Root of desire for rough sex with Mom

Note: All the characters in this story are strictly above 19. My stories have hardcore, rough, erotic moments.

This is a mom-son incest story of mine which I am sharing with you. Read the story till the end to feel the same pleasure I felt. In this series, the mom and son go through their deeps, including BDSM and rough humiliation. This story happens between the dad, mom, and son.

Everything is not clear at the age of twenty. We are a family of 4, dad, mom, sister, and I. We had a small portion of the home till my college. So there was an incident that happened when I was twenty years old.

We had only 2 rooms in our home. One is the kitchen, the other is a bedroom, and sometimes it also becomes a hall. But our hall or bedroom is very big as 10 people can sleep at a time.

It was summertime. We fixed a cooler out of our window, so we all used to sleep in the same place. My sister and I slept on the bed, and our parents slept on the floor.

It was midnight, and I could not sleep. I was watching the ceiling above me and turned around to see my parents looking at me shockingly. They were shocked because my father was on top of my mother. Both were without clothes, naked.

They saw me. I pretended to sleep as I did not know what to do. They saw me for 5 minutes and checked whether I slept or not. After my successful acting, they confirmed I slept peacefully. Then began the actual show. I can listen to them because I was very close to them.

Dad: He slept, Lata.

Mom (while moving my dad’s head away from her mouth): How many times have I told you, Praveen, not to have sex beside children?

My dad slowly pinched her very hard, closing her mouth. She yelled aloud inside her. She controlled her tears while dancing, her hands on the floor in pain.

Praveen: Donga lanje. (means filthy thief bitch in my language). I work all day in the sun for you, and you claim not to fuck you?

He pinched her hard again. My beautiful mom can not take it. Teardrops were coming out of her eyes as he pinched hard each time.

Praveen (before taking her nipples in his mouth): Learn to please a man first. If he tells you to eat shit, you need to eat shit. Understood?

Latha: Pk. Please stop pinching.

Then my dad hugged my large boobs and mom very tightly. All her boobs touched his hairy chest while moving with his shaft in and out of my mom. It was heaven for me.

Praveen: I am cumming. (while pulling her hair and biting her neck)

Latha: Me too. (while digging holes in her husband’s back)

And their session ended there. Then my dad came beside her, forcefully grabbed my mom’s large silky hair, and pulled her down to his dick while pulling her hair and making her clean his dick unwontedly. This is the actual end. Then they slept. But I didn’t. I can not. I won’t.

That day I realised one thing. Never fuck your spouse in front of children. Because they develop an incest relationship with the opposite gender in their minds. The later day was cool. They pretended normal. I realised every couple will behave the same after their night’s intercourse.

This has happened many times while I pretend to sleep before them. A clear picture that was unintentionally portrayed in my mind is my mother. I developed many sexual feelings for her in this process. I felt I have every right to her body as her husband, in mind only.

In my mind, I used to fuck her hard without her consent. I fuck her 100 times in a day in my mind. I was relentless on her in my dreams. I used my mom as a slave in my dreams. Daily it was a habit for me to watch their gaming.

I am not able to work properly or study properly. Many more things I can not do properly because every time I start something, my mother’s naked photo comes into my dirty mind. So my parents used to slap me because I was not concentrating on my work properly.

My mother would slap me, and my father sometimes beat me with his belt. All because of a MILF woman who appears naked a thousand times in my mind every single fucking day. My mom, Lata. It was my mistake for their beating because I never did work completely fine. I know it.

They say that to leave one habit, one should acquire another one. I started smoking to forget her. Now I am getting more thoughts out of it. Then started alcohol, but no result. I have every single fucking habit developed just to forget the naked bitch appearing in my mind all the time.

I saw many times my parents fucking, and my dad used to be more dominating. And looking at my mom, I realised every woman wants to be submissive by nature. Mostly. That is why a woman is down on a man while fucking.

