty near her snatch was wet and her fingers resting over it. Shreya must have masturbated and slept getting exhausted.

My innocent teen Shreya was actually not so innocent. She was snoring out loud. I gained some courage and managed to place my hand on her ass. There was no response. I slightly pressed them, wow so firm. She started moving so i moved back a little. Shreya now changed her position and was now lying on her back. I saw her from top to bottom. Her dress was dismantled and i could see her mid-size boobs half covered in her sexy dress. Through the lacy part i noticed her pink nipples. This untouched beauty was lying in front of me, i wished to rip her apart.

Shreya’s right hand slowly moved towards her panty and started caressing her pussy over her panty. There was a shy smile on her face. Her breath was getting heavy. She was having her night dream. I just wish she moves her hand inside her panty. I again went nearby, her lacy panty was showing glimpse of her clean hairless pussy. Shreya was slowly rubbing her pussy, her fingers were trying to dig inside her slit but panty was stopping her. She continued rubbing and her breath was growing fast with every move. She was slowly moaning. It was such a hot scene seeing her masturbating in sleep. Within 5 min her body arched and she freeze her hand. She had her orgasm and wetness in front of her panty was very much visible.

I moved out of the room thinking she might wake up after this. Slowly i went near the entrance and called her name. When she didn’t respond, i rang the bell. After 2 min she shouted from inside n after confirming it’s me, told me to sit n she’ll be ready in a while. After some time she came in a sleeveless t and black skirt. This was the shortest and sexiest clothes she ever wore. I asked about her parent n she told that they have gone out of town for some urgent work n will return after 2 days. She went back and came with her book but today i saw an inch of naughtiness in her move. She asked me if i can remove her doubts in reproductive system physiology. I knew where she was going with this. I was sure she wanted to know everything at least theoretically. I told her to be very frank in asking as this is an important topic so she asked me various questions.

Shreya was sitting next to me and was asking “how do guy and girl know when to do sex”. I replied “it’s when they are attracted to each other and are turned on”. She looked confused so i said “suppose you like me”. Listening this she raised her eyebrows and smiled a little. I said “yaa i know you like me but still suppose u like me a lot”. She started laughing and hitting me lightly on my arms. I continued “and you are attracted to me, so you would like to come closer to me”. Listening this she came close to me and now our bodies were very close to each other. I could feel the warmth of her slim body. Her perfume was mesmerizing.

I said “it’s usually the guy who takes the first move and tries to turn on the girl and when she gets turned on …” i didn’t complete the sentence implying the meaning on its own. She asked “what does a guy do to turn on a girl”. “He can do many things starting from an eye contact” saying this i made my eye contact with her. She responded me positively. I asked “do u wanna know more?” She said yes. I asked “to what extent do u wanna know”. She replied “almost everything”. I gave a smile n said “so after eye contact he’ll come closer to her. If she likes him she’ll respond.” saying this i took the risk and moved towards her. We were sitting on a sofa and she was sitting to my right. I moved my right hand over her top and rested on her shoulder. She came closer to me and her left shoulder was touching my chest.

I said “now the guy should hold her hand”. I held her hand and admired her nice soft clean hand. I placed my right hand on her shoulder and pulled her towards me. She resisted a bit so was not totally lying over me. Her hand was in my hand, i placed it on my chest and again tried to pull her towards me. This time she came closer and shyly dig her face in my chest. I started caressing her shoulder and my fingers were doing their magic. Through her shoulder i started playing with her black bra strip. I could feel her breath getting hotter and shaky. I moved my fingers on her neck, she got more aroused. I turned more towards her and with my left hand caressed her face. I moved her face away from my chest and slowly bend to kiss her. Her eyes were closed and her pink juicy lips were slightly parted.

I knew this was her first time so i wanted to go slowly. Our face came really close, i could feel her breath on my face. Our nose met and when there was no resistance from her side i went forward and placed my lips on hers. Her lips trembled and her body shivered. I slowly started kissing and after a minute or so, she also started opening up and responded. Her eyes were still closed. I took her upper lip in between my lips and we kept on kissing. Slowly kissing more and more passionately i leaned over her indicating her to lie on the sofa. She resisted me by stopping me moving over her and said “i wanna know almost everything but i can’t do everything”. I said “I’ll stop whenever u thing u can’t go further”.

She seemed assured and said “ok my tutor, fine teach me but not today.” saying this she winked. I asked why. “My classmate who is my best friend as well is coming in an hour for stay” saying this she got up and started moving towards kitchen. I was watching her ass. Her skirt was so short it was barely hiding anything. I cursed her friend and by bad luck but i did not want to lose any chance today. I went to the kitchen. She was drinking water and was not facing me. I went behind her and slowly grabbed her slim waist from behind. She seemed a little shocked by my move and said “what r u doing, my friend might come any moment”. I said “don’t worry, when she’ll come, we’ll stop and act normal”.

Saying this i started kissing her neck slowly. She encircled her hands around my neck and now again started enjoying with ease. My hands started moving up from outside her t-shirt and were now just below her bra base. I unhesitant moved my hands further and cupped her boobs over her clothes. Oh my god what a pair of boobs. Perfect size, tight. I started slowly massaging her boobs from above. I could hear soft moans from her. She turned her face back to kiss me, i turned her around to face me and in one motion she turned and we started kissing each other. My hands went straight on her ass and now she took the command in kissing me passionately and i started pressing her ass, my hands slowly moved in her ass crack over her panty. I slowly moved my fingers in her ass crack till i reached her pussy. The moment my fingers touched her pussy from above, she bend backwards and broke the kiss and said “promise me u’ll stop when i tell you to”. “i promise ” i said and grabbed her hands and pulled her towards me.

