Romance With A Horny Aunty – Part 1

Hello, respected ladies and gentlemen. This is my first story on iss and I hope it’s good enough to increase the horniness in you. Any suggestions are welcome on my mail ID – [email protected] and I hope the story teases you to a larger extent.

So, coming to the plot, this is a real life incident that happened with me and we are still continuing it. I forgot to tell about myself. My name is Raj and I measure 5’10” having a wheatish complexion. I’m athletic as I regularly hit the gym. I have a 7′ inch boner. Enough said about it. Now, coming to the heroine of the story, her name is riya. ‘Riya’, the name itself wakes up the beast in us, doesn’t it? She is so hot, so sexy. Thick black hair, glowing fair complexion, hour glass structure and I’m running out of adjectives to describe her. Her body measurements go this way. Her breast-waist-ass are in the ratio of 36-30-34. Perfect!!!! Ain’t it? Anyone who would see her would have a instant hard on for sure.

So, it happened like this. One fine day when I was going through the Facebook posts, I got a few suggestions to send requests. I was going through them and suddenly I was awestruck. That was the time when I saw this beautiful woman – ‘Riya’. Immediately I couldn’t control my hands from sending her a friend request. At first, watching her profile pic, I thought she was unmarried. She was such a treat to my eyes. And then, I was waiting for her to accept my friend request.

To my surprise, she accepted it the very next day. I immediately greeted her with a hello. She didn’t reply soon but later in the night I got a message from her asking who was this. I just replied that I got a random suggestion on Facebook and sent her request. She told she accepted it by mistake in the process of rejecting. I told her that everything happens for a reason. So, why don’t we utilize this opportunity to get to know each other.

At first, she was like I dont like to speak with strangers and all that stuff but finally as days passed on she was OK with chatting with me. We got to know each other better. We became the thickest of friends. One fine day, she messaged me that she can’t text that night as she was going to movie with her husband and her child. I saw that message later and I was totally dumbstruck. I replied what?? Are you married???

Next day she replied me yes and that she also has a child. I was disappointed but at the same time I was excited too as it was my dream from so long to have sex with a married lady without getting caught. So, I thought, let’s give it a try. I told her that no one would believe that she is married and she looks so hot and beautiful and started praising her in all possible ways. She was slowly slowly getting addicted to me. After a month or so, I asked for her phone number so that we can chat in WhatsApp. At first, she was hesitant.

Later, she asked my number and told me that she’ll cal me when she feels like. I told OK and gave her my number. The very next day I got a cal from a unknown number. I was expecting it to be her and my dream came true. We talked for about an hour that morning and she messaged me in WhatsApp that night. I was totally awestruck and we started texting soon. We were chatting all day, all night long. We were immersed in each other. Then one day I told her dat I need to tel something important to her and called her up. I told ‘I love you’ to her and waited for a reply. She started scolding me and told me a pervert as to what was I thinking.

She told that she was married and had a child and asked me how can I behave like that with her. She cut the cal and she didn’t even reply to my message. I thought everything was over and I was depressed. I tried to move on.

Then, after two days I got a text from her which said “Will you stay with me forever?”. That text itself gave me goosebumps. I told her I’m so excited to hear back from her. And said I would be the happiest person if she is with me forever. We expressed our love to each and what were texts all day, all night long transformed into calls all day and texts all night (as her husband would be there at night).

We were like lovers lost in a paradise. After few days, she asked what would you do if you were alone with me? I replied that I would look into her and give her the tightest hug with a passionate smooch and express all my love. To which she said, I’m waiting for the moment. I knew what was going to happen. My teenage dream was going to come true. I told I was waiting for her to give me that oppurtunity. She told she is totally mine and that day will come soon. And then we again started talking romantically.

One fine day, she called me in the afternoon around 2 and told me that I can kiss her if I can meet her in ten minutes. Luckily I was at home, I dressed up quickly and started to her home. I forgot to mention you that it is just a five minute drive from her home to my home. I asked her what about her husband and her child. She told he will come around 11 in the night and she left her child at her friends place.

