Sex With My Friend Mom & Her Friend

Hi Friends  I am very happy know a days I am getting more calls from the lady’s and girls to have fun with me and know a days I am enjoying my life with them and this incident was happened last week and then I was very excited and very happy as u all know sex is major role in every one life and in that if the lady don’t have their husband there life will be very sad and there can’t even trust easily with others and same as happened and finally she accepted me and had sex like anything as u all know my name and that aunt true name chanced baby and then if any one like to chat with me can contact me in flash_venki at yahoo dot co dot in and the story begin how I enjoyed with her and as u people know everyone have friends and we all go to their house and talk with their family and same I was also going to my friends house and there family and there me from the school.

One day all of sudden my friend dad got heart attack and he expired and for that my friend called me and I went to her house and helped them to finish all this things and then we came home and then that day when I came home her mom hugged me tightly and cried lot and then my friend came and she took her to bed room and then I made all settle mint and closed all the issue and came home and then I use to talk with them in phone as I had lot of office works.

I went on 3 day my friend called me that some Poona to be done and then I went and finished that also and then a week gone my friend called me and asked me she is feeling some thing And then I went on Saturday and then she and her mom was there in home and I told them to get ready and then we went to movie And next to me my friend was sitting and then movie over and then she asked can we go to hotel and then we went and then we went to park and then we were talking and she told me to talk with her mom and then I was talking to her to change her mind as she was in disperses and then we went home having chats and then we was like my fend call me in weekends to go out and almost 3 to 4 mints over and then one day she called me and told please go to my house my mom is not well but I am going for business trip.

I went to her house and she was not well and then I made her sit and made her have brush in the bed as I brought mug and water and every and then I brought breakfast while coming to her house and sifter she got brushed I feed her ideally and then I told her we will go to hospital and gave her croc in tablet she had and then after 5 mines she vomited everything I coached in my hands And my dress also gone vomited and then she told me to wear his husband shirt as my shirt was spoiled and then she told to hold me and I took her to toilet and she went and came out and then I took her in my car and we went to hospital.

Doctor told she has got heavy fever and then she wrote tablets and gave her an injection and then we were back to home she told me to stop and then she asked me to get rose which was selling in the road and then I took it and then we went home and I made her sit on sofa and I told her to sit and watch TV and washed my shirt and then I prepared tea and then I gave to her and cooked rice and prepared ream and then put in the plate and feed it and then after 5 mines I gave tablets and made her sleep in her room and then evening my friend called me that she is not able to cum to house and then her mom told please be hear and then I stayed there in her house and then I brought bread and we had and make her to have tablets and made her sleep.

I was sitting in sofa and watching TV she came out from the room and she sat next to me and she told she want to lay on my arms and I told ok and she was hugging my hands and she was laying on my shoulders and then I told her to take rest as I did not felt anything about her till that time but after some time she kept her head on my laps and she was pressing I was feeling very hot and my cock was like gone to big stage and I was in affirmed and she was sleeping and night I was sitting in sofa and seeped like that and morning she only walked up and she did not waked me and then she was fresher up and she walked up with tea she was very hot in the spree and then she kept the rose on her hears and then my friend called me told me thank u so much for taking care of my mom.

I told its ok I am going to my house as I have lot of work in my office and I told my friend mom I am going and I left and then a month’s she use to call me and be talking in phone and then a month’s over one day she called me and asked me cum to house and I went my friend she went for business trip and then she told me we will go to movie and we went and then she only gave money to tickets and told today I am going to spend for u and she only did and then we went to movie in per in the back big sit and we were sitting she was very close to me and then she was holding my hands tightly and then she was falling on me and then as usual movie teeter are light off as no more rush was there in the movie and then she kissed me suddenly and told me I love u and she kissed me like anything i was full shock and affirmed and then till the move got over she kissed me like anything.

I told I am going home she told I will die if u live me and then she told me we will go long drive and went to Mysore and then there she called her friend and we went to her gust house in Mysore and then we were chatting and then I don’t know what happen her friend gave the house key and told I am going I am getting call I will catch u ait night and she went and then the time was 5 and I was sitting she went and closed the door and came to me and sat on my laps and she kissed me I told her its wrong she told me I want u badly and I love u truly and I can’t trust any one except u so please help me and then she hugged me and make my Ming on her.

