My First Exhibitionist Tingle – Indian Sex Stories

Hi readers, I am Rekha and this is my first exhibitionist idea that i executed. I am 31 yrs unmarried working lady. I am wheatish brown and a curvy lady. My breasts 34c and firm and have nice bottom with thick thighs.

I usually wear chudidar and occasionally saree. I haven’t had the freedom to wear the modern dresses, though I have yearned for it a few times. I am a normal female with all emotions and now think i am quite old and feel the need to get married soon, one reason also being the strong sexual desire. Normally when my married friends do talk about their sex life, feel am missing out on something. Being in group family I have been habituated to cover myself all the time properly and wouldn’t get tired adjusting my dress as many times as needed.

On the day of the incident, it was a normal day at the office and just when we were about to leave the office it started to rain. We wanted to wait out the rain as it was not rainy season and we wer hoping it would stop in some time. My friends started a rather hot conversion, talking how good the night is going to be with a giggles all around, initially could not sync with the topic and then the friends told how cozy the night would be to have the perfect sex. The discussion continued for sometime about how each of their husbands is going to react and make out and so on.

About 30 mins from then they were talking about leaving as it was getting late and would be dark, but there was a voice yearning in me to keep the topic going as the conversation had turned me on. I declined and the other friends except one who would travel with me, her name was Madhu. As it started to get dark and the rain though slow but steadily continuing we also decided to make a dash to the bus stop.

By the time we reached the bus stand our cloths were wet at least on the outside.

Then i observed my dress , I was wearing a white top and the bottom was my first legging, both had turned see through partially, this was a dress gifted by my niece and I was told by mom not to wear this as it was too transparent, how ever was wearing only the tops along with inner lining dress for some time and wore the leggings only for the second time. The though of my mom scolding me was driving me mad.

At this point Madhu whispered in my ears that i was looking sexy with the dress stuck to my body. I was embarrassed and felt like i was standing nude, took a quick look around and felt like every person there was staring at my body. Both of us sat on the bench and i hugged my hand bag so as to cover myself. I inquired repeatedly if it looks too bad and that my inner wear was visible or not. She kept giggling at me.

Then the bus arrived and we got into the bus it was not too crowded but we had to stand and when i looked back while showing the pass to the conductor, there were few people who were ogling at me and one guy didn’t even bother to look the other way as he was staring right at my ass. Now there was something strange that was happening, i was not worried any more and was thinking of my self in a very sexy way and was also recalling the conversation my friends had in the office earlier slowly i stopped correcting my dress and was feeling horny and started to hug the pole much closer but not in a way to let others notice. My friend’s stop had arrived, she advised me to visit her place and then continue after the rain stops or carry an umbrella.

We reached her room in couple of minutes which she shares with another girl but in the process also let some more rain water soak in to my dress. When i looked at myself at the mirror, i was dumbstruck, now i realized how bad the dress had stuck to my body especially the bottom from the knee was completely transparent as if i was not wearing any thing. Madhu hugged me from behind and said sexy girl and told that i could have missed the inner dress and the top would also complement my beauty.

Though we have discussed about showing off to people in the past which i have straight forward rejected, this time ter was an urge in me to do so. She handed me a towel and started preparing coffee. I wanted to move the conversation forward and hesitantly asked her, how can i walk in this transparent dress without the inners. Madhu told its all fun and told how thrilling it would be to do so. She asked me “Don’t you remember the other day?” I was confused, she continued the challenge that she had with latha to exhibit her cleavage to the manager and won a treat. I said yes. She said again its all fun.She kept saying how there was unusual presence of her manager at her cabin for longer time when she decided to wear the low neck salwar and wanted to play with his emotions, I stammered i am afraid.

Now she caught me and she was like ” ohhhh so you are ok with it but afraid” and chuckled. The conversation was disturbed by a phone call, it was from my home and my granma had called to inquire where i was and asked me to be careful. She told that she was alone as all the other people have also gone out and would be late. I told her i would reach in a few minutes.

Madhu told how about trying today. I questioned what?.. She was like showing your body to strangers, i was quiet and was glaring at her, she knew it was going in my mind, “Remove ur inner liners” she told. I half heartedly said no. She reaffirmed it would be fun. My heart was bursting with the answer yes but the word was stuck at my lips. She rushed at me and started lifting my top. I didn’t resist.

