Sex With Neighbor Women – Indian Sex Stories

This incident happened to me in my life last year. I am 28 years of age based Avadi, Chennai. Mrs. Sumitha is my neighbor she is aged about 34 years. She is having a school going kid and her husband working as a Human Resources Manager for a private company and he is aged about 45 years. She came to the rented premises last year since her husband got transferred. Both our houses are located in the same compound. She is one of the beautiful creations of the god. No words to explain her beauty. I admired her beauty many times. I used to play with her kid whenever I find time especially in the mornings, which paved way to move with her. She used to ask me small helps at times which I never refused. I became mad of her beauty and masturbated many times thinking. Though I had the crush on her, my mind would always tell that she is married to another one and where my mind goes is wrong. I compromised myself many times. She used to wear saree all the time. She has a very good structure and her assets would not be compared to anyone. Normally, after having a kind women being at home would not have that structure. But she maintains her body as if she is in her 20’s. We moved well and she used to come my home and I also used to go to her home and we used to have long chats. One fine day, it was the best ever day I had in my life I took off on that day and I was at home. Since I had to send off my wife to her native I had to go out and come back. We used to leave key in her home whenever we go out. When I come back at around 3pm I rang the calling bell to get the key, by the time it was getting dark and it was about to rain heavily. I kept ringing the bell but she dint come out and I was waiting outside. In the meantime it started raining heavily. After about 10 mins she opened the door, wow she came covering in a yellow in skirt and gave me the key. She was taking bath. I had to pass her home to reach my home. As it was raining heavily she asked me to get inside her home and told me to leave after rain stops. I went inside while going inside behind her I could see the beautiful structure in that skirt itself, which made something to my mind especially the fragrance, came from her. She went inside the room to change the dress and in she wore a yellow saree which added additional beauty. She offered me coffee.

Due to heavy rain electricity was disconnected and the inverter did not switch on automatically and it was pinch dark on that day. Therefore, she required me to look at the inverter which was kept above the shelf. Since I was new to that I could not find the switch beneath the inverter panel. She asked me to get down from the chair and she her shelf went to switch on. I held the chair to ensure it’s not moving. That was the wonderful moment in the thunder light I could see her beautiful mangoes. What happened to me on that day i am still wondering? I touched her foot and was kept moving further. Immediately she got down, without switching on the inverter and went inside the kitchen. She dint come to the hall for five mins. After five mins she came and sat opposite to me in the sofa. Power came and the level of rainfall also came down and switched on the TV and asked me in why I did so. I became nervous and did not answer anything and ask her to give the key. Then she asked was it intentionally done. I dint reply even for this. She went inside the kitchen to bring coffee for me. By the time switched on the TV and since the DVD player was on I switched to the AV mode. To my shock a blue film was loaded in to the player and after few seconds I again changed to TV mode. She was watching the movie it seems.

She came with coffee and asked me whether I like her I replied what doubt in that. She came and sat next to me and asked why did I do so and what will happen if she make it known to my wife. I was terribly shocked and it started sweating for me. I kept silent and after some time. She changed the TV into AV mode and asked me whether I like this movie I said yes. She asked me why men always like these kind of movies as she husband also used to watch; she said she is not interested in those kind of movies. I held her hands and touched her hip she did not resist, which gained to further braveness to squeeze her boobs and she started moaning. I took her to sofa and undressed her completely. She felt very shy while I kissing her top to bottom. To the fact her boobs are still like a virgin’s. I squeezed her boobs gently and rubbed her cunt through my hands. She was moaning and moaning. She asked me to undress and gave me a good blow job. Her cunt became juicy and rubbed her cunt for some time to make sure she gets orgasm. She guided me to suck her boobs while doing so and I did as she guided. I inserted my finger into her assets which became so juicy and heat and started moving front and back so that she enjoys and I can also enjoy.

After, some time she could not wait and took my assets in to her and wanted me to do it wildly though her face reactions. First I was doing faster as she guided and after about 25 mins I gradually reduced my speed and started caressing her boobs diverting my mind so that I will not cum so soon. She was enjoying and came down and started running her cunt through my hands for some time, which made her to moan loudly and she hugged me very wildly and caught my legs with her legs. Then I took her near the table and did it from the back position oh my god she enjoyed this like anything. After some time I took her to the bed and tried different positions very slowly and she asked me to cum soon I could understand she already got the orgasms. Treating as a final round I did it so faster and cum inside her. She gave me kiss in my chest and hugged me. We both were lying together without any speech and she wore dress. I asked her whether to leave as it was around 6pm and her hubby would come, she came with key and did not face me as she felt shy.

The next day when I went to her home to give the key she asked me to leave the key outside and she would take later. For 2 days she was doing this. Then on Sunday, when I was playing with her kid, she came for dry the clothes with a smile at me. I was looking at her and she was smiling at me. Then I asked her whether she enjoyed that day. She replied that she never had that kind of orgasm in her life time. I asked why her, don’t lie your hubby is there who is also very much interested in watching those movies means he would have given you orgasms. She smiled and said he can only watch movies, but you are the man fulfilled my feelings. She told that.. “You know when you held my legs it instigated my feelings; I knew it was wrong to have affairs with others, but I could not control myself…. I don’t have any other choice to compromise my feelings.. What can I do all human being have the feelings …. If my husband could do this to me I would not have allowed you to touch me even.. He never cares about my feelings.. He does it for his sake in 2 mins” .. I was surprised. She requested me to keep it confidential. I asked her to advise her husband by giving several tips to have long time intercourse as I did with her… after a week she said it’s of little improvement but ….. I could understand. On that day I understood one must understand the feeling of his partner also…. guys don’t deprive of your wife in getting those things especially expected from a husband and failing to do, do not doubt your wife. Please note this is not a framed story.. Which feeling I understood from a women I narrated here only to convey this message to other. Your comments are welcome @ [email protected]

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About Abhilasha Bakshi

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