Why We Haven’t Met 5 Years Before

Hi friends, this is Karthik, 29 from Chennai, Working in a Reputed IT company. This is a story happening right now 15th Nov-2013 @ 1 am and she’s with me helping to write my debut story in aligning all the incidents happened right from the 1st day i met her. Let’s get started.

She- Kalpana is the woman i should have married and led an eternal life with loads of love and sex. But unfortunately fate had it the other way. I met her in June 22nd last year which happened to be the day of my marriage where she wore a red kurta which was like it was designed for that beauty and was more beautiful than my wife And i fell for her right away. Not just to fuck her, to have an everlasting relationship just like i said above. She’s my then wife’s best friend, her roommate in the private ladies hostel they were residing. Yep, I’m married and my wife is conceived for 7 months and my parents are awaiting their first grandchild. My wife Ramya is 27 from a good family; well-built figure of 36-30-34, working as a lecturer in an Engineering college. But she’s not THE one in this story.

Kalpana 28, unmarried of 34-28-32 who’s also working in my company which i never figured out until the day of my marriage is a very nice woman when it comes to being beautiful and kind-hearted doing charities to orphans. You can even imagine her be like Nani or EEga film heroine for your consideration. She’ll come to my apartment in holidays to chit chat with my wife. My wife wanted her to stay with us, but she denied letting us have some private time. But it didn’t happen actually because my shift varies periodically and rarely match with her college timings. I and Kalpana didn’t talk much at the beginning. But as days passed we became good friends. And after some months she started to live in my apartment as we both asked her and she can’t reject our wish.

One fine day we went to a restaurant for dinner and she was wearing a black sari and a sleeveless blouse which matched her milky skin and my god she was so gorgeous that day. But I love my wife. I keep reminding that to myself whenever i think to approach her. But it couldn’t be controlled. After all I’m a common man. From that day my look towards her changed drastically and being innocent she can’t find my activities disgusting. To my luck we both were combined in a team and guess what she’s my team leader courtesy of my boss’ lust over her. But she’s in no mood to respond it as he’s an old crook with a daughter in her age.

We both have same shifts and i used to pick her and drop and I’d probably owe the Government a lot which laid the roads with lots of ups and downs and not forgetting to mention the speed breakers. It’s been quiet awesome 2 hours of travel every day for me. I never missed any chance for sudden breaks to feel her melons.

“Hey idiot Karthik, wouldn’t you drive well”

me-“Yeah, I’m the one who took 2 hours to bath and an hour and half to make up, what do you even want to do with those make ups, I’m already much flattered.. Just kidding…”

Kalpana-“Which segment? I being beautiful or you’re flattered”

Me “both” I giggled.

She -faking angrily “Just drive man”

Somewhere somehow she too liked me and wanted and i knew it. My life changed when my wife was about to go to a tour with the students in her college for a weekend to Kerala and left Friday eve. So, I and Kalpana planned to go to a mall which is nearby our apartment to have dinner. She wore the same sari which she wore to that restaurant and a deodorant which is extremely hot for which I’m already seduced. And i knew this is once in a lifetime opportunity. I asked her for a movie that night as the mall itself had a multiplex. She agreed without any hesitation. I booked a couple seat and told her there were no other seats available. She said that’s okay.

Lights were out and the movie started. It was a Hollywood romantic movie. I took the first step bringing all my courage and even if it fails I’d convince her not to tell my wife as we were kinda close acquaintances. There’s a hot woman sitting near me and should i be watching the movie. I kept my left hand in her shoulder which she didn’t bother. After some time who knows she might fell tired and placed her head on my shoulder. I knew it was my day. I was massaging her chin and she too felt it liking. I said to her “You’re so beautiful today you idiot”

She “Are you gonna say you’re kidding??”

Me “Do you think so?”

She “I don’t”

Me “Then it has to be true”

I pecked a kiss on her chin.

I took advantage of that and took my left hand towards her back and kept it in her bare navel.

She “What are your intentions now? You’re not behaving to me like a friend, colleague and ‘wife’s friend’ (a little bold in it) now. Are you? ”

I felt guilty and dejected and wanted to apologize right away! But, why not give a try for my love?