As soon as I reached her home and went in, there she was!!! The woman of my dreams!! Dressed in a perfect white saree with a matching blouse and a black bra and black panty (which I came to know later). She was a sheer pleasure to my eyes. I immediately hugged her tight and planted a kiss on her forehead. She hugged me even tighter. After sometime I lifted her and we were heading for the bedroom. We forgot to close the door.

So, I carried her near the door. She was bolting it while I was kissing her neck and shoulders. Then, we again started smooching each other looking into each other’s eyes with a lot of saliva exchange. I carried her all the way to the bedroom. What was meant to be just a kiss and a hug was turning out to be something else. You know, in the heat of the passion everything happens. I put her on the bed while smooching her. She pulled me even closer and guided me towards her neck. I was licking her neck, her collar bone and was nibbling her earlobes. She was totally excited. She allowed me to do whatever I want.

I smooched her for some more time. I actually love smooching. Then I went a bit lower and removed her pallu aside. Her waist was the perfect one I saw till date. I was mad just by looking at it. I kissed it, licked her belly button and played with it. Slowly I went up and was removing the hooks of her blouse while kissing her neck. She closed her eyes and surrendered herself to me totally. Then I saw her boobs beautifully wrapped in a black bra. It was making her look even sexier. I started licking her shoulders while removing her bra hooks. And as soon as I uncovered her bra, there it was!!! The eighth wonder of the world in front of my eyes!!! Two perfectly sized firm bosoms with a small mole below her left nipple making it even sexier. She closed her eyes and was waiting for me to start. I thought of teasing her a little bit.

So, I was gently pressing her boobs with my hand without touching her nipples and was licking one boob while caressing the other and vice-versa. She was going weak in her legs. After about 5 mins, she pulled my head and placed it on her nipple. I started sucking them rapidly. She was moaning with pleasure. “Aaah…. Aaaaahh …… Aaahhh ….. Raj, go hard ….. Suck them even harder ….. Aaaaahhh …. ” these were the words from her mouth. I was sucking her right nipple while playing with her left nipple and vice-versa. This went for a good 20-25 minutes. She said that mole makes her nipple even more attractive and indeed it was.

Then, once again I looked in to her eyes and started smooching her. With my left hand, I was pinching her nipples. And guided my right hand slowly to her pussy. She again closed her eyes. I inserted my hand in her panty through her petticoat. And as soon as I touched her love hole, it was totally drenched with her juices. I knew she was so excited and she was smooching me even harder when I was massaging her pussy. After few mins, I suddenly slid one finger into her pussy. I don’t know what happened, but she pushed me on the bed, ripped my shirt off and started smooching me wildly. She was biting my ears, nibbling my neck.

She came a bit lower and started biting my nipples harder. I was both in immense pain and pleasure. She went even lower and removed my trousers as fast as she could and ripped my underwear apart. Out came my boner. She widened her eyes by looking at it and within a split second gulped the entire length in her mouth. I was so surprised dat I sat and caught her free flowing hair. She started sucking it wildly. She was taking it in at a rapid pace and blowing it at even better pace. That was the best blowjob I have ever received. She gulped the entire length, took her tongue out and was licking my balls. I was lost somewhere.

She held my sack with her hands and took it entirely in her mouth and was licking it. And then she again came back to my cock and was sucking it like a pro. I was not able to hold on any longer and after about 20 minutes, I told her that I was cumming. Then she did something that shocked me. She gulped the entire length and held my ass cheeks so tight that I caught her hair and started unloading. Shots of thick semen were going down her throat and she was swallowing it. After she drank the last drop she told she loved my sperm. Now, it was my turn to satisfy her. I put her on the bed, removed her petticoat and ripped open her panty. She spread her legs. I went closer to her vagina and inserted my tongue with full force into her vagina. She let out a big moan ‘aaahhaaa ….. ‘.

Then I started sucking it wildly. I was stimulating her clitoris with my hand while sucking her pussy. She was moaning so badly. ‘Aaaaahhh ….. Hhhhaaa ….. Aaaahhh ……’ The room was filled with only these sounds.