Now instead of just playing from above i directly attacked her clothes. After playing with her ass for a while, i started pulling her skirt down. She helped me and unbuttoned her skirt so that i can easily remove it. Now my baby was only in her tight t-shirt and her black lacy baby doll panty. She said “let’s go to the bedroom”. I took her in my arms and made her lie on the bed. She shifted a bit for me and i sat next to her. I take her face in my hands and passionately kiss her. I caress her back and my hands start playing with her back inside her t-shirt. I raise her top up and she lifts her hands to get out of it. Now my angel is in her black bra and panty. She sits on her knees and starts removing my t-shirt. I help her and now i get rid of my t-shirt. She comes near and starts sucking my chest. I make her lie on the bed and get on top of her.

My hard dick was rubbing against her panty. She was totally turned on. I moved down with continued kisses from her neck to her bra. I pulled her bra straps and loosened her bra. I removed her bra and took her right breast in my mouth. I was gently sucking her nipples, teasing them with my fingers. This sensation was new to her and she just could not take it. She was moaning seductively.. Ummmmm …ahhhh. With my other hand i was playing with her other boob. She started licking my ear lobe and rubbing her hand on my back. I was pleasing her well, she folded her legs and crossed them over my back in a way making me locked in her arms and legs. I was enjoying it but needed to move on so i unlocked myself and continued kissing her body and moved down.

I gently started kissing her flat waist and this seemed a little ticklish to her. I continued moving down and reached her panty. I wanted to tease her more so that she could never say stop. I parted her long milky legs and kept my mouth on her pussy from above the black panty. I took that whole area in my mouth and started sucking it. It was wet and sooo juicy. This brought shivers in her body and her moans became loud. She started saying no and tried to push me away. I got hold of her hands and continued my work. I briefly lifted my head and noticed she had stretched her head in pleasure and her one hand was clenching the bed sheet. Clearly she was in no state of saying no so i slowly retrieved a little and lifted her legs quickly and held her panty elastic and in one swaying motion removed it and threw it away. I could only hear a faint nooo but it was too late as i again got space between her legs and now was directly kissing her love hole. Her pussy was mind blowing – pink, untouched, pussy lips stuck to each other. Seemed like even her fingers never entered her pussy before.

Separating her pussy was bringing a mixed feeling of pain and pleasure on her face. I now started licking her pussy properly and she was lifting her hips in pleasure. I took my middle finger and started rubbing her pussy slit without entering it. Slowly i started building pressure in my action and my finger was burying deep in her pussy. Her pussy lips were hugging in finger and were slightly swollen. It was so wet and my finger was feeling the tightness of her virgin vagina. She was in pain now and was shaking her head. I increased my finger stroke and kissed her neck passionately. Her hands were clenching the pillow tightly. Her lips were tightly sealed concealing the current of passion in her.

With my continued finger fuck (still superficial / not breaking the hymen) she suddenly moaned loudly and her body got rigid and arched. She had orgasm of her life and had her eyes closed.

I laid on her side and caressed her body. I took her torso and turned her away from me. She looked surprised by my action but looked weak with her recent orgasm to say anything. Now she was laying rightwards with her back facing me. I caressed her thighs and was spooning her. I flexed her upper leg and now my dick was touching her juice dripping wet pussy. I took my dick in one hand and started rubbing it over her hairless pussy. I guess she was getting ready for her first fuck as she didn’t stop.

I wanted to play naughty so said “all you have to say is – please”. She got the hint and replied “and what if i don’t say”. “Well then” i said and pushed my dick inside very lightly. It was hard and only its head entered. She moaned and turned her face and kissed me passionately and took my lower lip between her teeth and bit me lightly. I was enjoying all this. I broke our kiss and said “so u’ll say or..” saying this i pushed a little further. She shyly looked in my eyes and closed them half way (saying yes and staying in ecstasy). I pushed harder this time and broke her hymen in one go. She was in pain and took her hand and encircled it over my neck.

I slowly stroked it but her pain was not getting low. I took my dick out. She had tears rolling from her eyes. I made her lie flat and went over her. I again kissed her and placed my dick in her. This time she lifted her leg and parted them. I had an easy access and it was less painful and more pleasurable for her in this missionary position. I was stupid enough not to wear a condom and she was adventurous enough to allow me (which should not be the case – ever). I again moved away from her as i wanted it to go long. I wanted her to ride over me so not i laid on my back and told her to ride over me. She didn’t get what i meant and i had to explain sit on my cock. She laughed hearing this and separated her legs.

Suddenly her phone rang. It was her friend and she said that the guard is not allowing her to come so call at main gate. I cursed my luck. She came to me and gave a passionate kiss and bend down and took my cock in her mouth on her own for the first time. Oh such soft and sexy lips encircling my cock. She kissed its head and said “we have some unfinished business which we’ll finish soon” and winked.

Guys if u liked my story then please comment, like and i would appreciate if u can give your personal opinion at [email protected]. I currently live in Dhahran, Nepal (temporarily) and those girls/young women from Delhi, Dhahran, ktm who wanna be friends can contact freely.

About Abhilasha Bakshi

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