Seduced Office Employee – Indian Sex Stories

This incident happened about 2 years back. There was a woman employee in our office named Sneha, she was 26 years old and a figure to envy. Her stats were 32-28-38. The most enviable part of her body was her ass. She used to wear tight jeans and tops to the office and her ass would juggle like anything. I would ask her to come to my chamber on some pretext or the other just to see her ass juggle.

Some info about me. I am raj and from Assam, 48 years old and have a good physique and amply endowed.I go to the gym every day so….


So this happened in December 2015.


I had to go to a remote area in Assam for a project that we were executing. Since Sneha was a new recruit and wanted to see the exact way works were executed, she wanted to come. I was a little apprehensive at first, taking along a woman to the work site, but then she assured me that her parents were ok with it, so I allowed her.


We left 2 days later in my car, just me and her alone. Nothing happened on the way. We reached late at night to the work site.

We had small brick hutments and for me, there was a lil sort of a suite

Sneha got a small room just beside my suite. We both got fresh and before dinner, as I do usually have a couple of whiskey pegs, we ate dinner and said goodnight and went to bed.


As luck would have it, there was a thunderstorm late at around 12 and it was pouring cats and dogs.

Suddenly there was a knock on my wooden door, I opened and there was Sneha, all drenched up, wet and looking highly sexy.

She said that I can’t sleep in this storm, can I sleep on your sofa?. I said sure but you are all wet and where are your clothes? She said roof’s leaking and all my clothes are wet. I said ok. I gave her my robe, I forgot that I was in my undies under the robe, and seeing her wet had given me a throbbing hard on….

She looked at my crotch and didn’t react and she went to the bathroom.

I crept into my bed and didn’t think much about what happened and just lit a smoke and started puffing away.


A few minutes later she emerged from the bathroom and started to make her bed on the sofa, from where I was, I could see that underneath that robe she wasn’t wearing anything. Suddenly she turned around and said ” sir do you drink”? I said yes and I just had a couple of pegs!


She said ” sir I am feeling cold and can I have a drink???

I said ” help yourself, it’s right there on the table

She got herself two pegs and in moments she was groggy and swaying, so I got up and helped to the sofa and made her comfortable.

In minutes she was asleep and that’s the way the night went on


Next morning

I wake up early,5 pm to be exact, went for my early morning jog and come back to my suite and I see her still sleeping, wake her up, usual sorry and all those stuff etc etc

The day goes along and in the evening she comes to my suite to apologize for what happened last night…blah blah


I said it’s ok. You want a drink, as I was already on my first, she said yes and also I want that robe. Gave it to her, she changed and sat on the sofa , legs wide apart, I swear I could see her pussy all covered in hairs, I got an instant hardon and thought that she wants to get laid.

I said ” you are sexy” she said ” you are a horse”

I saw your thing it’s pretty big.


I said ” have you done this before? She said yes once before



I went and sat beside her and start to kiss her, she instantly starts to french kiss, I loved it and start to caress her boobs, oooo they are silky smooth and soft,I move down my mouth to her boobs and start to suck each one, they are so taut and the nipples are taut and erect,I move down to her pussy and part the robe and go wild on her cunt, she just goes wild and starts to thrust her cunt back to my mouth and says ” Khai de moor phuta tu kha sala” ( eat my cunt)

I slid down and start to lick her asshole, she goes wilder, starts to buck her ass againsnt my mouth and says”tika tu sudibo niki”?( are you gonna fuck my ass too?)

I said yes, I will fuck all your holes


Sir please your bari( cock) is too thick, I can’t take it my pokor ( ass)

I said you can have everything


I come up to 69 position now and thrust my lauda in her mouth, she resists initially but starts to suck it ackwardly. I don’t mind

We lay in this position for about 15 mins and by this time my face is all smeared with her juices……..


Sneha , by this time was fully aroused, and was shouting like hell’ Sud na raj Muk sudi de, mur bur tu garam hoi goise, Bari daal bhorai de na….( fuck me raj,fuck me, my cunt is all wet now, shove your cock in)

But I was in no mood to oblige Sneha,I wanted her to get wilder,,, so I kept on sucking her pussy, she was getting wilder, buckling her hips like a wild horse, but I still kept on sucking her pussy, licking her clit,,,,I wanted Sneha to be wild and bold


Suddenly Sneha got up and said ” raj I want your cock in my cunt!!!!


I said ok but before that you to have the ass treatment

Sneha said”What’s that”?


I turned Sneha over and spread her legs and pulled up her ass up above in doggy style and started to lick her asshole, she jumped at my first lick and moaned mmmmmmmm bodhiya ( nice) , her asshole was puckering in and out in anticipation.


I inserted one finger in her asshole and she jumped, I caught her by her hips with my other hand and started to finger fuck her ass… it was slowly getting loose so I inserted my second finger and this time it hurt her and she screamed, raj ulai diyok, beekhai se( pull it out, its paining), unmindful to her I kept on finger fucking her asshole and after about 10 mins I could feel that her hole was quite loose….


I took out my fingers and licked her asshole, I could see that her asshole was all red and puckering, I took my position behind her and a aligned my cock with her ass and the tip of my cock was on hole, Sneha understood what I was planning to do and said” raj pokor’t nusudibo please, bot bikhabo, moi aji loke pokor’t luya nai, please( I have never been fucked in my ass, please don’t fuck me there)


Whether I fucked her in her ass or not and what happened next will follow in my next post


Remaining part to follow


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About Abhilasha Bakshi

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