I told if your daughter cum to know what will happened she told I will manage and then we started to kiss and she removed my dress and I removed her sari I was very hot and I kissed her stomach her belly and I told her I love u and she told cum not to wasn’t time and we went to bedroom and then we started to kiss each other and then I was feeling like to suck her under arms and then slowly removed her blouse hook she told me cum on baby remove it fast and then I was like and then she remove her blouse and I sucked her under arms and then she told u like my sweat.

I told I love your whole body and then I removed her bra and it was very huge her bra sixe was 40 and her panty was 85 and then I sucked it and bit her nipple she was u are very hot and please fuck me baby and then I removed her Lange I was shock she was not warring panty and then I sucked it she shaved her pussy very neatly and I loved it and then I asked her how uncle fucked u she told me he was not satisfying me I use to finger myself and then I sucked her pussy till she went to extreme level and then I inserted my cock to her mouth she told its very big then your uncle and then she told she want it very badly and she sucked it for an 20mins.

She had my cum fully in to her mouth and told its nice smell and she told its very tasty and she told uncle did not had me to suck his cock but first time I am having she told and then I told her I want to suck your asshole and she told me no fuck me first and then she slowly asked to touch her pussy and my cock touched her pussy lips she was holding my hands tightly and then she told put slowly your cock is very big and then I inserted slowly she was like shouting please fuck me slowly but my half cock was inside and then I was doing slowly and suddenly I pushed it full inside she was like dyeing and she shouted to the pitch no remove it please I told her no I can’t I want it please adjust she was asking no its very hard and please take it out I slowly removed it and reinserted berry hard she was like.

Fuck me baby and she shouted please slowly and then once again I slowly removed and pushed very hard she was like no sound and she told me u are sex evil and she told me to give rest I told I am very hot and put my cock in to her as she was shouting I did not bother I fucked her ass for half an hour and then I told I want to fuci her pussy and we fucked for 3 to4 hours and told my mom I am coming tomorrow and we were in bed and she was telling in my life I am very happy in sex that I am lucky to get a sexy beast and she was telling me u are nice fucker and then her friend came and she was not able to walk and then I went and opened the door in underwire and then her friend brought food for us and she went to bedroom my friend mom was in nude covered with bedsit.

She was talking to her and I closed the door and went to the bedroom and then she brought food as we did not took any cloths with us and then her friend told me u are very hot and she told me how many hours u had sex with her she showed me her pussy it is very hard u fucked her very badly I told her I love sex lot what to do and then I asked her u don’t like sex she told I like but know I am affirmed to have with u and then my friend mom told her no u will enjoy it and then she told me ok and then I asked her your husband will not call u its night so she told me I told them I am with my friend and so no problem and then I told her I don’t have condoms see her pussy my sperms are still there.

I removed the bedsit from her and I took the food and I was having she was removing my underwire I told her suck my cock and then she was sucking my cock and I was having food and I kept the food down and I hold her head and asked her to suck it hardly and then I made her put on the bed and I sucked her pussy and drank her piss and drank the water from her pussy and I fucked her like anything without condoms and then she was like begging me please stop and then I was like a mad and then I told my frond mom to show her ass and then I fucked her ass and I made my cum on both their face and then I asked them to wash both were not able to stand and walk I told them both ere my slave today.

I also went to toilet and I saw both were sitting and making my cum out and cleaned it and then we went to bed once again and then there both told me we will fuck u know and there both fucked me till there are satisfy and we sloped like that and morning 10 her friend got call and then she told I want to go and then I told her before going I want to have sex with u and she told ok and we had sex for half an hour and she told I want to have sex with u every week and then she told I will cum to Bangalore and then she went telling that call me were to hand over the key.

She went I told my friend mom how are u she told I am very happy and I told her I love u so much and thanks for sharing your friend and she told cum on darling fuck me before we live and then we had sex for 1 hour and then we had bath and we left the room and then she told to keep below the mat and we kept and we went to Bangalore and then when we reach it was 6 and we were both tied and we sleep reaching home as we had sex nicely in night and her friend bra and panty size was 38 and 40 and I waked at 8 and I left her house as her daughter will cum at 8.30 and then I called her reaching home and she told me when every u want to have sex call me and fuck me till u are satisfy.

About Abhilasha Bakshi

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