Smitha My Loveable Darling – Indian Sex Stories

Hi all, this is Shyam (name changed) am a 28yr old male having a decent look as most of the girls used to say with tall and athletic body. This is my first story in iss and i am going to share a real experience which happened 7 months before.

Let me straight away coming to the incident which has changed my life a lot. The incident which i am going to narrate happened with one of my friends in Chennai a few months back. I work in a MNC and my friend also works in the same company and we are in the same cadre. Let me tell you about my friend, she is Smitha, (name changed) married woman who is in her early thirties and her husband works in gulf and comes once in 6 months. She stays in a flat with her kids and mom. To tell about her, she has two kids, the elder one is around 4 yrs. and the younger one is 6 months old. She is in her early thirties, height is 5.7, fair complexion, curly hair and slightly fat that too at the right places.

She used to be very friendly with me and we go for lunch together and we both used to share everything between us. On one fine day afternoon while having lunch in the office, she told me that some issue has come in her work so she was quite disturbed about that and was very sobbing. I told her that everything will be alright and i would help her to sort out things properly to close off the issue that has risen. I went to her seat to see the issue and got to know that she had an issue with an important file which was corrupted due to some malware. But it has to be submitted to the client for the next day’s meeting otherwise it would lead to loss of job. So she requested me to help on that and sort out the issue before time. I tried to close of my work as early as possible and went to her seat to help on the issue. Before that i asked her to seek it help to get the file back, and she also raised a ticket with it.

It was around 8 pm almost 85% of the employees have already left and she was discussing with the IT team over the phone to support on the issue. They were also trying their best to bring back the file but the IT team works from a different building and in our floor almost everyone has left except me and my friend Smitha. It was almost 10 pm and we got a confirmation from the it team that they were able to recover the file up to 90% and the rest of the 10% has to be updated by here which will take another 30min or more. By knowing she was relieved from the pressure to some extent but not fully and i was also helping her to update the file as early as possible. Finally she has updated the file and sent it to the client by email around 10.45pm and finally she was quite ok with it.

But during these times her mom has called her several times as her kids would be waiting for her. I told her that i will drop her home by my bike. For which she agreed to it and she was bit relaxed too and told me to wait at the bike park as she went to refresh herself. Once she came to the bike parking she thanked me for my help. I told her not to mention that and she got on my bike and placed her hand on shoulder for balance. I was riding my bike in a normal speed and in few minutes she has taken her hand from my shoulder and placed it around my hip. And i found it erotic and later on i could feel softness at my back and assumed that her boobs were rested on my back and i was in cloud nine.

And to tell one thing about me am still single and we were enjoying the drive slowly. At last we have reached her flat and it was a cozy one and she invited me to her house and i hesitatingly agreed to it. Then we entered to her flat and her mom opened the door and she found to be in half sleep and bid us goodnight and went to kid’s room to sleep. I was sitting in the living room on her couch and she went in to change her dress and she came to me wearing nighty which was quite good and sexy. Till that time i didn’t have any bad feeling about her in my mind but after seeing her in that dress i found myself lost.

She provided me juice and then asked me to have my dinner which her mom has cooked and we had the same. It was around 12.15am we had finished our dinner and she asked me to stay at her place if i don’t mind and at first i hesitated a lot and after seeing her i agreed to it. Once i agreed, she was happy and sitting next to me discussing about her kid, husband and her life. Later on she was sitting very close to me, i was listening to her words also i was trying to put my hand on her shoulder to which she readily accepted and was resting her head on my shoulder and i started caressing her hair then i moved to her cheeks and gave her a peck on her right cheek. Then i started to smooch her and she was responding to that positively, we continued the same for about two minutes.

Then she took me to her bedroom; as soon as we went in to her bedroom we started kissing each other like lovers who were very deeply in love for a long time. I lifted her in my arms and put her on the bed then i lie on her and started smooching by the same time i was squeezing her left boob. I found that there was no bra under the nighty and started removing her nighty. Now she was only in panty, but i was squeezing her left breast and sucking her right breast like a hungry dog. Since she had a small kid her breast was producing milk and i sucked her breasts like a dog, this continued for 15-20 min. But believe me; the taste of the breast milk was not so good. Here i should explain about her breast, it was very beautiful and the nipple was more than half an inch in length and the areola was black in color and amazing. Then i focused my attention on her navel which was deep, i planted a kiss on her navel and started sucking and rolling my tongue around it.

During this time she was pulling my hairs and started moaning and pushing my head towards her triangle hole. Slowly i started removing her panty by caressing her thighs and her thighs were really awesome and flawless one. After this i removed all my dress and standing nude in front of Smitha and she was looking at my tool as its standing straight like an iron rod. I don’t have an 8 or 10 inch cock like others say, but i have a decent 5” inch cock which can satisfy any women. I asked Smitha to suck my cock, but she disagreed to that since she never done that before and i agreed to that.

I again focused my attention on her pussy which was cleanly shaven and the inner were deep pink in color but the juices were started flowing already. I started sucking her pussy inch by inch and started teasing her clit by rolling my tongue around it. But she was moaning in ecstasy and feeling high, while i was sucking her vagina she was pushing my head more vigorously and i started eating her vagina in deep. I was inserting my tongue as deep as i can into her vagina within few seconds she was arching her back and her body was shivering but the juices started flowing more and i think she had her orgasm. But i didn’t stop sucking her vagina as i liked it more and i continued it for another 15 min and totally i spent around 30 min in sucking her vagina alone. It was nice one and finally i inserted my cock into her vagina but initially i couldn’t insert my cock as the head of my cock was slightly big and i put slight pressure to insert it in her vagina. Initially i started giving slow strokes and after 5 min i pumped her more vigorously and within five min of hard strokes she again arched her body and started shivering and had another orgasm. Another 5 min later i too finally loaded cum inside her and slept beside her. On the same night we had another round and she asked me to leave her home before her mom wakes up.

So i left her home by 4.30am and i took off on the same day as i had slept hardly for 2 hrs. In the afternoon i called her and she thanked me first for the last night session even i thanked her for the same and came to know that she went two hours late to the office but she got appreciated for the file which she has sent to the client yesterday. After that we had two more sessions that i will write in my next story.

About Abhilasha Bakshi

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