Cousin’s Wife Became Mine Part – 2

When Seema called me to accompany her on the bed. I readily agreed and went near my bed and lied next to her. She lied facing me and we talked about my gym and nutrition etc. She made a remark that my music collection seems pretty impressive as I had all the songs of Bob Marley, Jimi Hendrix, and MJ. She said that she too was a big fan of Hendrix and MJ. We lied in that position and talked a lot but suddenly there was a lot of silence between us. I was looking straight into her beautiful eyes and God damn it! They’re the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen till now. It was a bit embarrassing silence. She broke the silence and said”Thank You”

I was a bit puzzled and I asked her “Thank You for what”Seema: For standing by my side that day.Me: Oh never mind. It my duty.Seema. You know one thing Josh, I have never felt like this.Me. Like what?

Seema: Cared and loved by someone. What you did on that day might be pretty normal to you but not for me because, throughout my life, I have never had anyone who would take my side during an argument. I was always treated like an insect. My parents never wanted me it seems because they never came to see me after I came to my in-laws. My husband always treated me like a servant and never cared about my wishes but you cared for me like a good friend and did things which no one else would ever do for me.

As she said this, I saw her eyes getting moist and It appeared as she would start crying at any moment. I consoled her and said that she need not worry about anything here as she too was now a member of our family. Tears escaped from her beautiful eyes. I couldn’t help myself from embracing her I placed my hand over her and gave a kind of hug. She put her arm around me a came closer to me and started to cry like a baby. I held her cheeks and said that now, she has me and she doesn’t need to be afraid of anyone. I wiped her tears and placed a light kiss on her forehead. The heat was too much for me to bear. I gave her a tight hug and whispered into her ears that everything will be OK very soon. I forgot the fact that even during that moment my little soldier was doing its workouts.

It was hard like an iron rod. She must have felt my dick poking her nighty in her groin area. She came much closer and she dug her face deeper into my chiseled chest. She was hugging me tightly and was up to something. She looked up me in my face and kissed me on my lips. I was carried away by the strong emotions inside me and I kissed her back. We kissed passionately for quite a long time. At last we broke our kiss to catch some breath.

We again hugged each other as much tight as we could. I put my leg over her and she my dick was touching her pussy area. The only barriers were two fine pieces of fabric between us. I removed the blanket covering us and stood up. She asked what happened. I replied that I just wanted to enjoy y first night. She blushed and covered her face with her hands. I lifted her and made her stand. I hugged her and we had another passionate lip lock. Meanwhile, my hands found their way to her back. Both of my hands were now on her ass cheeks. I pressed them hard and she let out a soft moan. I then brought my hands to the front and pressed her breasts gently. It was too much for her to bear. She broke the kiss and turned and tried to run back under the blankets. I caught her by her waist. It was really very nice to hold such a sexy waist. I took her near a mirror and described her beauty to her. She was very shy as I think this was the first time when a man was praising her beauty.

I caught her breasts from behind and started pressing them. She moaned softly. She placed her hands over mine and asked me to go slow as it was hurting her. I withdrew my hands and grabbed the fabric from near her waist and lifted it. As the cloth was above her shoulders, she lifted her arms and now there was the most beautiful product of God standing in front of me. I was mesmerized by her beauty. I checked her out from top to bottom and whispered in her ears that she looks ravishing. She again blushed. She was still shy as she had her breasts covered by crossing her arms and her legs bend in such a way that they gave minimal vision to her pussy. In the dim light, I could see that she had trimmed her pussy hairs. I hugged her from behind and made her turn around kissed her on her forehead. She hugged me as much tight as she could. I lifted her and dropped her on our bed. I parted her legs which she resisted a lot. After parting her legs, I started kissing her legs from her toes to her thighs. As soon as I neared her pussy, she felt ticklish and laughed. I kissed her pussy. She jerked and asked what dirty thing was I doing. Well, I got it that my cousin had never given her oral pleasure.

I licked her pussy and was tongue fucking her now. She moaned a lot but she closed her mouth with her hands as she did not want my mom to know about this and throw her out of our house and ruin our newly formed bondage. I licked her pussy lick and then inserted a finger into her pussy and finger fucked her. She came in no time and I drank all her vaginal discharge. As soon as I got up, she pulled me towards her and gave me a deep kiss on my lips and said that she had never experienced anything like this. I now said that she hasn’t seen anything yet as the main course was yet to start. I placed my dick near her pussy and rubbed it over her pussy. It was too much hot for her to bear. She asked me to insert it and not to torture her. I wanted to make her beg for it.

I continued patting my dick on her pussy and rubbing it over her. I would insert a portion of the tip and then would withdraw it back and again rub it. Now she had gone crazy with all this action. She held my dick in her hand and inserted it inside her by lifting her hips up a little but my dick was a too big to go into her at once. I was now enough playing games. I inserted my tip in her pussy and she left a soft scream (ahhhhh…ahhhhh)

She must have felt both pain and pleasure as her pussy was tight. I humped for a few more minutes and soon my full dick was inside her pussy. I made the to and fro motion and now she was not able to control her moans. I had to place my lips over hers to keep her moans down. She crossed her legs around my waist and hugged me tightly.

She scratched my back with every thrust and her nails dug into my skin. We fucked like rabbits. She acted weird and I assumed she was reaching climax and so was I. Both of us climaxed at the same time. And I was exhausted after all this. I lied on top of her with my limp cock still inside her. I tried to move and lie next to her but she said it was okay and I could lie like that. She turned around a bit now we were lying side by side with my dick in her pussy. She asked if I mind taking my dick out of her pussy. I took it out and said that It felt good. I said that so did I. We hugged and exchanged kisses. She offered to give me a blowjob. I obliged and she was a good learner. Though it was new to her, she learned very quickly. We went to 69 positions and cummed again in each other’s mouths. Until morning, we had two more sessions. I woke up late in the morning. Mom had already left for office and I noticed that I had my shots on. First I thought that it must have been a dream but the pain in my back because of her nails made realize that each and every second of the unforgettable experience was real. I went to kitchen and seema was preparing lunch. I went beside her and hugged her. She smiled and said “It seems my darling is hungry for more”

I told that I can never have enough of her and we had another session on the kitchen floor and we fucked till evening. This continued till she got a divorce and her parents asked her to stay with them. It was my deeds that she got pregnant and everyone thinks that it my Cousin’s child, Only I and Seema know that am her daughter’s real father. Now she is happy with her parents. She visits us whenever we need each other’s love and comfort. It’s bad that I cannot marry her as she is my cousin’s ex-wife.

Hope you guys liked this story.please feel free to contact and write to me.[email protected]

About Abhilasha Bakshi

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