Now i was standing in my bra and leggings. My white panty under the leggings were visible even though it was not completely wet. she slapped on the side of my ass and told ahh sexy madam. She told me do you want to remove the bra and panty also. I exclaimed no. I put on my top. She asked me to go out and get back in after i get drenched completely, I did so constantly looking out if some one is around. Now there was no confusion in my mind and wanted to exhibit at any cost. When i got back in, Madhu started to laugh out loud and clapping her hands, I was having an embarrassed smile. I checked out myself at the mirror. I couldn’t she myself and put down my head for a moment, the dress had turned so transparent that it was as gud as saying it didn’t exist. My bra was totally there for the taking and my panty was right there too.

Madhu started to make fun by biting her lips and making horny expressions. I murmured that i was afraid. She told its ok take the umberlla and move out as quickly. She advised not to stop at any body and just feel the gudness about the people staring at me and to cover the dupatta only if required or leave it to cover the neck rather then my wet breasts.I put the inners in my hand bag and was literally pushed out from the room, at first i was almost walk racing to the bus stop, then i justed relaxed. The motorists passing by didn’t seem to be bothered by the water filled bad road but were distracted at my body. I used the umbrella to gud use and cover my face from passer by. Now i reached the bus stop and there were quite a few ladies.

I just tried to fit in to the crowd. I knew there were a bunch of guys preying on my body with their eyes. I felt very shy and my reflexes started to adjust the dress at the back to pull the dress stuck to my ass but then it hit me i shouldn’t have done that. The thought of exhibiting my ass with the dress plunged in my ass crack was so strong that i wanted too give them a much clear view of by ass.

I turned back looked at the men staring at my ass and noticed the railing on the footpath and moved few steps back slowly and then just tried to rest my back on the railing, pushed my ass firmly against the railing and now i felt the dress get into my ass crack, i was thrilled but stayed in the position for a while and after that let out a huge breath and moved forward and turned as if to check for the buses to face my ass to the crowd where there were men standing. There was soo many emotions going on in me now. The thought of standing in a crowded place with a completely transparent dress, with my bra and panty totally visible and the wet dress stuck deep inside my ass.

I almost reached an orgasm. Now i sensed there were few men who were getting to close to me. I was panicking, I felt that was enough and just started walking away from the bus stop. One auto wala approached me and took a glance at me and asked where to, I told him the address but i dont think so he got me but was rather scanning my body. Got into the auto and now while traveling i felt shaking out of fear and couldn’t believe i was almost semi nude in front of soo many men. The hungry look on the face of the auto driver just amazed me even more. I put the bag on my lap and just brushed my fingers over my sweet spot. It felt gud and did the same few more times.

Now i was so hot I just went full on and started rubbing harder over my dress, my breathing got heavy, was looking at the driver constantly to see if he was noticing or not, he wasn’t and with in a few strokes i reached my climax and let out a subdued moaning sound from my mouth. The driver asked what. I stammered and uttered ” No, bug its a bug.” and said its ok continue. The driver confirmed the destination and asked for directions and within no time when we were about to reach the house, the though of giving a final show to the driver caught my mind.

While getting down i tried to brush the hand on my ass such that the finger tips ran over the ass crack, i think i did well and now i didn’t bother to take out the umbrella to cover me and asked him for the fare. I told him i have to get it and in a very seductive way walked to my door step all the while getting wet again and show casing my curvy back and ass to the driver.

I went behind the door made sure no one was around, threw the dupatta aside, pressed my hands over my breasts and over my vagina helping the cloth to stick to the body and accentuate very part of my body, ahhh the breasts were sticking out and the nipples had gone hard and were poking out. Took out the money and again went back to the auto driver with a very seductive walk, the driver couldn’t help but ogle at me from top to bottom repeatedly. i went very close to the auto, didnt bother to bend down and stood in a way my nipple pokie breasts was pointing to the drivers face. gave the money and the coin dropped and rolled at a distance, this time again i turned showing my ass to the driver and slowly picked the coin and gave him, the look on the driver’s face was enough to say what he just saw and started the slow walk back. I was thrilled, the auto didnt leave until i closed the door.

I picked my stuff and ran towards my room shouting out to my grandma that i was back, I got in front of the mirror and was mesmerized by my beauty, the white bra and light blue panty and was completely visible inside my white transparent chudi. I felt i had travelled the entire route in a two piece bikini, i masturbated once more and clicked a photo of myself at the mirror.

The next day Madhu and I were just constantly giggling at each other. I showed here the photo and that was the first experience as an exhibitionist. We both have gone on many different adventures after that. I will be sharing those in the coming days.

About Abhilasha Bakshi

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