Making a new boyfriend in college

Hello everyone. This is Mahi Sharma. I want to share my incident with you all. It will be a long story, so I hope you live this journey with me. I’m currently 25 years old and have stats of 34-32-36. I’m about 5ft 8 inches and have a light brown complexion.

Mostly, this story will seem like a really good love story. You’ll witness romance unfold one layer after another. But life is unpredictable and crazy things happen when you think everything is fine.

This happened a few years ago when I had just turned 19 and enrolled in an engineering college. I was dating a guy for a year or so. We started really well. But the long-distance thing made it pretty hard when we enrolled in different colleges.

Just in the first semester, some guys asked me for a date. But I declined every one of them. I was still in a relationship. But soon enough, all the long-distance problems started kicking in, and we broke up.

I was okay with the breakup, but he had somehow grown on me. I missed talking to him. This ended up making me sad more often than I wanted to. One of the guys who had already asked me out, Mac, shared the same batch with me. He probably would have been paying way too much attention or was stalking.

One day texted me out of the blue. “Did you break up with your boyfriend?” I thought, “How did he know?” I was thinking about ignoring him. But I knew I probably have to face him again in college. So I texted back, “Yes!”

He said how he had been noticing me from the first day. I wasn’t as lively these days and didn’t smile much. He loved my smile. We started talking. He didn’t poke me about the breakup any further. But we ended up talking about a lot of things.

The next day in college, he smiled when he looked at me. I smiled back at him. We started texting more to each other, and we connected in many things. We started sitting together during lectures and having fun. We even had a common friends circle. We started hanging out more.

Just like that, we managed to clear our first year in college. I liked his company all the way. During that semester break, I stayed in the hostel as my family had other plans. He told me he was staying back too. One of those days, he finally asked me out again, and this time I said yes.

As for Mac, he is an average good-looking guy decent build, 5ft 10inch, and most of the time a gentleman. He came to pick me up, and we went to a really good restaurant. The ambience was really good. He had booked this special room for us so we have our privacy.

It had a big couch on three sides and a table in the centre, dimly lit with candles and decorated with rose petals. I loved how everything was getting together. We sat next to each other and gave the orders. We started talking, and he had his eyes locked on mine.

I was getting drawn towards him. We both moved forward and would have kissed if the waiter had not brought the appetisers. We moved back and started giggling about the situation. We then concentrated on food, and then it was time to go. Riding back, I intentionally wrapped my arms around him.

When we reached home, I thought I needed more of this. I got off my bike and was about to walk. He asked me to come closer, grabbed me, and kissed my lips. I responded, and we started kissing. We kissed for a minute or two, and he let go.

I realised we were just right in front of my hostel. I was glad the street light didn’t work properly, or it would have been a scene. I walked back, saying goodbye. I was thinking about the whole day when my phone buzzed.

Mac’s text said, “We should start doing this more often.” I replied, “What exactly?” He immediately replied, kissing. I told him he got lucky today and won’t get any more soon. He then asked me whether I’d like to go on a small trip with him this weekend.

I didn’t want to rush things, so I said no. We just dozed off like that. We kept on with the texting and occasional meeting here and there. But we never kissed or hugged. Just held hands several times. Almost a month had passed since our first kiss.

We have been texting, talking, meeting, spending time, and getting to know each other. The college was about to start in a week. He again asked me for a trip. He told me that we’d book different rooms and enjoy the trip. I agreed as I wanted a change of scenario.

We planned a 4-day trip nearby and booked two rooms in a resort. We spent the first whole day roaming around and sightseeing. The second day went the same. In the evening, when we were back in our rooms. We decided to shower and have dinner.

I got ready and went to Mac’s room. He was sitting there scrolling his phone. He told me he’d shower and return in 5 minutes. I can sit in his room, meanwhile. I was scrolling through my phone when he came out of the shower. He had a towel wrapped around his lower body.

His upper body was shimmering with water. My eyes glued on him, and he walked towards me, closing the distance between us. I was on the bed, and he was standing right before me. He bent down, placed his lips over mine, and we kissed.

While liplocked, he pushed me back on the bed. He came on top of me without even parting our lips. I wrapped my arms around him, and he had me by my waist. My top slid up a bit, and I could feel his fingers on my skin. We kept kissing without a break.

His left hand moved up. He caressed my face while his right hand on my waist moved to caress my inner thighs. I was wearing shorts. So I could feel his hand over my skin. I don’t know how to express it, but it made me feel good. He then moved his hand over and kept on my crotch.

He started rubbing my pussy over my shorts, keeping it slow and still maintaining the kiss. My breath was getting heavier. I could feel myself leaking in my panties. He kept rubbing my pussy for 5 minutes. We would have probably been lip locked for almost 20 minutes.

He broke the kiss. We looked at each other, and he touched my waist again. But this time, he pushed his hand into my shorts, trying to invade my pussy. When he did this, I felt like electricity ran through me. At that moment, I pushed him away and ran out of his room.

I was back in my room as I shut the door. I didn’t know why I did that. I was lost in my thoughts when Mac knocked on the door, asking me to open it. I opened the door partially. He stood there and asked me if I was alright. I nodded. I told him to give me 10 minutes, and I’ll come over and talk.

I closed the door and took off my shorts. There was a clear patch of wetness on my panty. This was the first time I’d ever felt like this. The next moment I found my hands inside my panty, rubbing my clit, appreciating my wetness. I started rubbing it faster and harder and tried to hold my moan.

I rubbed my pussy till I exploded into an orgasm. My legs felt weak. I fell on the floor, liquid running down my thighs and my panty completely drenched. I waited for some time to catch my breath. I removed my panty and wore back my shorts.

I went to Mac’s room and told him sorry for reacting that way. We should go and have dinner. We went for dinner and cheered up a bit. After the dinner, I still felt I hadn’t done enough. So I told him I wanted to make up for what I did, and he asked me how.

I thought for a moment and said let’s cuddle and sleep. His eyes glowed up, and he pulled me for a hug. Within moments we found ourselves in his room, cuddling and feeling each other. This time I kissed him, and we kept on it for some time. He started kissing me all over my face and neck.

Soon he was on top of me, and we were lip locked. I could feel him getting erect right above my crotch. I was wearing a pair of denim shorts without any panties. He was in jeans, and I could still feel his dick. He started thrusting his hips, all while wearing clothes.

I was getting a little bit of sensation from it. I don’t know what happened. He broke the kiss and grunted. He just cum from a few thrusts. I didn’t know what to say or how to react. Mac just started saying sorry over and over. Explaining to me that it doesn’t happen and that, usually, he can last longer.

I lightened the mood and said, “Maybe I’m too hot for you to handle.” We both laughed and kissed again. We then slept in each other’s arms.

That’s all for today. I hope you like reading and hearing this story. It’s just the first part. I would love to hear your feedback and comments. You can mail me at [email protected]. I would love to hear from female readers about their experiences of losing their virginity.

About Abhilasha Bakshi

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