After about ten mins, she put her legs around me and held my head. I knew she was about to cum and increased the pace. She was vibrating her legs and suddenly let out a huge moan and cummed with all the force. Her juices were so tasty that I continued licking her pussy, even after she was exhausted. After few mins of licking she again started moaning. I knew she was ready for round 2. So, I started stirring my tongue inside her pussy. She was moving her hips in a rythm. She again put her legs wrapped around me. I was licking her rapidly and after after about 15 minutes, I did something which she didn’t expect. I inserted my middle finger totally into her anal hole. She widended her eyes, caught my hair and started cumming even harder.

After her entire liquid was over, she pulled me up started smooching me. We both were so exhausted, that we held each other so tight and were just smooching while feeling each other’s body parts. After some time, we thought to take a shower.

So, she got up and went to the washroom and I followed her. We both were under the shower and she turned it on. The water was splashing on our bodies and we were looking into each other’s eyes and were lost once again. I hugged her and started smooching her. She too hugged me and started smooching me back. We were fully wet. Her wet hair, the essence of the smooch again gave me a hard on. I just held her legs and lifted her. She wrapped her legs around me and held me tight. I placed my dick exactly at the entrance of her love hole and lowered her a little. My dick just disappeared in her pussy. Though her vaginal hole was tight, it slid in easily because of all the foreplay we had. She let out a huge sigh, hugged me tight and started smooching me wildly.

We were in that position for few minutes and I was enjoying the warmness of her hole. Later, I moved a little back and rested her on the wall. And started fucking her slowly while caressing her neck with my lips. After few minutes, I increased the pace and she started gyrating her hips along with me. She held me tight, tightened her clasp around my waist with her legs and shouted “I’m cumming”. I was just like that letting her savour her orgasm.

Then I lifted her in the same position, with my dick in her pussy and we were wet and I sat on the bed and started fucking her. After few mins, she started riding me so hard. My dick was going in and out of her pussy at a rapid pace. I felt the pressure building up inside my balls and I told her I was about to cum. She told to ejaculate inside her as she told she’ll take pills later. We both were moaning so hard that the entire room was filled with our echoes. She told she too was about to cum. We both started smooching each other so hard and fucking at a rapid pace.

After few mins we both started ejaculating our respective liquids. Her pussy was filled with her orgasm and my semen. She was still vibrating her legs. We were in that position for few mins and then we laid down. She was on top of me and rested her head on my shoulder while my dick was still inside her pussy. We don’t know when we fell asleep and when my dick popped out of her pussy, but by the time we woke up it was already 6.

As soon as she woke she planted a kiss on my forehead. I held her tightly and hugged her. I planted a kiss on her cheeks. She told it’s already late and she needs to pick up her daughter from her friends house. So, she told we will meet again tomorrow. I told OK and was ready to leave. As I got up from the bed, she was looking into my eyes and I was looking into her eyes and we don’t know what happened between us. The next thing I know was that she pounced on me and started smooching me. She told her husband never made her feel special like I do.

Even I started smooching her and we were immersed in sheer pleasure. I already developed a hard on and she was dripping wet again. I laid her on the bed and came on top of her. She was licking my neck and guided my dick near her pussy. I started smooching her and entered her with one huge thrust. She let out a huge gasp and hugged me tight. Moans emerged from our mouth ‘mmmm ….. ‘ as we both were smooching each other.

I started fucking her slowly and increased the speed as time passed. She was moving her hips also according to my rhythm. I was playing with her nipples and sucking them. She was kissing my neck and biting my earlobes. Finally, after 40 minutes I was about to ejaculate and I increased the speed. I think she was also on the verge of ejaculation as she encircled my hips with her legs clasped around me. And she dug her nails into my back.

Finally, we both ejaculated at the same time once again and lay exhausted on each other. Her pussy was dripping with all the juices and the bedsheet was a real mess. As we were already getting late, we quickly dressed up and put the bed sheet in the washing machine. She bid me a final kiss and hug before I left. There after we loved each other and continued our love making in her husband’s absence. We explored various places and we had sex at various locations. Once, we were almost the verge of getting caught but we survived the scare. Now, also we indulge in ourselves whenever we get a chance. I’ll let you know about those escapades in my next parts.

Thank you everyone. Hope you liked my story. Any horny girls or horny ladies who are interested in protected sex can contact me on [email protected]. Your safety is my priority and your secrets are safe with me. So, don’t worry about spending those blissful moments with me. See you soon.

About Abhilasha Bakshi

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