Next Door Girl – Indian Sex Stories

Hello everyoneHow are you doing . hope you all are doing great there.Well, my name is Prem I’m 22 M. belong from Bangalore, 5 feet 9 inches height well-maintained body. I guess this introduction is enough.

This is my mail ID [email protected]

If you like my story then send me feedback and any girl aunty can contact through my mail ID .I’m ready to help you out in any manner. hope I’ll get some replies.

Without wasting time I’ll jump to my story I hope you guys like it.I live in a family of four people in a new apartment. recently one family from north Karnataka have shifted to our apartment next to our flat. Soon our family and their family got close and as there were no family’s staying at that time in our apartment, to spend the time they used to come to our home. it was going well.

One day suddenly I saw a new girl in their home. I was on cloud nine because it was an empty apartment and suddenly such a beautiful girl that to next to our door. her name is kavya 21 year old. she is neighbour uncle’s relative. she was there to complete her Java course. it was going well we used to exchange smile every time when we cross each other . it was going pretty good. it’s was November 2nd and it was Sunday. I was at home and was watching tv no one was at home and my door bell rang . to my surprise it was kavya. I welcomed her with a nice smile and I said mom and dad are not at home.

She said ” oh it’s my bday today take sweets ”I: happy birthday kavyaShe: you know my name ??I: ya my mom told meShe: haha. well why are you in boxersI: ( I was struck ) Na it’s very hot today soShe: well yeah

I: you are looking very gorgeousShe: thanks, Prem.So left our home.

We became good friends soon .exchanged phone numbers and started chatting. we were good friends and I had no bad feeling on her .till this incident.

It was November and I was raining that day .who like rain in winter season right. I was on my way to home and I saw her in bus stand and told her that I’ll drop her . she agreed and she was on my bike. it was raining, wet cloths, cold. raining was heavy at the time of 6 pm. so I stopped in between and we were totally wet . in that churidar she was looking so beautiful. and I could see her inners.

I just went close to her and said you are looking beautiful.She said: hehe you are flirting haaI: hmm can I kiss you kavya ( was scared )

She: huh ?? Tum aise sochte ho mere bare meI: sorry, situation made me ask thisShe was silent for few minutesShe: Prem doesn’t tell in home okay.I: about what

she came close and kissed me on lips ..she said about this.I grabbed her in my arms and started kissing her on the neck, lips nobody was there. we kissed for 10 min .and left to home in rain only.From that day our chatting turned into personal and in an erotic way. we used to spend time together and a lot of kisses and smooches .wow it was a great time . one day I while kissing I asked herOnly kissing I wanna do more kavya

She: achaa nothing will happen, Na PremI: no nothing wrong in doing thisShe: haa .do whatever you want baby

I lifted her in my arms and went to the bedroom and I was kissing her and with my hands started to play with her boobs over her top. such a smooth boobs ( 34c ) her breathing got heavy and she could sense my dick now it was hard. I removed my t-shirt and I removed her t-shirt. wow she did not wear bra that day I started sucking her boobs .she was moaning ahhhaa prem it feels so good ..come on Prem such it hard ahhh ahhaa .

Within no time we removed all our dresses and she was nude in front of me with a shy expression on her face. I kissed her and went down to her pussy. it was already wet I kissed it and started sucking it. it was the first time for both of us and heaven feeling. she was full wet and within no time she gave out her juice out as it was the first time. I cleaned my face and started sucking her pussy again like a mad dog . and with my hands was pressing her boobs very hard ..she was moaning like hell ah Prem suck it suck it I’m all yours Prem suck it hard ah fuck me Prem can’t wait now fuck me .

I told her that I’ll fuck her before that to give a nice blowjob. we took my hard 6-inch dick in hands and started sucking .. I can’t explain to you guys how I was feeling ..ah was on cloud nine. I was ready to fuck her now. I rubbed my dick on her pussy lips and she started breathing heavily. I gave small stroke it was very tight and painful.After a strong push my half dick was inside I again applied oil and pushed it was full in her pussy now .. I couldn’t move because of pain and after few minutes started to stroke. pain get converted into pleasure now .she was enjoying it .ahh Prem now I’m all yours I’m no more Virgin girl. you can fuck me everyday Prem. ah fuck me, Prem, faster Prem faster ah faster . I was kissing her meanwhile and her sound made me speed up my stroke we both were enjoying i. I was ready to cum.I said, baby, i m coming ah ..she said you tasted my cum.I wanna taste yours took my dick out and splashed on her mouth ..ah load of cum it was .

We both slept nude for some time and went to take shower .during shower we had one more session. whenever her uncle aunty used to go out. we both used to have sex. she completed her course now and she left our city last month. it was a good time with her.I hope you guys enjoyed my story .well in return I’m expecting feedbacks .. Aunties and girls don’t hesitate to send mail. This is my mail ID [email protected]

If you like my story then send me feedback and any girl aunty can contact through my mail ID .I’m ready to help you out in any manner. hope I’ll get some replies .ty

About Abhilasha Bakshi

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