Fucking My Friend In Classroom – Part II

Hi, readers, sorry it’s been 2 years since I have posted my last sex story and it is because I was busy with my work. So coming to the story, I hope everyone has read the 1st part of the sex story ‘Fucking my friend in the classroom. You can always give suggestions about the way I write these stories and just sharing your own views if you have any through [email protected].

So coming to the sex story, last time I told you about how I and my friend started our foreplay, not exactly a foreplay but a way in which we moved on from a good friendship to a good relationship. So in the classroom, when she asked me to make love to her, I told it’s not right since she is committed we shouldn’t be doing this. Even though I wanted to have her for myself, I tried to be moral. But she has already decided that day should be the day she must become mine and so she started to scold me telling you are impotent, you cannot satisfy women and so on and she tried to leave the classroom.

All I heard did get me irritated, I pulled her and started smooching, but she wanted to make things much more heated up and she tried to resist me. This made me angrier and I pushed her against the wall, held both her hands with my left hand above her head and with my right hand held her face and kissed her lips and pushed my tongue inside her mouth.After a few seconds, she started kissing me back and that was one hell of a wet kiss. We kissed with loud moans and showered all our love over each other. I freed her hands and she put her hands around my neck.

I placed both my hands on her thighs, lifted her up and took her to the table in the middle of the class. After making her sit over the table, we continued kissing and I moved down to her neck and kissed her neck. It’s a jackpot, that’s her erogenous zone and a moan escaped her lips for the 1st time. I continued kissed her entire and she hugged me tightly, crossing her legs around my waist. By reflex, I started dry humping her and again we started kissing. Suddenly she bit my lips hard and tightened her entire body and I understood she has orgasmed. I felt very much stimulated by this and I started squeezing her small bosoms before she even started relaxing from her previous orgasm.

By squeezing her bosoms I bent myself down over her and started smooching her. She came to her senses and started kissing me back. While doing so she slowly kept her hand over my erection over the pants and started squeezing. Since this is the 1st hand other than mine touching my rod, I felt really aroused, I started sucking her bosoms over her over. Even though this didn’t give much stimulation, it was enough for her untouched nipples to get stimulated and to give her the pleasure. Due to my action, she left my rod and started twisting and turning.

Suddenly this sparked a thought in my mind, Y SHOULDN’T I USE THIS OPPORTUNITY TO MAKE HER MINE? So I decided to give ultimate pleasure, that will make her forget that idiot asshole and to spark the love that is hidden inside her for me. I made her sit, removed her top she tried to hide her bra covered bosoms with her hands and she failed in that effort as I dived back over bosoms and licked her cleavage. I was doing every foreplay I saw on defloration videos in how to handle a virgin.And whatever I did, she giggled and twisted her body. All these reactions of her were making me mad, I wanted to seal the deal. So I started multitasking.

While with one hand I took her bosoms out of her bra cup and started teasing her with my tongue and with another hand I tried to remove had leggings along with her panty. She didn’t let me remove her lower, so I understood she’s still shy to show her body to me for the 1st time since she didn’t go anywhere beyond kissing. I knew all these because we were so close that, we shared our intimate secrets with each other. I even knew the days she would have periods. Readers don’t think bad about her, it takes a lot of trusts to share those things with others, particularly a guy.

So coming back I thought to make her open up by giving her the pleasure that will make her forget this world. So I started licking and sucking her nipples. The moment my tongue touched her nipples she went into a state of frenzy and she herself started moving her hips near my crotch. I understood her state, but I was afraid that I myself may ejaculate due to her action. I turned slightly so that she could hump on my thighs and I continued sucking. I knew she may orgasm any minute and so I started to act and removed her leggings with panties.

Now she’s lying in the middle of our class, only in her bra and me between her legs, a sight to remember forever. So I continued my play on her bosoms alternating between those soft globes I removed pants and underwear. I was waiting for the opportunity to deflower her but I also knew that it is going to pain like hell.

But by luck, my continuous sucking of her nipples brought her into another huge orgasm and she bucked her hips and I understood this is the opportunity and rolled my foreskin back and traced my rod up and down her vulva lips, found the hole and when she started moaning and stiffened her body, I gave a hard push and 1/4th of my rod went inside and this gave her immense pain. She made a different noise of moaning along with shouting in pain. But the pain overtook her and she tried to run away from the table. I help her still, bent down and kissed her lips.

Tears were rolling down and I kissed her eyes, licked her tears and sucked her cheeks. Once she was passed, I moved my rod a little. She again winced in pain. It took me around 20 mins to move my hips freely. Since I was also a virgin I knew I would last long and by the time I had a free movement, my groins tingled, rod became extra hard and I ejaculated inside her. I pushed my rod deep inside and I did cum a lot compared to my usual during my masturbation sessions. We both hugged each other and came out of our pleasure and I was again playing with her neck and earlobes.

It suddenly struck my mind that I didn’t use any protection and she is in her fertile period. I got tensed and freed myself to from her hold and looked into her face. She was glowing and smiled at me. I didn’t want to spoil her mood, so I bent down and kissed her for a while. By then it was dark outside, so we knew the security will be coming any minute to close the door. We got dressed in a hurried manner but at the same time kissed hugged jumped slightly and both went out separately and to restrooms and freshened up.

I went with her to her home to drop and we both holding our hands all the way. After that, we both started texting and while texting I told her about her fertile period and not using a condom. She too knew that and got afraid that after seeing my face she has decided not to spoil my mood let it go. I told her I too thought the same and we were talking what to do. Suddenly she called me up and kept quiet. I asked her to talk but she didn’t talk and kept quiet. I gathered all my courage and asked her WILL YOU MARRY ME? She didn’t answer and disconnected the call.

I thought that’s it, this relationship is over and I cried since she didn’t talk to me for a month and didn’t even see me. I was totally devastated and started drinking. I didn’t attend my classes whole and my professors started questioning why am no in class and finally when I was sleeping in the room, my friend took me for tea. There I saw her and I felt some stirring in my stomach. She said sorry and immediately slapped me hard and started walking.

I didn’t understand what happened and my friend abused me “asshole go for her, she’s yours. Run idiot”. I went in front of her and she kept walking and I walked with till where she went. She entered into a church, prayed there and came back. Held my hand, took me to a temple and she prayed. I was shocked to see this and asked her what are you doing. She took my hand and went to a park and held my hand and kept it over her tummy exactly near just above her pubic hair. I thought she needs sex and started moving my hand downwards, she got angry and punched me and hugged.

I couldn’t understand what was happening. She told me in my ears that “congrats, you are going to be a father soon”. I was dumbstruck, frozen and started sweating. She continued “since the baby is yours, this means you are my husband and yes I will marry you”. I was happy and tensed at the same time. So she kissed my cheeks and said take me home and I was happy to do that. So this is the end of this part friends. It’s long but you will like it. Wait for the next part which will come soon not like this part which took 2years. You will the next part of the sex story soon. Bye, and your comments are most welcome. Don’t forget to send them to [email protected]. Bye

About Abhilasha Bakshi

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