My mother was so submissive that she gave her milky body to her husband. Her husband would enjoy every inch of his MILF bitch wife every single fucking night beside their children. While one of the future mother fucker was awake.

They fucked very hard. They did all positions. Riding, missionary, and many more. They enjoyed their bodies very much. But I want my mother’s body too. I have every right to it. She breastfed me when I was born. I want to suck her nipples again while pulling her hair down with both my hands.

I want every part of her body licked by my tongue. Every part of my body was getting sucked by her mouth. All were in my mind. I visited all the holy places to pray to all gods that she would come under me one fine day naked. While I fuck her hard, enjoying her body. And my prayers got wished for in future.

Days passed months, months to years. With that, I tried all the ways of seducing my mom. Nothing worked. They will not also work. A man must put a seed in a woman’s mind and reef it for many days to sleep with her.

The very practical method is to go near mom and confess everything daringly, which I have realised long in the future.

By so, my sister married to handsome guy. After the marriage, we were 3 in our home. My dad worked hard every day in the past years and made a huge fortune for us. We built a new house for ourselves with great interior design and all.

One day, my parents visited their daughter’s home to see my sister’s, newborn baby. I did not go because I was having my exams online. This was the lockdown period, so every institution conducted exams online only.

When my parents came back, they met with an accident. A big accident. They were in the hospital for so long. And they came back after many days. Both were out of danger. I ignored their accident and focussed on my mom only. It was portrayed in my mind that she was my slave.

After that accident, my parents would fight every day. I do not know the reason. I am sad that I am not seeing their fucking sessions because we built a new home. I bloody liked that two-room old home of ours.

Now, at present. I am twenty-five years old and working in a software company in Hyderabad. One fine day my father called me for some reason. I thought he would try to convince me of my marriage. But what he told me that day made my deepest desire fulfilling, that is fucking his wife.

We both sat on the sofa, and my dad started the conversation

Praveen: Son! How are you?

Me: I am doing good, dad. What is the matter you want to tell?

Praveen: It is just nothing, son. I want to talk about our accident which happened years ago.

Me: Go on, dad. You need any financial support.

Praveen: No, beta. I need to tell you that we have been fighting every day in front of you.

Me: It is common, dad. Every couple would do.

Praveen: Tell me one thing. If you are married. Is it okay if you do not fuck your wife?

Me: Dad, it’s a little bit embarrassing, but no. I will fuck her daily.

Praveen: That is the reason we are fighting daily.

Me: I did not get you.

Praveen: You see, after that accident, there has been an operation that happened for me, due to which I can not indulge in sex. I can not have a sexual course with your mom. That is the reason. Can you help me?

Me (I do not know what to do because I hit a blank wall): Yes, dad. How can I help you?

Praveen: I know how it feels when the spouse is around, and you can not fuck? Now is my wife going through that situation only? So can you please help her?

I was laughing inside. I thanked all the gods who helped get the one woman who gave birth to me from a vagina. I will go into that vagina again.

Me: But dad, how can I?

Praveen (while begging me): Please, son. I can not go out and bring anyone because of our stature.

Me: Can I speak frankly?

Praveen: Yes, you can. Just tell me whether you like her or not.

I went and hugged him and kissed his cheeks.

Me: I love her, dad. I have loved to fuck her for many years. I used to play with my hood, thinking of her dad. Thank you.

Praveen: But?

Me: Just take care of yourself. I will fuck your wife on your behalf.

Praveen: You bloody bastard. Did you think of fucking your mom?

Me: Yes, I do. And thank you. It is my only dream to fuck her. Now please allow me to go.

Praveen: But…

I went past him while he was telling me something in his bedroom. Sorry, my bedroom from now. And I locked the bolt and turned to find my dream bitch coming out of the bathroom just after bathing.

The day I fucked my mom was a nightmare for her and her husband. I unleashed my monster waiting for her for the last five years.

To be continued. Please share your views with [email protected].

About Abhilasha Bakshi

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