Me “But you’re beautiful, more than my wife, better than any other women in this theater, better than any other woman in this universe. Why haven’t i met you before my marriage?”

She “Well i am flattered, not kidding. But I’m your wife’s friend”

Me “I don’t know. I just want you to be with me all the time physically and mentally”

She after a moment of silence “I think we should leave for home now or i might change my mind from giving myself to you”

We both went to my apartment in a hurry.

Me “Have you changed your mind”

She “Have you??”

I didn’t tell a word. She can’t tell a word either, because her lip was locked in mine for the next 10 minutes. She responded well and we exchanged tongues as well. I removed her sari in the process and she was then with her blouse and petticoat. We both stood there hugging for half an hour. After which we realized its past midnight and my wife must be half way through TN border and most importantly we’ve not locked the door yet. And i locked the door, lifted my angel to my bedroom and called my wife and asked the way things going. She was fine and when she asked about Kalpu – my babe’s nickname. I said she slept 2-3 hours ago after returning from restaurant simultaneously tightened my grip over Kalpu as she was thoroughly enjoying my hold. Then i hung up the phone and hugged Kalpana and smooch her.

I took the liberty of removing her blouse and her petticoat and guess what she was in her lingerie and the dim glow of light made her skin shine like gold. That moment i realized that meaning of inner beauty if you know what i mean. Then she said me “you’re biased. This is unfair idiot. You saw me. It’s time i see you. Strip” We both love calling each other’s idiot But only when my wife’s not around. Me “You want it. Come get it” she removed my Black party wear shirt and stunned at my physique thanks to my 5 years in gym. She asked me to hold her weight in my biceps childishly. You forgot what you’re after” she then gained her senses and also believed this is our opportunity, can’t waste it. She removed my cream color pant and noticed my bulge in jockey. Then i pushed her onto bed.

We started kissing each other again and i un cupped her bra and literally ate her beautiful 34C boobs with pink nipples. She was moaning in ecstasy. Then i transferred my attention to the next breast and ate it too. She was shivering as it was the first visual of her boobs to a man and happy that that man is me. All parts of her body had my saliva in it. The last thing in her body was her panty. I removed it with my teeth and she seemed enjoying. I was stunned to see the clean shaven pink pussy. And now my dream girl was lying naked in my bed in front of me. She made the same to me. I was looking her and she was looking me for a moment and after regaining senses. I kissed her again in lips and this time it lasted so long so that in the meantime my hands were travelling all over her body.

Then i asked her “Have you watched pornography?”

She said nope but i heard it in your room occasionally “giggling. And then i guided my mouth toward her pussy. I kissed it with passion and 415 volts was passing through her body. I kissed it and kissed it hard and was licking her pussy vigorously and her passionate moaning echoed all over my room. After few minutes she reached her first orgasm. Then i taught her blowjob and she gave it perfectly as it made me have doubt of having experience in it for years. She took the tip of my cock and it was time i had the current passed through my body. It was the hardest stage of my cock and i can’t control it. She kissed it and took all of my 7 inches in her mouth. It hit her till the throat. After some time I came and she drunk all of it.

It was more of a love than just sex. i took my penis which was rock hard and guided it into her pussy. It was not an easy job into a virgin pussy. But after some trying i inserted it halfway through and i stuck the hymen. After lots of care with less pain, I tore it and blood from her pussy along with tear from her eyes came. I assured that next 5 minutes will be the best in her life by far and accelerated my penis into her and she seemed enjoying every thrust of it. We both spell words which even us didn’t know how dirty our minds are. Then she climaxed for the second time and after few times i too came after taking my penis and spit it all over her breast and she took some in her mouth.

We did another session after a 69 and were tired desperately needed rest. She said “I’m happy to lose my virginity not to some dick, but you. You’ll always be my first and best love baby. Love you so much idiot.” me “technically you lost it to a dick” We both are laughing and typing this story down and getting ready for next session thanking Ramya for her Kerala trip.

About Abhilasha Bakshi

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